Chapter 633 Ancestors
Ao Batian was shocked, he was actually frightened by a brat.

After taking over this mission, they checked the edge of the Nether Graveyard, which is very dangerous, there is no need to fight with a group of people whose strength is not clear here, and lose troops.

Ao Batian said: "Yun'er is young and aggressive and doesn't do anything, please forgive me, Head Ye."

Huang Wuye lazily said: "Young Master is very forgiving, as long as this grandson calls Grandpa, there is no need for him to kowtow three times and nine times!"

"You..." Ao Yun's eyes burst into flames.

Even Ao Batian's complexion is not good, this kid who is unreasonable and unforgiving.

If his son called him grandpa, wouldn't he be his son?

"This... is a bit inappropriate! Why don't you change it to another one, such as Big Brother..." Ao Batian said.

"I don't care about such a little brother, I don't want to be called Grandpa, so I reluctantly let him call him..."

Speaking of this, Huang Wuye paused maliciously for a while.

Everyone also looked at her in unison, Huang Wuye said: "Then call me ancestor! I am very tolerant."

The members of the Aoling Mercenary Corps were about to vomit blood at this moment, but Ao Batian said with a half-smile: "Captain Ye is so funny!"

"I'm serious, you agreed after all! Fulfill your bet early and set off early! Don't you want to stay until dark? After dark, the Nether Graveyard is even more dangerous." Huang Wuye said coldly.

The members of Han's family also came out to smooth things over, "This... this, should we wait until we finish the task before fulfilling the bet."

Ao Yun nodded slightly, "Who knows if this kid can come out alive after entering the Nether Graveyard, it's better to die inside."

"Master doesn't like other people signing debts. Either obediently do it now, or don't think about it for anyone."

Luo Yaoxue hugged Huang Wuye and said, "Xiao Ye'er, talking nonsense with these people is too much time? Just let them disappear?"

As soon as Luo Yaoxue's words fell, a burst of frost condensed on the ground, and everyone seemed to have fallen into an ice cave.

Their eyes widened. Not only was that enchanting man not a vase, but he also possessed terrifying power.

Ao Batian was frightened stupid at this time, and scolded: "Aoyun, since you are betting with someone, you must be willing to admit defeat!"


How could he endure such humiliation without screaming!

A chill directly enveloped him, making it difficult for him to breathe, and death was close at hand.

He couldn't help shivering, looked at Huang Wuye and shouted: "Grandpa... Grandpa..."

Huang Wuye raised her eyebrows slightly. "You guys don't have a good memory at such a young age? Didn't the young master change his mind?"

Ao Yun blushed and said, "Ancestor!"

The faces of the entire Aoling adventurer team were unpredictable, and then Huang Wuye waved his hand lightly and said: "Very good! Let's forget about this matter."

The terrifying coldness disappeared in an instant, as if the feeling of icy cold just now was just their hallucination.

Ao Yun almost gritted his teeth.What happened just now is absolutely a shame for his life.

He must let this kid die forever in the Nether Graveyard.

Ao Batian smiled and said: "The misunderstanding is resolved, then we must unite in the future. The captain led people in to investigate before, and lost a lot of people to come out safely, so if we don't unite, I'm afraid we will die in the Nether Graveyard."

Huang Wuye said: "No problem, my people have always been very obedient, but I don't know the people of your Aoling adventurer team, how about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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