Chapter 2580 He wants to be a father
"Then sing the national anthem to me."

"Okay!" Shen Hanyang made a rare request, she couldn't bear to refuse, cleared her throat, and sang: "Get up, people who don't want to be slaves, cast our flesh and blood into our new Great Wall..."

"Get up, get up, get up... We are united and brave the enemy's artillery fire, go forward, go forward, go forward..."

Mo Xiaobai sang hard on the other end of the phone, but Shen Hanyang laughed until tears came out on the other end of the phone.

Unable to hear Shen Hanyang's voice, Mo Xiaobai asked embarrassingly: "I finished singing, did I get out of tune?"

Only then did Shen Hanyang let go of the hand covering his mouth, and he was out of breath from laughing: "I didn't hear where the tune was at all."

"You are so annoying!" Mo Xiaobai blushed, "Don't ask me to sing in the future, I can't sing in the first place."

"Then play the piano for me." No matter how many years it has been, Shen Hanyang still clearly remembers the scene of Mo Xiaobai playing the piano in the western restaurant in which he invested. There is an illusion of being in a fairyland.

She always surprises him.

"Okay, I'll play it for you when you come back." Shen Hanyang only left for a day, and Mo Xiaobai felt as if he had been gone for a long time.

Every minute and every second is infinitely stretched and stretched.

Living alone in such a big house feels lonely and lonely. There is no one to talk to, so I can only talk to myself.

Come back, come back...

She kept shouting in her heart, but she couldn't really say it.

Because she knew that Shen Hanyang was in the same mood as hers, if he could leave, he would definitely not stay longer.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Shen Hanyang was very worried that Mo Xiaobai would have a nightmare. He was not by her side, what should he do if he had a nightmare?
"It's pretty good." Mo Xiaobai didn't want Shen Hanyang to worry, so he said lightly, "Sleep until dawn."

In fact, after she was woken up from the nightmare, she sat on the balcony in a daze waiting for the sunrise. After waiting for a long time, she saw the light red dawn in the sky.

For several hours, she thought of him countless times, even the stars in the sky, she would mistake them for his eyes.

"That's good." Shen Hanyang lowered his voice: "I miss you so much, do you miss me?"

Mo Xiaobai didn't hide his feelings at all, and nodded firmly: "Well, I think so too."

"Heh, isn't it lonely to sleep alone?" Shen Hanyang's mood suddenly improved, and he joked about Mo Xiaobai.

Although he couldn't see it, he could imagine that she must be blushing now, she was always so shy, her face was like a red apple, very cute.

Mo Xiaobai scolded coquettishly: "I hate it, I'm not lonely. It's so comfortable to sleep alone. I have such a big, such a big bed all by myself. I can turn over however I want. Rolling around doesn't matter." People block, how comfortable."

"Be careful not to roll to the ground, I will feel bad when I fall."

Shen Hanyang smiled and narrowed his eyes, full of joy, he really wanted to fly back, hug Mo Xiaobai, and roll around on the bed together.

Mo Xiaobai protested dissatisfied: "I'm not that stupid, I'm not a child, and I fell out of bed."

The speaker didn't care but the listener did. When Mo Xiaobai mentioned children, Shen Hanyang remembered her nightmare the night before, and he didn't know how long the nightmare had haunted her. If they had children, maybe she wouldn't have nightmares anymore.

Without thinking too much, he blurted out: "After a while, let's have a baby!"

30 years old is just right, he wants to wait for his father.

(End of this chapter)

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