Chapter 2715 Help me!
"Mo Xiaobai doesn't want you anymore, how about staying with me?"

Meng Zhanyang picked up the water bottle and said desolately, "It's really uncomfortable to be abandoned."

Suddenly feeling stupid, Meng Zhanyang laughed at himself.

On the way here, he planned to throw out all Mo Xiaobai's things, but when he arrived at the Jiangnan family, he couldn't bear it anymore.

Pulling open the woven bag in the corner, there are some clothes that Mo Xiaobai might not want inside.

Meng Zhanyang flipped through it casually, and found a pair of pink underwear wrapped around his hand. The pattern on it had been washed off, but its cute appearance remained the same.

It is not difficult to imagine what a seductive image Mo Xiaobai once wore.

The heart was pounding, and the parts that had been silent for a long time were full of vitality. A trace of jasmine fragrance penetrated into the nostrils, and Meng Zhanyang's blood boiled at this moment.

"Mo Xiaobai, you love Shen Hanyang so much?"

Although Meng Zhanyang refused to admit it, he was really jealous of Shen Hanyang in his heart.

His life is dying, and there are still women who are willing to bear children for him without asking for a name.

Mo Xiaobai, you big fool, don't you know that it's sad to be pregnant before marriage?

It turns out that a heart supported by love can be so strong, which really surprised Meng Zhanyang.

At night, Meng Zhanyang had a dream, dreaming that Shen Hanyang and Mo Xiaobai came to his wedding with their children, showing off their happiness to him.

Give me back Mo Xiaobai!
Meng Zhanyang couldn't help shouting out, opened his eyes, the room was full of darkness.

Not seeing Shen Hanyang, not seeing Mo Xiaobai, let alone the child, he couldn't help but think of his and Mo Xiaobai's child, who had already left before he knew the existence of the child, his child was the most pitiful.

How many times did Meng Zhanyang want to rush to Mo Xiaobai and question her, it was also her child, why the treatment was so poor, his child, isn't it worthy to be born?
Too many times of heartache, Meng Zhanyang has become numb, slowly accepting the unfair treatment of fate.

He has already obtained a lot, so give some to Shen Hanyang, why bother with people who are on the verge of disappointment.

Meng Zhanyang and Qin Siying's wedding was unprecedentedly grand, the only fly in the ointment was that Qin Siying could only be a wheelchair bride.

In order to save Meng Zhanyang, she suffered a comminuted fracture of one leg and had to use a wheelchair for one or two years.

Although she is in a wheelchair, Qin Siying's beauty can make up for this shortcoming. The snow-white and fluffy wedding dress looks like the most beautiful hibiscus in Jiangcheng in early winter.

Carrying Qin Siying into the Maybach wedding car, Meng Zhanyang sprinkled hundreds of red envelopes and left proudly amidst the cheers of the crowd.

Although the bride was sitting beside him, Meng Zhanyang couldn't help but ask himself, is this his wedding?
Why is it so unreal? His people are here, but his soul has already lost his whereabouts.

Finishing the ceremony like a walking dead, accepting the blessings of relatives and friends, the smile on Meng Zhanyang's face was as stiff as a mask.

On the wedding night in the bridal chamber, when so many men were crazy about it, Meng Zhanyang hid in the study and drank, his heart suddenly hurt, like a needle prick, and there seemed to be a familiar voice calling in his ear: "Meng Zhanyang, Meng Zhanyang, help me..."

Meng Zhanyang shook his head, laughing at himself for being muddled after drinking. Mo Xiaobai was a thousand kilometers away, so he couldn't hear him even if he yelled loudly.

"Meng Zhanyang, save me... Come and save me..."

No, it wasn't an illusion, Meng Zhanyang suddenly woke up for the most part.

(End of this chapter)

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