Chapter 659

The jade pendant in Yun Qianyou's hand is called a true spar.

This is a spar that can hold true energy, so it is called a true spar.

Why does Jin Yanchen value this real spar so much, and think that it is incomparable to Xuan-level spiritual plants?

True spar is actually a yellow-grade ore, and its value is not low, but it is not unaffordable.

However, this true spar is full!
It's full of qi!
Yun Qianyou took a look, the zhenqi here was still very full, and it might have only been used a little.

Moreover, the true energy here is very strong and has been compressed into a liquid.

The true energy here can make two Wu Zuns become Wu Hous!
It is also possible to make a Wuhou a Wujue!
Such a rich infuriating energy is worth as much as a mysterious spiritual plant!
Looking at the real spar in his hand, Yun Qianyou was very happy with a smile on his face.

This is a surprise!
As long as it works well, the true energy here will play a very important role!

Moreover, the zhenqi placed inside is not mutually exclusive with other people.

Therefore, the true energy here is more useful than the spiritual energy!

Reiki enters the body, and it needs to be transformed to become true qi.However, these true qi can be directly absorbed by the human body!

Therefore, true crystals full of true energy are more popular than high-level spirit stones!

However, it takes too much time to fill the true spar.

And not everyone has the ability to fill up the real spar.

The real spar in Yun Qianyou's hand was smaller than a baby's palm, but at least it would take a Martial Emperor several months to fill it up!
Therefore, this kind of thing is really not worthwhile.

But now, Yun Qianyou got this real spar by accident.

She was also very happy in her heart.

Fortunately, she didn't kill Jin Yanchen before, otherwise, this thing would not be in her hands.

Who knows where Jin Yanchen put his things before, but he was really unlucky this time, he was dropped several times, and even the real spar was dropped.

After thinking about it, she brought Pingping Tingting over.

"Miss, what's the matter?" The two were a little nervous.

Why did Yun Qianyou let them come here in the middle of the night?

Generally speaking, Yun Qianyou doesn't need their service at night.This suddenly called them over, and their first reaction was that something big had happened.

Yun Qianyou smiled slightly, "Don't worry, this is a good thing."

"Good thing?" The two wondered.

"It's a great thing!" Yun Qianyou took out the real spar.

"Isn't this something we picked up today?" The two of them were still very impressed with this thing.

"what is this?"

It shouldn't be an ordinary jade pendant, otherwise Yun Qianyou wouldn't say it was a good thing.

But because the two of them are not familiar with these things, they don't know what's good.

"This is a true spar." Yun Qianyou explained.

"True spar?"

"Yes, with this thing, you can break through!"

The two were stunned for a moment, and then they were pleasantly surprised, "We can break through?!"

They are about the same age as Yun Qianyou, but Yun Qianyou has reached a height they don't know, but they are still Wu Zun.

This kind of strength is really unbearable.

If Yun Qianyou needed help, they could only watch from the sidelines.No way, the strength is too weak.

However, if they keep practicing like this, they don't know when they will be able to improve.

They are still working hard to practice combined attack, but now it seems that they have reached a bottleneck, no matter how hard they try, they can't make more improvements.

They thought that it might be necessary to improve their strength in order to have new changes.

"What's in here?" They wondered, "Why is there true energy in it?"

"Here is the true energy poured in by others."

"True Qi?" The two became even more confused, "Who poured it in?"

"Of course someone poured it in. As for who, how do I know?"

"Okay, don't talk so much, let's improve our strength first." Yun Qianyou said.

"Is there a lot of real anger in here?"

"A lot." Yun Qianyou nodded, "It's enough for you to become Marquis of Wu."

"Marquis Wu?!"

The two gasped.

Their talents are also very strong, and they are now Wu Zun.However, it will take a lot of time to continue to improve.

"Then why don't you use it?"

"I don't need it anymore." Yun Qianyou shook his head, "For me, this is the icing on the cake. But for you, this is a timely gift. Your current strength is too weak. When the time comes, go out and have to What's the matter, how do you protect me?"

Both of them blushed when Yun Qianyou said it, and then they blushed even more.

But not ashamed, but excited.

Miss is so kind to them!

"But why don't you give the things to the young master?"

They all knew of Gong Yujin's existence, and they also knew that Yun Qianyou would send there any good things.

And this thing is so good, why is it given to them?The young master needs it more!

"Don't give him this thing." Yun Qianyou shook his head, "If he gave this thing to him, he wouldn't be able to explain it."

Not long after Gong Yujin became Marquis of Wu, she suddenly became Marquis of Wu again. This speed is too fast, and it will definitely attract suspicion.

If he shows a genius, the Gong family will value him, but if he is too abnormal, it will arouse the suspicion of the Gong family.

After all, Gong Yujin has been staying at home and has no chance, so how could she improve so quickly?

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

Even if Baili Suchen said that he helped, it wouldn't make sense.

It would be bad if the Gong family followed him to find this place.

Therefore, she cannot give it to Gong Yujin.

Besides, with her help, Gong Yujin's promotion speed has not slowed down.If it is too fast, it is not a good thing for him.

After all, Gong Yujin is a real boy, different from Yun Qianyou, an old monster.

His mind is not yet fully mature, and it is not a good thing for him to improve too quickly.

As for Pingping Tingting, with her by her side, there would be no major problems.

After listening to Yun Qianyou's explanation, both of them were silent for a while, then nodded in unison.

"How does this work?" Tingting was excited, eager to try, "Could it be eaten?"

"Of course not." Yun Qianyou shook his head, "If you want to eat it, you will be poisoned to death!"

"What should I do?"

Yun Qianyou didn't make a fool of herself either, the night was long, so she couldn't waste time.

After absorbing the true energy, you have to digest it properly.

"It's actually very simple, hold it with both hands, and then use your own true energy to draw out the true energy inside."

Yun Qianyou continued: "However, a person can use it for fifteen minutes at most, and you can't be greedy for too much. Otherwise, not to mention improving, it will hurt yourself instead. After digesting it, continue."

Yun Qianyou's explanation stunned the two of them, "Is it that simple?"

"Of course it's not difficult."

If it is difficult, why is this true spar so popular?

 Thank you for [choked eyes and boiled heart], [枙瓜], [the melancholy in front of the window], [the young man looks... very nervous], [a song of Li Shang ヤ lining the solitary string], [cool color ↘ purple rose ], [Second tease of Unlimited House] for tipping, love you all~!

(End of this chapter)

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