Chapter 943 What were you looking at just now?

Fu Ya raised her eyelids, picked up a lipstick from the dressing table, opened it, looked at the color number, and rudely told the makeup artist, "Use this lipstick for me later."

Then he answered the make-up artist's question just now, with a smug look on his thin face, "It's a new song I wrote, isn't it nice?"

The make-up artist hated her domineering appearance, but she couldn't stand her father as a director of the company, so even if she was upset, she could only bear with it, and gave the young lady some face, "It sounds good."

She said it was nice, but her interest in the song faded in her heart.

She knew the level of the daughter of the director's family. If she wanted talents, she didn't have talents, and if she wanted looks, she didn't have good looks. Apart from a better figure, she had almost no merits. How could the songs she wrote be so good to listen to.The reason why Fu Ya was able to survive in the entertainment circle was because of his family background.Otherwise, relying on Fu Ya's 'strength', he might have been eliminated long ago if he could get to the top four.

However, sometimes reincarnation is also a kind of strength.

From a certain point of view, Fu Ya has much more 'strength' than most people in this circle!
She repainted the eyebrows of the person in front of the mirror.

Fu Ya looks beautiful in person, but if you look closely, she will look mean. Every time the makeup artist puts on her makeup, the biggest problem is how to reduce the meanness on her face through makeup.

This problem looks simple, but it is not simple at all.

Because meanness is not a practical problem such as too small eyes or too big mouth, but a relatively general concept.Therefore, it is much more troublesome to deal with than a flaw in a certain facial features.

Another problem with Fu Ya is that her skin has a bad foundation, it's too dark and not translucent enough.And the skin is dry, it is not easy to apply makeup.

This is also troublesome to deal with.

She can only get it out by carefully handling it bit by bit.

And this guy, relying on his family's background, even though his coffee position is small, he is not small at all.If the final result of her drawing is not satisfactory, Fu Ya will definitely not give her any face, not to mention scolding her bloody, and even lose her temper and ask her to draw again.

She made an appointment with her husband to eat steak in the evening, so she doesn't have so much international time to waste here!

For a moment, the dressing room fell silent.

Fu Ya waited for a while, and only waited for the makeup artist to say something nice, then she didn't continue. She didn't ask her the name of the new song and when it would be released.She felt inexplicably upset, she put on a straight face, but she was embarrassed to show that she wanted to show off.She could only divert her attention and vent her anger on the little assistant who was playing with her mobile phone while waiting for her makeup, "Play, play, did I pay you to come and play with your mobile phone?! Didn't see I'm going to die of thirst, why don't you hurry up and buy me water!"

The little assistant was scolded by her for no reason, and she didn't dare to talk back, so she quickly put down the phone and handed over the drink that she had prepared a long time ago, "Sister Xiaoya, this is the lemon soda from the store you like, I'll wait It’s ready for you. I’ll ask the boss to make a sugar-free and low-fat taste according to your preference.”

Fu Ya didn't expect that she had already bought it, and it was also her favorite store, even the taste was right.She couldn't get angry anymore, she frowned slightly, took the drink unhappily, and took a sip.Cai asked casually, "What were you looking at just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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