Chapter 307

The waiter also knew the limit, so he didn't say anything after cursing, turned around and picked a gadget in this store, paid the money and left.

The proprietress she picked is the most talkative in the whole street, and what she heard a moment ago can be spread around the turn of the head, and there will be a lot of exaggeration.

Sure enough, seeing the waiter returned to Yuling Tea Pavilion, the proprietress couldn't sit still, and happily shared it with other people she met on the street.

This Jiang's tea house used to have a good business and was always defiant. However, it has been withering day by day for more than two months. Many people are waiting to see a joke. Now that the Jiang family's mother and son have done such a thing to their colleagues, how can they not become someone else's? Talk after dinner?

Suddenly, there was an uproar.

One's own tea house doesn't make money, and they go to other people's tea pavilions to make trouble. This kind of person can only win, but can't afford to lose.

The role of neighbors is still very important.

For example, when customers in some shops want to drink tea but don't know which one is better, then these neighbors will play a role at this time.

Especially on such a good day today, the opening of Yuling Tea Pavilion was so lively, there were not a few guests who asked about the situation.

"Are you asking about that tea pavilion? It just opened, and I heard that the tea inside is good, so even the people from the first tea pavilion went to take advantage of it..." Similar words were heard all day.

The Jiang family's mother and son didn't know that they were famous, and they were still sitting upright sipping tea.

Although Jiang's family sells tea, Jiang's mother doesn't like drinking tea. Compared with these bitter tastes, she prefers to drink sweet soup.

Now that these two pots are placed in front of him, his face will turn green from drinking.

Most importantly, she felt that the surrounding atmosphere was very strange.

They were a little different from the guests their family had received before. Their faces were not relaxed, and they were all wearing serious suits. They didn't seem to be here to relax, but rather seemed to be attending some important occasion.

"Mom, this tea doesn't taste good at all, why is it so expensive?" Jiang Xia said straightforwardly.

Fortunately, I didn't have to pay this time, otherwise it would be too bad.

Also, no wonder their business is getting worse and worse. How can such things be sold?It's better to open a coffee shop, at least you can keep up with the trend.

Mother Jiang gave him a white look: "You don't understand, some elegant people like to drink this."

She remembered that some customers in the store said that when drinking tea, you can feel the taste of life first bitter and then sweet, and when making tea, the tea leaves rise and fall just like life...

She didn't know the specifics very well, but she only knew that once those people drank this tea, they would become very elegant and quiet, and their words would be quite reasonable.

Jiang Xia curled her lips and shook her head secretly.

Mother Jiang took a small cup of tea in one gulp. While drinking it, she turned her head and looked around. She felt resentful when she heard that others kept praising the fragrance of the tea.

After thinking about it, he suddenly held his stomach and screamed.

" hurts so much, Xiaoxia, mom's stomach hurts so much, is she poisoned..."

Conveniently, she even knocked over the teacup, but she didn't want to get tea stains all over her body, so she rolled a bunch on the ground.

This reaction startled the other guests, and the cup in their hand was not drinking or drinking.

Although most of the other guests were upstairs, there were also a few in the lobby. Seeing this scene, their faces turned pale!
What's going on these days?Previously, the No. [-] teahouse almost drank to death, but now this new teahouse also had an accident on the first day of opening?Could it be that there is something wrong with the tea leaves now? !
(End of this chapter)

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