Chapter 796 Nasty green tea bitch ([-])

After Lu Mufeng and Bai Youming finished talking, they had to greet other guests.

Qi Yuxi followed him.

Because the skirt was too long, Qi Yuxi would lift the hem of the skirt with her hands regardless of her image.

When she lifted the hem of the skirt, she found that it couldn't be lifted. Looking back, the foot that was stepping on the hem of her skirt quickly shrank back.

Qi Yuxi's eyes moved up and fell on He Yunzi's innocent face.

She was talking to Bai Youming, and she didn't seem to realize that she had just stepped on Qi Yuxi's skirt.

"Mr. Bai, Miss He, please help yourself."

Qi Yuxi quietly lifted her skirt and walked away.

Although it was only a small matter, she already knew that she would be wary of He Yunzi in the future.

A woman's jealousy is the most terrifying thing in the world. Once it strikes, it will be extremely destructive.

Qi Yuxi followed Lu Mufeng through the venue.

She is knowledgeable, mature and stable, and she speaks generously, which has been unanimously praised by the guests.

After all, she is not a little girl anymore, maybe it is because she has read a lot of books, she has a bookish temperament, elegant and quiet, giving people a feeling of indifference to the world.

Qi Yuxi is not really aloof from the world.

She has always believed in "People don't offend me, I don't offend others".

Whoever treats her kindly, she will pay back ten cents, and whoever treats her badly, she will also pay back ten cents.

Qi Yuxi wasn't interested in the topic the man was talking about, so she went to entertain the rich ladies.

She could at least say a few words on the topic of women.

If you don't talk, you don't know, almost all the famous people in Jiangcheng have sent their children abroad.

This child is in the UK, that child is in the US, and only Qi Yuxi's child is in China.

A woman in a white dress said proudly: "My daughter is only six years old and already speaks five languages. She called me a few days ago and speaks fluent French. I can't understand it at all."

"Your daughter is not bad. My son is seven years old and can only speak three languages. He likes to play the piano. Charles, the prince of piano, wanted to accept him as a closed student. I was afraid that playing the piano would waste his studies, so I rejected it. No matter how good he is at playing the piano, it is useless. It's better to learn more about business management, and help his father share the burden in the future."

The woman in the yellow dress looked very dissatisfied with her son, but she was actually showing off.

The woman in the blue dress is not to be outdone: "My son is eight years old, and he is already writing scripts and novels in German, and Hollywood producers have taken a fancy to his scripts, praised him for his imagination, and are planning to make a movie. , when the time comes, I will book the venue and invite you to see it.”

"Your children are amazing."

Although Qi Yuxi is also envious, she doesn't want to deprive her children of the right to enjoy childhood. A carefree childhood is so short that it cannot be ruined by adults' comparisons.

After the women finished praising their children, their attention fell on Qi Yuxi.

Qi Yuxi smiled and said: "My son is playful and only knows English and Chinese. He will start elementary school next year. I plan to let him go to a public elementary school."

The woman in the blue dress said: "How can I go to a public primary school? The teachers in a public primary school are not as good as private primary schools. Even if you don't send them abroad, at least you have to send them to an international school. It costs about [-] yuan a year. It’s not that I can’t get it out, so why save this little money.”

In the eyes of these three women, Qi Yuxi became an irresponsible mother who actually sent her child to a public elementary school, which is unbelievable.

Qi Yuxi said indifferently: "Private elementary schools have to live on campus. The children are too young, so I don't feel at ease living on campus, and I also want to spend more time with the children. Thank you for your concern."

(End of this chapter)

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