Chapter 2459 I don't like sneaking around

Chen Li looked Mo Xiaobai up and down, and said, "Hey, I didn't expect that you just took over the company's number one diamond king Laowu just a few months after you joined the company, and let us work hard for the company for several years Although I am very unwilling, I still want to wish you and Boss Shen an early marriage and an early son!"

Mr. Shen...

"You mean Mr. Shen?" Mo Xiaobai suddenly widened his eyes.

It wasn't Meng Zhanyang!
"Everyone in the company already knows that you are Mr. Shen's girlfriend!"

Chen Li took out her lipstick to touch up her makeup, and looked at Mo Xiaobai enviously through the mirror: "Mr. Take care of you."

"He really said that?" God, wouldn't it be hard for her to ride a tiger!

"Of course, it's still fake. Mr. Shen is so kind to you. I'm so envious. Having such an excellent boyfriend as Mr. Shen is a blessing in eight lifetimes. Hurry up and have fun!"

Chen Li admired herself alone in the mirror, complained about herself, and said that she was not bad looking, but why couldn't she meet a good man?
Alas... the same people have different fates, I can't be envious!

Mo Xiaobai had been labeled "Shen Hanyang's girlfriend", and it spread throughout the company in a short period of time, even Meng Zhanyang, who didn't care about the employees' private affairs, knew about it.

The cigarette suddenly became more intense.

As get off work was approaching at noon, Shen Hanyang came to the finance department early to wait for Mo Xiaobai.

After greeting his colleagues in the finance department, he walked to Mo Xiaobai's side with a smile on his face, and put his hands on her shoulders naturally. The intimate gesture was no different from that of a couple.

"Go eat dumplings at noon, okay?"

Shen Hanyang knew that Mo Xiaobai had always disliked extravagance and waste, so the two of them went out to eat as simple as possible.

"it is good!"

Mo Xiaobai pushed away Shen Hanyang's big hand on her shoulder, and was about to speak when Meng Zhanyang opened the door and came out: "Do you want to eat dumplings? I'll come too!"

"Don't you not like eating dumplings?" Shen Hanyang asked wonderingly.

"Suddenly want to eat, can't you?"

"Okay, of course, let's go!"


A group of three people walked out of the company in the eyes of everyone and went to the dumpling restaurant near the company.

"Zhanyang, help me take care of Xiaobai more in the future. She has just started working, and she will inevitably make mistakes. For my sake, don't be too strict!"

As soon as he was seated, Shen Hanyang held Mo Xiaobai's shoulders and begged for favors from Meng Zhanyang.

"I don't have to give other people's face, but I must give it to you!"

Meng Zhanyang always had a smile on his face, unable to see his true emotions. When his deep pupils glanced at Mo Xiaobai who was stunned, there was a flash of coldness that was fleeting.

"Thank you!" Shen Hanyang felt Mo Xiaobai's stiffness, and he didn't want to make her unhappy, so he slowly withdrew his hand: "Do you still like Rose?"

"Well, I like it, thank you!" Mo Xiaobai felt uncomfortable all over his body, even if he didn't raise his head, he could still feel Meng Zhanyang's gaze like a sharp sword.

"nice! You love it!"

Taking advantage of Meng Zhanyang's opportunity to go to the bathroom, Mo Xiaobai complained to Shen Hanyang in a low voice: "Why are you talking nonsense in the company without my consent?"

"I didn't talk nonsense!" Shen Hanyang was very aggrieved, with a bitterly handsome face: "Men are unmarried, women are married, can't they fall in love in an open and aboveboard manner, I don't like sneaking around!"


(End of this chapter)

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