Rebirth in Space

Chapter 1169

Chapter 1169
Xu Yuancheng flipped down page by page, he could clearly feel the naked hostility of those people through the screen, and his face darkened.

He only read the comments of those netizens, but he still didn't know what happened, but he could see a little bit of the context.

Almost every one of them mentioned murder and rape, no matter which kind of these two things are, they have a relatively large impact.

"What's going on?" Xu Yuancheng almost smashed the computer, staring at Xiao Haiqing with a sullen face and asked.

Xiao Haiqing was taken aback, and looked at Xu Yuancheng strangely.

Everyone knew about her murder. The servants of the Xu family looked at her with suspicion this morning. Xu Yuancheng didn't even know?
"What the entertainment industry lacks most is this kind of news. The wall is pushed down by everyone, even if it is an insignificant low wall." Xiao Haiqing smiled and said directly.

Everything is hot, and now her matter has just been exposed, so it is full of novelty, but at most one month, everyone's attention will be diverted to other directions, although there will be influence in the future, but everyone will not Full of extremes like now.

"What I just want to know is how did you spread this kind of news? Aren't you an actor? I, an outsider, know that this kind of news can't be washed away once it's entangled for a lifetime. You don't know?" Xu Yuancheng was a little angry, After asking a few more questions, he said gloomyly: "Now explain clearly, what is the reason for the murder and rape, is it true or not? Who spread these things?"

Among Jing Yunzhao's friends, he had the best impression of Xiao Haiqing.

He is beautiful, and he is straightforward but not stupid, and he should have a bright future in the future, but it is really unbelievable for him to have such a thing happen now.

Xiao Haiqing's eyes flickered, and he turned his head and asked Jing Yunzhao for help.

The Second Uncle Xu at this time is too fierce, if other people meddle in their own business and ask so many questions, she will simply ignore him, but he is the Second Uncle Yun elder...

However, just turning his head a little bit, Xu Yuancheng said coldly: "What do you think Xiao Zhao is doing? This is your business, I'm asking you now."

The corner of Xiao Haiqing's mouth twitched.

He himself said it was her business, so he still...

Jing Yunzhao was also taken aback, thinking that the second uncle's reaction was greater than his own, but he was always a very picky person, and he could be dissatisfied with Li Shaoyun in various ways, and now he felt that Xiao Haiqing had caused something and was unhappy. It's normal.

"Second uncle." Jing Yunzhao reminded him.

Called by Jing Yunzhao, Xu Yuancheng also froze for a moment, feeling that he really seemed to be meddling in other people's business, but his words were already out of his mouth, and it was hard to take them back. Besides, as an elder, what's wrong with him caring about the younger generation?This Xiao Haiqing's mother passed away, his father didn't care about him, and he didn't even have any relatives around him. He already had a niece, Xiao Zhao, and now it was just one more.

"I asked a serious question just now, but this matter is very serious after all, if you really allow it to escalate, your future will be ruined, so if you talk to me carefully now, maybe I can give you some advice. "Xu Yuancheng restrained himself a little, and said calmly.

"Second Uncle, I'm actually to blame for this. It's Li Wenbo's granddaughter. She wanted to use these things to threaten me, but Hai Qing and I didn't agree, so the news got out."

(End of this chapter)

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