The master of the reborn business girl

Chapter 653 Heading to the main residence of the Shao family

Chapter 653 Heading to the main residence of the Shao family
At that time, Song Ye was protecting Dr. Pang from the hurricane with one hand, kicked the man's blade away, and accidentally saw the detonator on his waist, but the distance between the two of them had been opened, and no matter how long her hand was, she couldn't reach it.Not far away is a master of wind skills. Song Ye will never use the air wall until the last moment.

Fortunately, her voice was very effective. As a person who was two levels higher and came out of the housekeeper's room, her ability was strong enough.

Almost immediately after the words were spoken, the wind and sand in the tornado stopped suddenly, and the butler yelled loudly, full of momentum, only hearing the sound of wind blowing by his ears, and then the assistant's wrist broke in two screen.

"Ah..." The scream broke through the sky and resounded under the entire loud and clear blue sky. Blood was splashed everywhere. Two young hands with slender bones were stained with blood. After drawing two parabolas in the sky, they rolled It fell to Song Ye's feet.

At this moment, the assistant's two empty wrists were waving indiscriminately with the pain, until the owner convulsed and fell to the ground, the white bones and flesh and blood on the wrists were still clearly visible, so disgusting that it was disgusting.

Even Dr. Pang was horrified by the current scene, frowning with discomfort.

Song Ye lowered his brows and looked at the pair of severed hands on the ground from the corner of his eyes.

The incision is very neat, and even the bones are not broken at all, which shows that the force of the wind blade is very powerful and the angle is very precise. In such a strong wind, the two moves can be switched instantly and accurately aimed at the moving target All of this fully demonstrates how powerful this butler during the training period is.

You can directly contact people at the level of the Shao family, each of whom is a master of the strong.

While Song Ye was secretly speculating in his heart, the interrogation on the other side had already begun.

"Tell the person who hired you, and the purpose." The butler walked forward, his white clothes were still spotless in such a scene, squatting in front of the young assistant and took off the other's chin with one hand, waiting for the other party to explain Let him speak after the truth.

But after a few words, the housekeeper also saw the other party's determination, and directly knocked him out.

"Master Sun, send the person to the Disciple Hall for interrogation, and report it after the investigation." The housekeeper got up and lightly ordered that he did not touch Mr. Sun from the beginning to the end.

"Yes." Director Sun lowered his eyes and replied calmly. He seemed to have become accustomed to what happened just now, and he had unconditionally trusted the butler's ability, so he didn't even intend to make a move just now.

Dr. Pang came out and thanked the housekeeper and Song Ye, "Thanks to the help of the two of you today, I have been under his control since I was held hostage by this person a month ago. The little girl saw through him, otherwise I really wouldn't have found a chance."

Anyone will struggle and hesitate when facing death, and Song Ye handed over the abrupt scalpel, firstly to disrupt the opponent's position, and to make his own defenses, secondly, to alert Dr. Pang, His prudence and self-preservation will not bring comfort in the end, but death is more likely.

At this time, the housekeeper was also looking at Song Ye. In the scene just now, it was not easy for a little girl to rush forward to save someone without being arrogant or rash.

"What's your name?" The butler asked calmly, hiding the inquiry in his eyes.

"Song Ling." Song Ye replied with lowered eyebrows.

"How did you see that the other party was different just now?" The butler asked like a scholar, but in fact this question was the real top priority.Because the other party already knew that the Seven Great Families had supernatural powers, even the 00 explosives were miniature and new, sewn on the belly, so that even the housekeeper didn't notice it just now, and they underestimated the enemy.

"Dr. Pang turned his body sideways when he introduced his assistant just now, and his attitude seemed a little apprehensive. Then when the other person was searched, he deliberately adjusted his breathing. It should be to show that the 00 explosives in his stomach were noticed. There is also his tie and The collars are very straight, but there are wrinkles in other places, so I guess there should be weapons hidden there." Song Ye also talked about what she had observed, naturally using her years of experience as a killer, basically At the first glance just now, she determined the position of the opponent's hidden blade.

The butler pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and nodded inexplicably, "The analytical skills are good, and I will let Disciple Hall pay attention to your performance."

Of course, it is not known whether this attention is surveillance or observation.

Song Yeming knew that this was a risky move, but he still didn't regret it, because the opportunity to directly contact Shao's family was too rare.

Especially after witnessing this scene today, the ability to train a butler has already become so powerful, let alone approaching the main house, I am afraid that the whole butler's room will be enough to add up.

"Thank you, butler." She stood there without moving, her face still flattered.She could feel Dr. Pang's staring gaze, and the hesitation that made her suppress her mood and wait.

At the end of the conversation, when the two were about to start again, Dr. Pang finally said, "This housekeeper, I wonder if Miss Song can go with me. Now I also need an assistant, and she is here. Take it easy too."

The butler stopped in his footsteps again, glanced over slightly between his brows and eyes, thought for a while, and finally nodded, "Yes."

In this way, Song Ye got the opportunity to directly approach Shao's home, crossing the two peaks of Disciple Hall and Housekeeper's Office all the way, as a doctor's assistant, he went straight to Shao's main house at the top.

After walking up the ladder for nearly three hours, the outline of the main house appeared in front of my eyes.The temperature on the top of the mountain is lower than that at the foot of the mountain, and the air is cold, which contrasts with the dark brown roof tiles and light gray walls standing there.

The building area of ​​the main house is quite large, and it is also in an antique style, but the color is darker, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Song Ye walked into the gate together behind the two, and was immediately attracted by the large blooming flowers in the courtyard.

The bewitching red blooms around the courtyard like a flame with claws and claws. The flowers roll like dragon claws, the leaves fall and the flowers bloom, and the flowers bloom and leaves rest.

The other shore flower, also known as Manzhushahua, blooms on the road leading to hell. It is the last tenderness bestowed by the devil on the dead.

Song Ye only felt a slight stabbing pain in her shoulders. The slight pain when she rubbed off Bianhua's tattoo was suddenly infinitely magnified. Such a large expanse of bewitching red was shocking to watch. Shen.

(End of this chapter)

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