The master of the reborn business girl

Chapter 547 The Boss Hates Fu Qiaolan

Chapter 547 The Boss Hates Fu Qiaolan

At night, the train is still clanging, and the noise made by the friction between the rails and the wheels is long and rhythmic. Occasionally passing by a place with street lights, the screen window will quickly cast a light and shadow, flickering on and off.

When passing through a tunnel, there was a violent roar in the ear, and the carriage shook. Song Ye quickly turned around and clasped Qin Zhan's shoulders, and stretched out his other hand to stab the opponent's Yuexiong mouth, trying to take the opportunity to separate the two. The distance between people is widened.

However, Qin Zhan on the opposite side did not retreat but advanced, and took the initiative to hand Yuexiong's mouth up. Song Ye was startled, and the strength of his elbow suddenly weakened.Although she didn't use much strength in this hand, it would inevitably hurt if the opponent bumped into it.

But because of this soft heart, as soon as the strength of the arm was relaxed, the man caught the flaw, and the big hand instantly pinched the two wrists that were too close to her with lightning speed, and with a sudden push, her hands were already Arrived on the iron wall.

This guy... made it clear that he pinched Song Ye and was reluctant to hurt him, so he deliberately retreated to advance.

Song Ye already knew that he had been tricked, and squinted his eyes slightly to catch a successful smile at the corner of the other's mouth in the dark, so angry that he wanted to grind his molars.

The hand was restrained, and when he raised his foot to continue the counterattack, the train passed through the tunnel, and the carriage returned to silence in an instant. If he made any big movements, it would attract the attention of Fu Qiaolan on the other side, and the other party was not asleep at all.

Song Ye glared at Qin Zhan silently, warning him not to act recklessly.

The latter came over, tapped the corner of her mouth lightly, let out a very low laugh, and turned his head to catch her lips accurately.

On the moving train, in the dark compartment, when there were other people within less than two meters of the next door, Qin Zhan's face was suppressed, and he tasted wantonly.

Xu Shi felt Song Ye's tension, and he relaxed his strength. It was rare to see tenderness and tenderness, as if he was comforting her emotions, making this forced to the end and making people addicted in

At some point, the train entered the tunnel again, and the roar came again.

However, the person who should have waited for the opportunity to counterattack lost his fighting spirit. In the narrow bed, the two breaths intertwined and entwined.

A ray of sunlight shone into the carriage in the morning, and Fu Qiaolan was so exhausted that she fell asleep, but Song Ye, who had a good night's sleep, woke up with Qin Zhan and went to the platform to buy breakfast early in the morning.

The two went out and went in and out of each other and blinded the eyes of all the bachelors in the Eagle Group. After eating the breakfast brought by the sister-in-law and the golden dog food early in the morning, everyone felt sorry for each other. I racked my brains trying to find a wife.

Finally, when I heard that there were beauties from the art troupe in the boss car, a group of single hungry wolves immediately stepped forward, taking coquettish positions to show their courtesy, so they still passed the tricks in the aisle because of the order.

As a result, Fu Qiaolan, who woke up in a daze, suddenly found that she had become a heartthrob, and she was still the kind that was held in the palm of everyone's hands, serving tea, water, and meals, and there were people who kept coming to talk to relieve boredom. Accompanied by Caring, in the small carriage, she is like a little bit of red from Wanlv.

The blows she suffered at Qin Zhan's place yesterday have long since been healed, and she has regained the demeanor that a flower in an art troupe should have. She smiles sweetly and is truly beautiful.

In order to solve the lifelong affairs of the brothers, Song Ye and Qin Zhan simply went to Yelang and Dong Qian.

"Why don't you guys go?" Song Ye asked casually during the small talk of the few people. Ye Lang and Dong Qian were also single, and they often discussed women's topics on weekdays. When they were training together at the base, Song Ye often listened to They speak yellow accents.

"Don't mention it." Dong Qian quickly raised his hand to stop her words, covered his mouth with one hand, with an expression of wanting to vomit, "Last night, that pervert nagged in our ears for most of the night, talking about how The skeleton and musculature of Fu Qiaolan are perfectly divided, and now I feel like vomiting when I think of that woman."

If he really saw that face now, he would definitely faint on the spot.

The wild wolf next to him also looked disheveled, and waved his hands weakly, "Although this guy has changed to a vegetarian diet, it is inevitable that he has fantasies in his mind."

Who told them to be good brothers who came in at the same time, at this time they all became tree holes.

Song Ye couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, thankful that he hugged Qin Zhan's thigh early, so that he was not polluted by the topic of abnormal anatomy.

"That's why you didn't let Ding Li go to the carriage yesterday?" Qin Zhan's observation skills are so keen, after this round of conversations, he can't guess the cause and effect.

Song Ye nodded helplessly, and only hoped that Ding Li's old illness would not relapse.

"Don't worry, he's been tested when he joined the team, and he's mentally normal." Qin Zhan took Song Ye's hand and squeezed it lightly. The selection of the main players of the Eagle Team is quite strict, so how could he allow potential dangers? people come in.

Hearing this, Song Ye was finally relieved.

After lunch, Song Ye wanted to go back to the carriage to read a book, and Qin Zhan went to answer the call from the headquarters, so she went back alone.

As soon as the door of the car was opened, the laughter inside came rushing towards me, the hearty voice of the man mixed with the voice of the woman's coquettish laughter, the scene was very lively.

As soon as Song Ye appeared, all the members of the Eagle Group subconsciously stood at attention and wanted to salute. Seeing that the boss behind did not appear, they all heaved a sigh of relief, restored their hippie smiles and greeted, "Hello, sister-in-law. "

"Well, let's talk." Song Ye nodded, since his attitude towards acquaintances was also calm.

On the other hand, Fu Qiaolan, who was in the state of Zhongxing Gongyue, suddenly got stuck, staring at her beautiful eyes and said in surprise: "Hey, Sister Song is already married? Is it eighteen this year?"

"It's full, it's eighteen this year, and she's been promoted to our little sister-in-law. How about it, she looks better than the one in your art troupe?" One of the team members immediately continued to answer, and at the end he was a little confused.

Both the sister-in-law and the boss shared the carriage with Fu Qiaolan, didn't the boss show affection and tell her?There is only one possibility to prevent the boss from showing affection and patrolling sovereignty.

The boss hates Fu Qiaolan.

These well-trained scouts were almost collectively aware of this problem, and the eager smile on their faces just now faded a bit.

Bisheng Fu Qiaolan thought it was Song Ye who came in and ruined the atmosphere, so she was still secretly complacent, "Hehe, Sister Song is good-looking, and she has nothing to say about her figure, but she married a little early, and she was promoted to a military wife at such a young age. Don't know if you're still used to it?"

Originally, a caring word came out of her mouth, but the taste changed a little immediately.

Although these bachelors in the eagle group are rare for Fu Qiaolan's flowery face, but they will not be dazzled by the beauty, their IQ and reason are online, so how can they not hear what the other party says? for.

(End of this chapter)

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