Chapter 2619

What a pair of men and women, maybe they can really be happy.

Meng Zhanyang seemed to have finished his work. He returned to the car and knocked on the glass window next to Mo Xiaobai: "Get down quickly."

"Go back, I'm not in the mood to go to the park." It's not about dating, a place like the park is really not suitable for her relationship with him.

"Come down!" With an undoubted tone, Meng Zhanyang was already a little unhappy.

Mo Xiaobai always disobeyed him, but there was nothing he could do.

Worried that Mo Xiaobai would ignore him again, Meng Zhanyang's attitude softened immediately, and he said gently, "Come down, let me show you something."

"What?" No matter what, she was not interested in looking at it, and she was in a terrible mood.

"You'll know it when you see it!" Meng Zhanyang opened the car door and dragged Mo Xiaobai towards the center of the square.

"The lights are dark, what's there to see!" Maybe there are few people walking around at night, the street lights in the Wetland Park are very dark, and the distances are far away, and there are only hazy shadows in the pavilions and pavilions.

Walking to the center of the square, where Meng Zhanyang was busy just now, he took out the lighter and lit the fuse without saying a word. Suddenly, the sky was filled with fireworks, illuminating Mo Xiaobai's face.

"Do you like it?" Meng Zhanyang took great pains to create romance, but he was frustrated that he didn't get the desired effect. The smile on his face was a little stiff, and he carefully observed Mo Xiaobai's expression.

He only saw indifference and indifference, but no joy or emotion at all.

"Normal!" Mo Xiaobai was puzzled, and after finishing speaking lightly, he turned on his toes and walked back.

"Mo Xiaobai!" Meng Zhanyang was extremely disappointed, he put his arms around Mo Xiaobai's waist, rolled his long arms, took her into his arms, and kissed her fiercely.

Everything was silent, Mo Xiaobai seemed to hear Meng Zhanyang's heartbeat, and he was as anxious and chaotic as her.

Mo Xiaobai naturally wouldn't feel the chill in Meng Zhanyang's arms, but the frenzy bursting out of her heart made her flustered.

Sucking, licking, and biting, her lips were his delicacy.

After eating enough, he let go out of breath.

"Do you understand what I mean?" His voice was strangely hoarse, even a little excited.

Explain it clearly, but she doesn't seem to understand it, and if she doesn't understand it, she seems to understand something.

Whether she understands it or not, she doesn't want to understand it.

Pushing away the hopeful Meng Zhanyang, Mo Xiaobai clutched his beating heart, ran away in a hurry, and got into the back seat of the Porsche Cayenne.

In the blink of an eye, the atmosphere changed a lot.

The air was too heavy to flow.

Mo Xiaobai had difficulty breathing, gasping for breath.

A firefly flew over without a sound. Mo Xiaobai lay on the window trying to catch it, but found that it was not a firefly, but unburned ashes, which disappeared without a trace when the wind blew.

Meng Zhanyang was greatly shocked, he didn't say anything after getting into the car, and drove all the way back to the Jiangnan family, and locked himself in the study.

That night, Mo Xiaobai's sleep quality was very poor, she didn't really fall asleep.

Her mind was filled with pictures that she didn't want to recall anymore.

The next day, Mo Xiaobai made breakfast with dark circles under his eyes, and Meng Zhanyang was similarly depressed. They sat opposite each other at the dining table, pretending not to see each other's bad state.

"I'm going on a business trip for a few days, so I won't come here." After eating bread and eggs, Meng Zhanyang finally couldn't help opening his mouth while drinking milk, breaking the deadlock.

"Oh!" Mo Xiaobai wiped off the milk froth on his mouth with half a tissue, and said casually, "I'm going back to Bincheng this afternoon."

(End of this chapter)

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