Chapter 465 Taking Bullets

The development of the power grid was organized by Qin Zhan's team, and his people controlled the data when it was put into operation. In the past few years, many parties have sought to find the final seller.

Qin Zhan actually didn't hold much hostility towards the existence of the Ye Gang, especially when the other party was hooked up with Song Ye's sister Yunhua, and he didn't even hunt down the night's actions ruthlessly, but now looking at the ground The pool of dark red blood, his brows were tightly knit together, and his face showed a dignified look.

If the grid data is leaked, then he will have to re-examine the night gang.

The night wind is cold and cool, and all the illusions in the darkness are being torn apart bit by bit, and the cruelty of the truth is gradually exposed in front of the world in a bloody state.

Song Ye ran all the way back to the downtown area, but didn't go directly back to the base. She released the man from the unrented checkered shop at the street corner, and she would naturally wake up after the anesthesia passed.

Clutching her injured shoulder, looking at the bloodstains, she took out a towel from the space and wrapped it around her wrist. Looking at the silent darkness outside, she turned pale and left.

At four o'clock in the morning, the winter night is still very dark, you can't see your fingers, and the cold wind outside the window is a good time to warm your bed.

Le Mingyu was still sleeping soundly in his dream, when suddenly he heard the doorbell outside the house ringing.

Ding dong ding dong ding dong, the rapid ringing made him suddenly open his eyes from his sleep, he quickly woke up, got out of bed, and turned on the monitoring at the door.

"Song Ye?" Seeing someone coming, Le Siyu was startled, then put on his nightgown and hurried down to open the door.

This is his private villa. Even his younger brother Le Mingyu didn't know about it. He only told Song Ye last time.

And he didn't expect that the other party would come to him one day.

Opening the door, the cold wind from outside rushed in, and the bloody smell in the air rushed towards him. Le Siyu looked at the pale face in front of him, and his heart tightened, "Are you injured?"

"Yeah." Song Ye responded lightly, and he had already entered the room in a flash, and sat on the sofa in the living room, and then he fell to the side as if he lost his strength, "Prepare me hot water, alcohol, scissors and bandages. "

Hearing that her voice was already hoarse and weak, Le Siyu guessed that her bleeding shoulder must have been shot, so he went upstairs to get the medicine box without saying a word.

After a while, he prepared all the things, turned on the bright lights, and helped Song Ye cut off the clothes on his shoulders a little bit. Under the wet black clothes with blood stains, there was a bloody hole, and the surrounding skin was too fair. , making the wound look even more shocking.

"Sniper rifle? Have you met a killer?" Le Siyu knew the weapon well, and he could be sure of the type of gun at a glance by the condition of the wound.

"Heh, it's more troublesome than a killer." Song Ye sneered, but didn't answer much. Instead, he asked, "Do you know how to get a bullet?"

Le Siyu raised his eyebrows, "That's natural, but don't blame me for taking advantage of you." After all, Song Ye was still a 16-year-old minor, so he still felt a little bit uneasy about his conscience.

Hearing this, Song Ye leaned her head back on the sofa and curled her lips, "Then don't talk nonsense." Sooner or later, it will hurt, so hurry up and get it over with. After saying this, she took the towel and bit it in her mouth.

Le Siyu moved his lips, wanting to say something, but finally swallowed the words.

He knows how painful it is to take a bullet, even a man may not be able to bear it, let alone a 16-year-old girl.He wanted to persuade Song Ye to go to a private hospital for an injection, but he remembered that she had come to him late at night because she didn't want people to trace her whereabouts, so he didn't say anything.

The blood on half of the shoulder was wiped away with a little bit of iodine, and there was no blood to cover it. The thumb-sized hole underneath looked even more terrifying.

Le Siyu took a small knife and sterilized it with alcohol. The hot knife fell heavily on the wound in his hand. The blue blood vessels could be faintly seen on his too fair skin. He gestured twice, and it was the first time to treat the wound Will be nervous, "I'm doing it." This sound is more like telling myself.

"Hmm..." Song Ye over there had already lost his strength due to excessive blood loss, and only responded indistinctly from his throat.

Le Siyu took a deep breath, pressed Song Ye's shoulder with one hand to prevent her from moving around later, and stabbed the scalpel into her wound with the other hand.

"Hmm..." Song Ye, who was almost in a coma, trembled violently, and let out a muffled grunt while biting the towel tightly, and the veins on his neck suddenly popped up.

Seeing her clenched fists tightly on her legs, Le Siyu couldn't bear it, but he had to calm down and continue to cut the flesh of the wound.

At this time, the movements must be fast and precise, so that Song Ye will not suffer so much pain.

Song Ye only reacted a little violently at the beginning, and then he didn't make any sound, not even the slightest tremor.

But Le Siyu still saw the veins on Song Ye's neck and hands out of the corner of his eye, which showed that she was not without pain.

It wasn't until the bullet was taken out and a few stitches were stitched on the wound that Song Ye's stiff body slowly relaxed.

"Okay." Le Siyu also breathed a sigh of relief, only to realize that he was also sweating just now.

"Well, thank you." Song Ye took off the towel from his mouth, and maintained the posture of raising his head, thanking him weakly.

"Hehe, it's rare to see you being so polite." Le Siyu laughed softly, got up and went to the bathroom to deal with the blood on his hands, and left room for Song Ye to clean himself.

It's just that when he returned to the living room, he found that the girl on the sofa was still in her original position, and she had fallen into a deep sleep.

"Song Ye, I have to sleep upstairs." Le Siyu called, but there was no response. Seeing the other party's blood loss and pale face, he couldn't bear to call her again.

After looking at the blood on her arm, he just wet the towel and gently wiped it off for her.

The girl's skin is smooth and delicate, her arms are slender and soft, and she has a feeling of fragility that will break if touched lightly. At first, it was hard for Le Siyu to imagine that such a harmless girl who looks slender and needs protection would As the helm of the night gang, it is even more impossible to imagine that she would be so desperate for her brother in times of crisis.

Even the process of taking the bullet that men can't bear is silent, so strong that it makes people feel distressed.

What kind of past did such a young girl go through to build such a strong and iron frame.

This was the first time Le Siyu became curious about Song Ye.

It was late at night, and he carried the unconscious Song Ye to the big bed upstairs to sleep, watching the clock on the bedside pointing to six o'clock.

If I remember correctly, today is Song Ye's sister Yunhua's wedding.

(End of this chapter)

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