The master of the reborn business girl

Chapter 205 Meeting Qu Bai by Coincidence

Chapter 205 Meeting Qu Bai by Coincidence
At the beginning, when they saw Song Ye's actions, several girls were secretly paying attention, and then saw her coming over with the same style of silk scarves as theirs, and they were still a little puzzled and disapproving.

Doubt is ignorance of her intentions, disapproval is the determination that she will not buy.If she wanted to vent her anger with something, she would suffer later.

Just as they were thinking this way, Song Ye had already taken something out of his pocket and threw it on the cash register.

Two old people's heads were placed in front of them in such a square way, but this rich and powerful hand is not exciting.

"Three pieces, one for gift boxes, one for pastries, and one for pastries..." Song Ye read the general method, and when he got here, he paused, reached out and took the paper bag from Cao Qiulan's hand, pulled the silk scarf, and put it away with a snap When we got to the top, "Just put it on."

The price of a silk scarf is 50 yuan, which is considered a luxury for the working class.What a few girls thought was expensive, but now it became a rag used to pack oiled paper bags.

For a moment, the girls felt that the silk scarves tied around their necks were a little tight, and they didn't want to take them off, or not to take them off.

It has to be said that Song Ye's method of not showing off the mountains and not revealing the water to respond to others is simply pissed off. A few girls in front of her will only have to be scolded every minute.

Even the cashier, when he packed the package and handed it over, his face was so red that he was about to bleed.

Before going out, the cashier caught a glimpse of the silk scarf that had just been padded, and hurriedly shouted again, "Sir, you didn't take your things."

Song Ye just opened half of the door, and said three words without looking back, "Throw it away."

Throw it away.This is the final outcome of the 50 yuan silk scarf. Although the paper bag is not dirty at all, the silk scarf is still brand new and intact.

But the cashier felt that the silk scarf had been slapped across the face. The boy was telling her in this way that her heart was dirty.

After leaving the jewelry store, Cao Qiulan was admiring Song Ye's method, but she was also entangled in her heart. The exquisite packaging in her hand carried a heavy weight.

"That..." She opened her mouth, not knowing how to open it.

Suddenly, there were two beeps, and a black car drove over and stopped in front of them steadily.

The car window slid down, revealing Qu Bai's face that was so shocked that he was almost dumbfounded, "Why are you here?" It took him a long time to force out these words. You have to think that you have crossed.

"Well, come to travel." Song Ye nodded in reply, but he didn't tell the truth, because Qu Bai was not the only one in the BMW.

"Hey, Qu Bai, who's kid is this? He's so handsome. It's rare to see him." The man poked his head from the co-pilot seat and asked cynically with a playful smile.

"This is Song Ye, my little buddy." Qu Bai deliberated over the last three words, and felt that his friends were not close enough, and his younger brother didn't have such a big face.

And those who can be called buddies generally have a relatively strong relationship.

The man with a hippie smile immediately understood, and introduced himself, "My name is Ning Yifan, hello."

Upon hearing this name, Song Ye's memory quickly searched for another name, Ning Yiming.

The difference in the names of the two is definitely not a coincidence.

At this time, the rear window fell down, and two more faces poked out.

"Hello, I'm Wu Xinxin, hello, Ye Zi." Wu Xinxin wore heavy makeup on her face, and she wore three blue earrings on her left ear. Her short chestnut hair was slightly curly, and her shape was as flamboyant as her tone. Ye Zi, you are so handsome and cool in white clothes and trousers, I..."

When the voice came here, Wu Xinxin was dragged back covering her mouth with a big hand stretched out from behind, and threw it on the back of the chair unceremoniously, followed by a slightly deep male voice, "Hello, I'm talking Rui."

"Hello." Song Ye nodded in greeting.

Wu Xinxin in the back seat didn't give up and went to the window of the car, and suggested: "Ye Zi, you are also here to travel anyway, why don't you come and play with us, there is nothing we can't play in these four or nine cities."

"Yes, yes, you are Qu Bai's buddy, you are our buddy, let's go together." Ning Yifan also took advantage of the situation and sent out an invitation.

Tan Rui said in the back seat, "Don't forget what day it is today."

The scene cooled down for a while, but Qu Bai suddenly said: "Come together, you are not familiar with the place, I will not be able to explain it if someone kidnaps you."

He didn't say who this confession was to, but Song Ye knew it.

There are still two days left before the Qin family's birthday party. Song Ye came early to find out the details of the capital. It is better to be with these rich children than to inquire around the outside.

After nodding in agreement, Song Ye didn't forget that there was Cao Qiulan beside him, so he asked, "Would you like to see you off?" She knew that the woman was also coming back to the capital for the first time, she was unfamiliar with the place, and was in a worse situation than herself. Be tough.

This time Cao Qiulan shook her head quickly, "No, no, I have a place to go. Song Ye, leave me your phone number, and I will pay you back the package money later." The woman finally expressed her thoughts.

Song Ye didn't think about getting back the face-slapping money, so he said flatly, "No, I'm leaving." On the other side, he got into the back seat of the car.

The BMW continued to drive forward on the bustling street, and Wu Xinxin's big eyes with smoky makeup in the back seat did not stop for a moment.

"Yezi, your face is so exquisite, you don't have any makeup on, you are naturally beautiful. And your white clothes and trousers are so unique, so handsome..."

One topic after another raged on Song Ye, and the three people in the front, back, left, and left couldn't stand the chatter, but Song Ye remained motionless as if he had installed a sound isolator, showing no resistance.

Wu Xinxin is the type that the more you resist, the more vigorous you become, and if you don't resist the automatic cycle, it's the same as Song Yemao at the moment, until Ning Yifan in front interrupted, "You have time to harass the children, how about Pay more attention to your makeup, I can tell you, the old man is coming back soon, if you still want to become a good woman by then, be careful of your ribs being broken."

Sure enough, this threat was very effective. As soon as Wu Xinxin shivered, she subconsciously covered her ribs, shrunk her neck to express her fear, and finally rolled her eyes, and moved closer to Song Ye again, "How about you change it for me?" modeling?"

Obviously, this guy was really fascinated by Song Ye's white clothes and trousers.

"Xinxin, don't mess around, no matter how young the kid is, he's still a man, don't take advantage of him." Qu Bai stood up at this time, defending Song Ye's reputation.

(End of this chapter)

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