I announced to the chairman

Chapter 896 Have you drunk enough?

Chapter 896 Have you drunk enough?

"Don't worry, I won't laugh at you, there are no outsiders here, just drink."

Mu Zhenzhen smiled, and raised the glass to Su Ge, "Cheers."


Su Ge clinked glasses with her cheerfully, and they both drank the wine in the glasses at the same time.

Just after drinking, Mu Zhenzhen immediately picked up the bottle again.

Seeing her attitude of not being drunk and not coming home, Su Ge directly reached out and removed the cup on the table, "It seems that pouring it into the cup like this is not enough fun, let's just hold the bottle and blow it."

Mu Zhenzhen glanced at her apparently in surprise.

Su Ge directly took a wine bottle and quickly opened the bottle cap, "Although I don't have much capacity for alcohol, but as you said, there are no outsiders here, and you won't laugh at me. I'm not afraid of getting drunk, just drink as much as you want. I I’ve never drank to my heart’s content, and I want to try it today.”

Mu Zhenzhen looked at her slightly deeper, and quickly nodded with a smile, "Okay."

It was dark outside.The bleak night and the hustle and bustle in the bar are like two worlds.

"Zhenzhen...I can't do it..."

Before finishing the two bottles of wine, Su Ge fell asleep on the sofa dizzy, his cheeks were flushed, and he didn't even have the strength to hold the wine bottle.

What's rare is that Mu Zhenzhen was also a little bit drunk, she leaned crookedly on the sofa, half of her delicate face was covered by her black hair, and the exposed half of her face was also blushing.

"No...this is just the beginning...Xiaoge...we agreed that we would never return drunk...continue...drink..."

She muttered indistinctly, then raised the wine bottle in her hand, and gulped it down.

She drank too quickly, and the red liquid flowed down the corner of her mouth, soaking a large area of ​​her collar.

"Okay... drink..."

With great difficulty, Su Ge grasped the wine bottle tightly and poured it on his face indiscriminately. A small face was covered with red liquid, but he didn't drink a few drops in his mouth.

"Haha..." Mu Zhenzhen looked at her like this, couldn't help pointing at her and laughed out loud, "Xiaoge...you...you call it drinking...that's not what you drink...wine It's all wasted..."

After she finished speaking, she gulped down another sip for herself.

Su Ge ignored her ridicule and continued to hold the bottle and pour wine on his face.

She didn't know whether it was wine or tears, and soon there was only a blur in front of her eyes.

In a blur, she looked at the figure leaning on the sofa and cried with a smile.

Drinking while crying.

I don't know why, facing Mu Zhenzhen's mood at the moment, she seems to be able to empathize with her.

In the end, she didn't persuade her, nor did she have the strength to persuade her, so she fell asleep in a daze.

Woke up in the private room the next day.

When Su Ge woke up, Mu Zhenzhen was still sleeping soundly.

She was lying on another sofa, and she could vaguely hear her snoring.

The head hurts after a hangover, Su Ge rubbed his temples, and barely sat up.

After looking at the private room, she realized that Mu Zhenzhen actually drank all the wine in the private room.

After counting, there are about a dozen bottles.

She quietly stared at Mu Zhenzhen for a while, when the phone suddenly vibrated.

She suddenly remembered something, quickly took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and there were seven or eight missed calls.

The caller IDs are all the same person - Ling Feng.

She hastily brushed her sticky hair, then coughed lightly, pulled herself together, and pressed answer, "Assistant Ling."

"Have you had enough?" The voice from the other side was indifferent and emotionless.

(End of this chapter)

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