Chapter 984 She Doesn't Count Her Words
The policewoman who was usually in charge of interrogating Rong Weiwei reacted quickly, snatched the phone and scolded her, "Sit down, what do you want to do!"

"Give me the phone!" Rong Weiwei was so angry that she completely forgot about her own situation, thinking that she was the future young lady who was loved by thousands of people, and glared at the policewoman and stretched out her hand.

The female policeman sneered, returned the phone to Estelle, put her hands on her chest, and said with a sneer, "Who are you yelling at? Am I a policeman or are you a policeman? Find out who you are. Miss Rong, people You saw it too. Now I can explain how you drugged and bribed the little gangster, right?"

Rong Weiwei felt as if her face had been blown by the air. Under the stinging pain, her brain was dizzy and then soaked in ice water. When she woke up, her dazed eyes focused on the interrogation room from the dim light, and then on the couple in uniform in front of her. , holding a pen and paper in his hand, waiting for her to explain to the policeman, the blood on his face suddenly faded, and he fell back to his seat as if lost, "...I have never done it."

"Huh?" The young policewoman was so annoyed by her shameless behavior, she slapped the table and said loudly, "Miss Rong, I hope you will cooperate with our police work! Those gangsters have all pleaded guilty, and they all accused you of instigating They want to make X-faces. You said you didn't do it, and they all framed you?"

Rong Weiwei stroked her stomach, lowered her eyelids, and murmured, "They just slandered me, and it was Yanyan who bought them off to make them slander me."

She raised her head, her eyes were extremely gentle, she was completely different from the woman who was going crazy just now, "Aren't you the police? She falsely accused me, you should protect me."


"As you all heard just now, the benefactor behind her is Li Shengxiao. With that man around, it's not easy for her to bribe a few gangsters to frame me? I was wronged."

What she said was plausible, so if people who didn't know saw it, they would really be confused by her and think that she was the innocent party.

However, the policemen in the Beijing Detention Center who were in charge of interrogating her had been with her for a long time, and they had already figured out her hypocritical V performance, and they were indifferent to her sophistry.

The young policewoman threw the surveillance camera directly in front of her, "Okay. You said that Yan Yan accused you. What about this one. This is the surveillance video of the banquet provided by the Splendid Hotel, which shows you drugging the champagne of Rong Yan. Put your Every little action is clearly photographed, this will never be fake. You will never tell me that it is your appearance that bribes you to 'slander' yourself?"

Rong Weiwei returned to the state of silence.

The female policemen have seen her reaction every day these days, and every time they talked about monitoring, Rong Weiwei would play dead with them.She kicked down the table irritably, made a vibrating sound, and urged her to answer, "Speak up. Didn't you say that you were framed, then explain the monitoring clearly. After explaining, I will go to check your face."

Rong Weiwei raised her head, glanced at her, then lowered her head again, gently stroked her stomach with her hands, and the police officers who were frequently stimulated almost ran away with her.

But her mouth is like a zipper, no matter how provocative words the interrogators say or how much evidence they throw out, she has no second reaction other than touching her stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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