Poison Concubine Abandoned Daughter

Chapter 1457 Behind the Door

Chapter 1457 Behind the Door
Yun Qianyou took the place of the others and followed Bai Shaotang.

However, she didn't dare to get too close to Bai Shaotang, for fear of being discovered.Therefore, she can only pretend to be a relatively ordinary person.

Because of her ordinary status, she can only serve outside Bai Shaotang's courtyard.

Baili Suchen also turned into another identity and stood on the other side, but they cooperated seamlessly.

They believed that Bai Shaotang and the others would never have thought that they would be here.

The most dangerous place is the safest place, and sometimes it makes sense.

Yun Qianyou felt very strange.

At such a time, Bai Shaotang actually still wants to retreat?
Baili Yichang and the others have left, isn't he afraid that Baili Yichang will tell the story?

Or in other words, he has great confidence?

Either way, it's not a good thing.

Yun Qianyou knew that Bai Shaotang was not an ordinary person, and he felt very dangerous to him.

However, only by following Bai Shaotang's side can it be possible to find the antidote.

During this period, Yun Qianyou planned to enter the room that he hadn't entered before.

However, the guards there were so tight that she couldn't find a chance to enter.

Of course, if she fights hard, she can get in, but she will definitely startle the snake.

Therefore, she could only wait patiently.

But soon, the opportunity came.

Bai Shaotang didn't know what he had fiddled with in the room, and when he came out, he looked excited.

Then, he took the few people guarding the door to the yard.

Looking at Bai Shaotang's appearance, he doesn't care at all that these people will tell their secrets.

But Yun Qianyou also understood the reason.

Those who can follow Bai Shaotang have sworn a poisonous oath and must not betray him.

Moreover, there are some poisons in their bodies.If you are disobedient, you will be poisoned and die.

When Yun Qianyou was looking for someone to attack, he also studied this very thoroughly.

It was also because the preparations were in place, so her identity was not discovered.

Now, she has the opportunity to come here with Bai Shaotang.

When approaching the courtyard, Yun Qianyou was also a little nervous, she was about to know what was going on here.

She has always been curious about what was put in it.

Although it looks inconspicuous here, but with so many defenses, how could it be possible that there is no problem at all?
She followed behind Bai Shaotang carefully and calmly, approaching step by step.

After entering the courtyard, Yun Qianyou was surprised to find that there were many organs around here!

Cautiously walking behind Bai Shaotang step by step, after successfully avoiding these traps, she also breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, Bai Shaotang opened a door on the ground, and a hole appeared.

Yun Qianyou complained in her heart, why did they drill underground?

Are there so many babies down here?

But no matter what, the bottom is much safer than the top.

Yun Qianyou and a few others followed behind Bai Shaotang and walked down carefully.

The air below is still quite smooth, and it looks bigger than the place where the Ice Emperor and the others were imprisoned before.

After coming down, Yun Qianyou frowned suddenly, because she smelled something different.

——That's the smell of spirit beasts!

Moreover, these flavors are very strong, which can prove that the strength of these spirit beasts is not weak.

Yun Qianyou carefully identified it, and was surprised to find that the strongest one here should be the existence of wild beasts!

Moreover, there are still many!

She sniffed again, feeling a little strange, as if there was a familiar smell?

The smell made her palpitate a little.

However, after turning a corner, they stopped quickly and could not go on.

It seems that the situation inside is not what they can see.

Yun Qianyou also had some mental preparations.

When she hypnotized that man before, she knew that she would stop here.

The person who was hypnotized by her and took over the identity has an insensitive sense of smell and doesn't care about these things.

——It should be said that they don't dare to care, after all, when Bai Shaotang doesn't let them know, they won't care, after all, life is important.

Because of this, the man didn't know what was inside, even if Yun Qianyou gave him deep hypnosis, he couldn't understand it.

But now, Yun Qianyou was sure that there must be many spirit beasts imprisoned here.

She looked at the people around, everyone was silent, she could only remain silent, and then obediently stood aside.

The people around Bai Shaotang are not talkative people, and they can't talk too much.

Following by his side for the past few days, Yun Qianyou was going crazy.

Yun Qianyou is not a talkative person either, but she always feels aggrieved and depressed when she is by Bai Shaotang's side.

But for the sake of Baili Suchen and the Ice Emperor, she could only endure it.

But now, seeing that they were all here, but they couldn't get in, she felt very upset.

Looking at the friends around her, she took a few steps back carefully and stood behind them.

After a long time, Bai Shaotang came out from inside.

After he came out, he didn't say a word, but his face was a little ugly, maybe he failed.

With an ugly expression on his face, he led everyone out of here.

After they came out, they realized that someone seemed to be missing.

However, they didn't think too much about it, because they had already observed it when they came out, and there was no one inside.

In other words, that person should have left after he came out.

They hesitated for a while, but finally said nothing.

Only the leading man thought that when he saw that man later, he must give him a good lesson.

They didn't say anything, and Bai Shaotang didn't care.

So, everyone didn't think too much about it, let alone knowing that Yun Qianyou had already stayed inside.

After they all left, Yun Qianyou carefully came out of the space.

When she came out, she always felt that something was wrong, but there was really no one else around, so she was relieved.

Then, she walked quickly inside.

When she reached the wall, she was stopped.

She rummaged up and down the wall until she found a tiny, faint switch at the very top.

If her eyes were not sharp enough, she would not be able to find the switch here.

After careful observation, she took out a stick and touched the switch carefully.

Soon, the door was opened.

She was a little excited, what the hell is in here?

The door was going up, and when a little gap was opened below, she could smell a much stronger smell than before.

These smells made her couldn't help but look at her nose, and the throbbing in her heart became more intense.

What the hell is going on here?Could there be something she was looking for?

During the time when the doors were all open, various thoughts flashed through her mind, making her sweat slightly.

When the door was officially opened, her expression changed suddenly after seeing the situation inside!
(End of this chapter)

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