Chapter 543 You Are Enough

In fact, marriage between a man and a woman is human nature, and it is an individual's freedom, which has nothing to do with others.

However, the one who got married this time was the youngest major general with the richest money in the 0 area of ​​the whole army. He was only transferred for more than half a year, and almost won the hearts of all the female soldiers, but in the end he was taken down by a girl. There are many people here who expressed dissatisfaction.

For several days in a row, the rehearsals of the art troupe were listless, and the superiors had to throw out candy as a trick, saying that they would invite all the Eagles of the Special Operations Team to come over and give instructions to the comrades in the military 0 area to demonstrate, and learn and communicate by the way.

All the members of the Eagle Group, including Qin Zhan.

When the news came out, all the soldiers in the district were excited. The male and female soldiers all hoped to get guidance from the eagle team members on the school field. The major general's eyes, let him see what a mature and attractive woman is.

As a result, Major General Qin, who had already made a report in advance to take the wedding leave, and went to honeymoon with Song Ye after the banquet, was forced to postpone the vacation and had to lead a team to Beijing to participate in the exchange and study.

Before leaving, he thought about it, and he insisted on coming with La Songye. He had experienced a loss, and now he wished he could bring someone with him anytime, anywhere.

Song Ye also knew that it would take time to reassure him completely, and left and right also thought about coming to the capital to see the school, so they followed suit.

The group of people went to Beijing by train that day. Originally, Qin Zhan wanted to arrange for Song Ye to fly alone so it would not be so hard, but Song Ye was still talking about the snacks he had eaten along the way last time, so he boarded the clanging carriage together.

The treatment was better than the last time I went to Beijing. This time Song Ye and Qin Zhan lived in soft sleepers, and they even booked a place.

Dong Qian and the others who sneaked over and wanted to chat with Song Ye pushed the carriage and saw the posture inside, immediately performed a standard military salute, turned around, closed the door and fled.

Just kidding, if you don't run away, the black face of your boss may freeze to death from the air conditioner.

Song Ye looked at the three people who came and went in a hurry without saying hello, and couldn't laugh or cry, "Brother, you will have no friends like this." With a dark face all day long, even his subordinates avoided it, even Qu Bai was very supportive. Afraid of him, Song Ye had already discovered that Qin Zhan was more like an insulator than himself.

After locking the door of the carriage, Qin Zhan sat next to Song Ye, hugged him onto his lap without saying a word, lowered his head, and took advantage of the opportunity to grab the girl's pink earlobe, grinding it carefully, his hands moving smoothly Stopped, while still not forgetting to answer, "It is enough for me to have you."

The so-called daughter-in-law is the biggest in the world, and he thinks there is nothing wrong with it.

Song Ye took a deep breath, and hastily turned his head to cover his earlobes. His voice was cold, but his words were full of embarrassment, "If you bite again, the skin will break."

Ever since the proposal was successful, Song Ye found that this guy was more and more fond of hornworms on her limbs. Whenever she had a chance to be alone, she would just cuddle-hug-hug-hug, picking out the soft parts of her body to either kiss or bite her.

So Song Ye's small and delicate earlobe, which was particularly easy to touch, suffered completely. He was teased every day to be extremely sensitive, and the hairs on his back stood up when he touched it a little.

She really suspected that this guy was a dog.

In fact, it's not our fault, Major General Qin. The night of the proposal, when we were supposed to hug the beauty back home, the pouring rain made our hearts feel cold. The wound on Song Ye's neck became a little infected the next day.

Major General Qin loved his wife so much that he refused to speak. He finally held back, waited and waited, and finally Song Ye's aunt came.

There is no one of the greatest tragedies in the world.

That's why he behaved like a wolf-like-tiger in resentment, every day he would try his best to gnaw on Song Ye's body to satisfy his greed.

Song Ye has cured his emotional bluntness from these daily behaviors, and his radar will be particularly sharp when he realizes that the two of them are alone.

"Then change the place." Qin Zhan, who has been deprived of his territory, will not give up easily. While speaking, he has already turned the direction of the slender girl's arms and turned into a straddle-sitting position. territory.

Just when the two were about to close the distance, with a snap, the small hand covered the man's mouth in a timely manner. Under the latter's dissatisfied gaze, Song Ye pointed to the outside, and said with a half-smile, "It's time to eat lunch." gone."

Qin Zhan followed her gaze and saw the bustling blurred crowd outside through the screen window, only then did he realize that the train had arrived at the station and it was time for lunch.

"Well, let's go." In the end, the food and clothing of his little devil is more important. Qin Zhan calmed down, got up very neatly, and then walked through the crowded crowd holding Song Ye's little hand.

The members of the Eagle Group who were traveling with him couldn't help but sigh, besides his complexion, he is really a good man who protects his wife like this.

The two got off the train and came to the edge of the platform. Qin Zhan was in charge of spending money to carry things, and Song Ye was only in charge of talking and acting as a hands-free shopkeeper. After walking around, Qin Zhan basically had no free hands.

The tall and majestic man, like a pole, walked beside the girl with two hands, showing a faint protective posture. This combination of handsome man and beautiful woman attracted the attention of many people at the train station.

Seeing this scene, a girl limping with bandages on her foot and being supported by someone in the distance couldn't help curling her lips and cursed secretly, "Pretentious."

She, an injured patient, squeezed the train by herself. The girl has hands and feet but can't carry things by herself. In her opinion, it is hypocritical.

After taking a look, she frowned and followed the train, but when she got on the train, she found out that her hard sleeper was dirty and the bed was full of hot and sour instant noodles.

On the other side, Song Ye, who wanted to go back to eat after a stroll, was escorted into the car, and was asked by Qin Zhan halfway, "Don't you want to buy more?"

Song Ye stopped the urge to twitch his eyes, and threw away the things in his hands, "I'm not a fool."

"It's okay, I'm the one who can't finish eating." Qin Zhan answered immediately, his face was like a spring breeze at the moment, because he discovered a new activity that is good for satisfying a man's self-esteem, that is, shopping with his wife.The feeling of being needed by his wife made him wish to multiply what he had.

Of course, what he showed on his face was that he was afraid that his wife would not get enough to eat. Song Ye ignored the little theater in his heart and pointed it out directly, "These are too spicy, you can't eat too much."

Hearing this, Qin Zhan's eyes lit up again in an instant, and he was successfully followed by a sentence, marrying a wife is good, and someone cares about and takes care of him.

The two walked towards the carriage with big bags and small bags together. When the door was opened, Song Ye noticed a woman in the aisle looking around with her feet on her legs.

(End of this chapter)

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