I announced to the chairman

Chapter 827 Unpredictable

Chapter 827 Unpredictable
Although I don't know what will happen to Zhen Zhen and Huo Jiaqi, but as far as Huo Jiaqi is concerned, he is worthy of blessing and true love.

He is a good man.

It is the true love of his life, I don't know if it will be Zhen Zhen.

After all, the beginning between him and Zhen Zhen was a little hasty.

"Thank you, Xiao Ge." Huo Jiaqi was probably moved a little sorely, and sniffed, "No relationship is easy, I believe, as long as you persevere, as long as you persevere, you will definitely... definitely be able to... "

He finally didn't go on.

There was boundless silence.

"Mr. Huo..." Su Ge really didn't know how to comfort others, even though Huo Jiaqi needed comfort very much at this time.

"The true meaning of love is not enough for two people to be together. I... hope you and Zhenzhen can be happy."

Whether it is the happiness of two people together, or their own happiness.

Sometimes with persistent persistence, you may get it, but what you get may not be what you want.

So if you really can't hold on anymore, when it really comes to that time, letting go may be the best choice.

Reality is always unpredictable.

Sometimes, you may have to accept reality.

"Mr. Huo, it's getting late, go to bed early."

Huo Jiaqi didn't speak for a long time, and Su Ge didn't know what to say.

She can't do anything about him and Zhenzhen.

Everything, can only go with the flow, obey the destiny.

"Xiaoge, I'm really bothering you tonight. Please don't tell Zhenzhen about my calling you."

Huo Jiaqi finally spoke again, but his voice was much hoarse than before.

"I know, Mr. Huo, don't worry."

Huo Jiaqi didn't say anything more, Su Ge took the initiative to hang up the phone.

After hanging up, she put the phone aside, the laptop screen had gone dark, she tapped the keyboard lightly, and the screen turned on again.

She didn't do anything, but looked at the mobile phone aside with some regret.

Huo Jiaqi and Zhen Zhen... one has a heart to belong to, and the other insists on waiting, will they really not be tired?

Such feelings...

Su Ge shook his head.

However, Mo Xingyuan's big pig's hoof is not a good man, otherwise it is always good for lovers to get married in the end.

Regardless of whether Zhen Zhen was with Huo Jiaqi or not in the end, if she was with Mo Xingyuan... She really didn't know if Zhen Zhen would be happy.

She really didn't want to understand the matter of the Shen family.

Su Ge shook his head, stopped thinking about those things, picked up the mouse and clicked twice to open a file.

After a quick scan, Wen Lixin really trusted her, and Wen's enterprise sent many important information.

However, there is no information on PE Group.

It seems that the PE group is still very cautious.

To obtain the information of the PE group and contact the PE group, I'm afraid it will take some effort.

Su Ge picked up the mouse and subconsciously wanted to fork out the file.

Before I clicked the mouse, I suddenly thought of something.

Since Wen Lixin patiently taught her how to do business and how to cooperate with others, after all, it was an extra skill, why didn't she learn it well?

If you learn it well, you may be able to use it in the future.

Su Ge thought of this, and began to seriously browse the files again.

The night was like ink, and it was pitch black outside the window.

"Fourth Master, it's here."

Ling Feng stopped in front of the VVIP suite of XX Hotel.

The man next to him was wearing a specially tailored dark suit, and was extremely dignified and handsome.

(End of this chapter)

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