Rebirth in Space

Chapter 1294 Resignation

Chapter 1294 Resignation
Jing Yunzhao lived in Li's house for a whole summer vacation, and only then did Qi Yuguo's illness completely disappear. In addition, under her strong pressure, it can be considered that he has formed a good habit for the old man. As long as he follows her request, he will live for another 30 years. Years are definitely fine.

Qi Yuguo knew martial arts, otherwise he wouldn't have lived to this age.

When Qi Yuguo's illness hadn't flared up for a week, Jing Yunzhao began to formally resign, only to see Qi Yuguo's old face shrugging, looking unhappy.

"Aren't you a doctor? Since you already have a job, do you still need to go to school?" Qi Yuguo frowned, and his cold look was a bit serious and scary.

"Old Qi, isn't there no limit to the sea of ​​learning..." Jing Yunzhao had already figured out Qi Yuguo's temper, and he was not afraid, and said directly: "You don't always have feudal thoughts, do you think it's useless for girls to go to school? "

"Girls need to go to school, but do you need it? You don't know much?" Qi Yuguo didn't understand at all. For some people, this school is a place of learning, but for others it is a place of gold plating. In terms of study, Jing Yunzhao's medical skills are good, and he has a company, so he won't need to work for others in the future. In terms of gold plating... Is her status still useful?

"Old Qi, you should understand best. It is easy to conquer the country and difficult to defend the country. With such a large group under my control, I must learn something about management, right? Don't worry about the company's problems." Just like now, if it weren't for the help of Bai Yu'an and Qin Shui, she would have no skills at all, and most of the time it was thanks to their advice that she didn't suffer, otherwise, where would her family fortune be?
The more you learn, the more at ease you will feel.

Besides, University A is more tolerant towards her, because now that her identity is exposed, the director and teachers also know that she is busy, and she can be given special permission to ask for leave for courses that are not particularly important, and there is no waste of time at all.

Qi Yuguo's eyes flashed, and Jing Yunzhao's words reached his heart.

But these days, eating the meals made by this girl every day, how can I swallow other things?

"Old Qi, if you are greedy... I will recommend a good place for you." At this time, Jing Yunzhao saw his thoughts, smiled lightly, and said: "There is a restaurant called Yutianxian in Kyoto. The cook inside tastes much better than mine. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Shaoyun. The owner’s name is Du Lin. His ancestors were imperial cooks. There are many good recipes, and the ingredients are also the best. Natural, non-polluting green food, guaranteed to satisfy your appetite."

"Hmph, can there be such a good place? Why haven't I heard of it?" Qi Yuguo sneered, thinking that Jing Yunzhao was lying to him.

"Mr. Qi, the restaurant hasn't been open for long. You can ask your staff to inquire about it. There are no empty seats in the restaurant every day. If the taste is not good, it is impossible for so many people to go." Jing Yunzhao continued to coax.

But what she said was the truth, Du Lin's cooking was indeed exquisite.

She is good at medicinal food, but Du Lin is eclectic, because he doesn't have to worry about some medicinal uses, so some dishes are indeed more delicious than her cooking.

The only difference is the things produced in the space, but Yu Tianxian is not bad, and now with the food base she provides, it can taste similar to the food in the space.

(End of this chapter)

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