Chapter 2593 The transaction will not end
Mo Xiaobai almost threw the water glass in Meng Zhanyang's hideous handsome face.

"Get out of your beginning and end."

"From the day you traded with me, you should have known that there is no turning back. You have only one choice, understand?" Meng Zhanyang leaned against the door frame, smiling gloatingly.

Indeed, she had thought clearly at that time, even without hesitation, but plans were never as fast as changes. She never thought that she could continue her relationship with Shen Hanyang, and Shen Hanyang had paid so much for her...

Thinking of Shen Hanyang, her heart ached like a twist.

Mo Xiaobai remained silent, staring at her toes in a daze, Meng Zhanyang knew what she was thinking, and curled his lips: "Half a year will pass soon."

Maybe it was very fast for Meng Zhanyang, but for Mo Xiaobai, it was like years.

"Don't you want to be found by Hanyang? I can help you. All kinds of fake documents are enough for you to hide your name in Yucheng and live in style." Meng Zhanyang raised his eyebrows: "Think about it, after half a year, you can have a brand new No one can disturb your life."

Mo Xiaobai also knew that it was impossible to hide like this for the rest of her life, she was like an ostrich, she put her head in the sand, thinking she was safe, unaware of the potential crisis.

"I'll give you a day to think about it, and call me when you're done thinking about it." Meng Zhanyang walked to the door: "I live in Room 1314 of the Royal Hotel opposite, and you can come and find me directly!"

After Meng Zhanyang finished speaking, he left Mo Xiaobai's apartment.

Although he left, the shock he left Mo Xiaobai lingered for a long time.

Sigh...Looking at Meng Zhanyang's tall and straight back, Mo Xiaobai sighed faintly.

What should she do?

Meng Zhanyang's sudden arrival completely disrupted her gradually normal life.

When washing the dishes, I was very preoccupied. If I accidentally slipped my hand, the bowl fell to the ground and shattered.

He stared blankly at the debris all over the floor, at a loss.

Chaos, chaos, everything is messed up!

Mo Xiaobai was not even in the mood to read, sitting on the tatami, looking at the Jialing River not far away, asking himself over and over again, what should I do, what should I do?
She knew Meng Zhanyang too well, he would never give up until he reached his goal, his persistence was frightening, he was the source of her nightmares.

I don't know how long I sat there, the night slowly fell, the rare clear sky, countless stars twinkled in the twilight, just like Meng Zhanyang's eyes, staring at her closely.

The phone rang suddenly, which startled her, her hand shook, and the lemon tea spilled out, soaking a large area of ​​her skirt.

I have a bad feeling in my heart.

Although he hadn't seen the call yet, Mo Xiaobai had already guessed that it was Meng Zhanyang's call. These days, the phone seldom rang, and her number was only told to her parents.

Putting down the teacup and picking up the phone, she did not guess wrong. The name she knew so well flashed in her clear eyes, like a shining sharp sword piercing her heart.

Escape is not the solution, Mo Xiaobai has no other way out, so he can only choose to face it.

Taking a deep breath, she firmly pressed the answer button, as determined as someone who is going to die.

"Hello..." The voice trembled faintly.

"You've been thinking about it all afternoon, have you figured it out now?" Meng Zhanyang stood by the window and looked up into the distance. His eyesight was excellent, and he found Mo Xiaobai's petite figure among hundreds of floor-to-ceiling windows.

(End of this chapter)

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