Chapter 192

It's not that Song Tingting has not been warned. Qin Zhan never looked at gender. During the week when Song Yuanzhi and Lu Lan disappeared, she was locked at home and no one talked to her. She was not allowed to turn on the lights at night, except for sleeping time. , she was constantly asked to work.As if to make up for how Song Ye had served her back then, she had to wash the piles of clothes and the piles of dishes with tears.

If it wasn't for what happened to Song Meimei later, she wouldn't have dared to approach Song Ye at all.

Song Meimei has been cuter and smarter than her since she was a child, and she knows how to please adults. Even if she becomes disabled, she can still take advantage of her weakness to act like a baby and sell herself miserably, coaxing Lu Lan to drop out of school.She understands this little sister's thoughts to some extent, and she will never make others feel better when she is miserable.

Song Ye couldn't be killed, she imposed all her resentment on Song Tingting.

Song Tingting had a big fight with her family and escaped, just in time to meet Zhang Peng, who extended a helping hand to her.She suddenly thought of Xu Zihang's handsome and cold face on the playground, clinging tightly to the boy in front of him like he was grabbing a piece of driftwood.

Just behaving a little better on the bed, Zhang Peng satisfied all her wishes, beautiful clothes, high-end cosmetics, as long as she sold her body, she could get what she wanted, so why not do it.

"Tingting, what's the matter with you, get up, get up." Zhang Peng stepped forward and hugged Song Tingting up. It would be embarrassing for him to make a fool of himself, and his machismo would not allow such a thing to happen, so he turned his head towards Song Ye yelled and cursed: "Smelly girl, Tingting is your sister, if she has the ability to bully her family, if you have the guts, come at me."

Song Tingting fell into Zhang Peng's arms, sobbing softly.

At this time, many students on the beach had noticed the commotion here, and surrounded them one after another, pointing at Zhang Peng and Song Tingting in broad daylight, but they had already broken the bottom line of shame. No regard for the eyes of others.

Song Ye stood under the sun umbrella, standing tall, with his hands in his trouser pockets, looking chic, sneered at Zhang Peng, an imposing boy who shamelessly challenged a girl, "Come here if you have the ability. "In fact, she doesn't mind exercising her legs and feet during her break.

"You fucking..." Zhang Peng felt that his man's self-esteem had been greatly insulted, and he gritted his teeth and cursed, but he was afraid that Song Ye would be ashamed if he lost the fight later, so he changed his mind and immediately yelled : "Brothers, play with her."

"Okay, Brother Zhang, leave it to us." The group of students on the opposite side quickly gathered around, imitating the accent of street gangsters, "Hey, I'm talking about a big beauty. What do men and women do, come and let the brothers teach you how to be a woman."

As he spoke, the miscellaneous hair in the front was about to reach out to grab Song Ye's fair arm, and his eyeballs longed to stick to her body.

Song Ye's brows turned cold, his upper body didn't move, but his feet suddenly lifted up, kicking up sand and flinging it onto Miscellaneous Hair's face.

At that time, there was only a sound of ah, Zamao covered his eyes and took a few steps back, barely being supported by the people behind him, immediately a brother stood up and threatened: "Don't toast or eat fine wine, Do you know who we are? Xu Zihang, Young Master Xu, doesn't he? He is the current boss of Yuncheng, and he has the final say in the entire No. [-] Middle School. For a girl like you, killing you is like killing an ant. "

Needless to say, this threat was quite effective. Song Ye's cold face was stunned for a rare moment, and then he repeated it in a rather weird way, "Are you Xu Zihang's people?"

Everyone only thought that Song Ye would be jealous and terrified, so the gangster in front of him and his brothers looked at each other, showing a smug smile, "Yes, be afraid, we are Young Master Xu's confidantes, today I just greeted him this morning, if you don’t want to be beaten up, you can obediently kneel down and kowtow to Brother Zhang to admit your mistake.”

"Oh? Kowtow to admit your mistake?" Song Ye became more and more interested the more he listened. These days, fights and fights are really not investigated at all. If it is really Xu Zihang's younger brother, Song Ye will immediately ask him to go back to education.

Most of the onlookers were students, and when they heard Xu Zihang's name, they were too scared to speak out, and they didn't dare to stand up for the lonely Song Ye.

"Zhang, brother Zhang, Xu Zihang, let them stop talking about Xu Zihang." At this time, Song Tingting was hiding in Zhang Peng's arms, but kept pulling his clothes and whispering to him to shut up.

"What are you afraid of? Xu Zihang is not a local. He has already returned to the city." Zhang Peng whispered to her thinking that he was cunning, and before Song Tingting tried to dissuade him, he laughed loudly, "Hahaha, Young Master Xu is me. Good buddy, Song Ye, if you don't kneel down and kowtow today, I will ask Young Master Xu to send you to the nightclub to be a young lady later."

"Put your mother's shit on." Before the laughter stopped, there was a sudden roar from outside the crowd, and then the crowd parted, and seven or eight teenagers walked over with their bodies wet.

After more than half a year of physical training, the teenagers can see the muscle lines on their bodies wearing only swimming trunks, and they are full of edified gangsters. When they walked over, they were really aggressive. Even Zhang Peng and his party couldn't help but retreat. step.

The tall man with a flat-inch hair who walked in the front walked in front of Zhang Peng, and sneered with a sullen face, "Oh, since you know Brother Xu so well, you don't know me, Chuanzi, right?"

Wang Tiechuan was a tall man, who had just been soaked in the sea water, and the glistening drops of water hung on his chest, making those scars hideous and domineering.

Zhang Peng is also a student of No. [-] Middle School. How could he fail to recognize this Overlord? His face turned pale immediately, and he couldn't speak smoothly, "Brother Chuan, you, why are you here, okay, what a coincidence."

"Bah, what a coincidence, I was swimming in the sea, so I asked you to spread rumors about Brother Xu here?" Wang Tiechuan also spoke in a loud voice, bursting out with swearing and gangster air, and almost didn't scare Zhang Peng when he uttered it. Cried.

"Brother Chuan, Brother Chuan, I really misunderstood, misunderstood." Zhang Peng hurriedly nodded and bowed to apologize, and he was completely different from the arrogance just now, "Brother Chuan, I just want to scare her because I see that stinky woman doesn't know how to flatter her." , It took Xu Shao's life, I was wrong, I was wrong."

"Hehe, I think you made a big mistake this time." Wang Tiechuan couldn't help sneering, his face was completely gloomy, and he said in a serious tone: "The stinky woman you are talking about is the boss of Brother Xu and me. Tell me, you If you die sideways, you still die lying down."

What?Zhang Peng was startled, his eyes widened, and it took him a while to turn his stiff neck to look at Song Ye, who was dressed coolly under the sun umbrella.

She is the boss of Xu Zihang and Wang Tiechuan!

(End of this chapter)

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