Rebirth in Space

Chapter 885 Framed

Chapter 885 Framed
Jing Yunzhao also kept paying attention to the movement outside in the space. The man who made the move before went back and forth, and immediately surrounded him with a group of people.

"How are you?" As soon as the police arrived, they immediately checked the scene and found that one of the girls had died on the spot. They became more serious and asked hastily.

Just now someone called the police nearby and said that they smelled a stench near this unfinished building. They suspected that there was a dead body. They rushed over immediately and searched, but it turned out that the source of the smell was some wild dogs and cats. Just as he was about to evacuate with the police force, another man ran down in a panic, claiming that he was killed.

Tao Ge woke up dizzy, and was stunned when he saw this scene.

She remembered that Zhou Meijun came to her and said that he knew a big secret of Jing Yunzhao, and wanted to go there with her to have a look. Originally, she did not agree, after all, because the previous comments on the forum were recorded, in case it happened again She is very likely to be fired for something.

But at that time, Zhou Meijun taunted her and made her very angry, and later said that if she dared to go with her, she would give her 10 yuan, so after much deliberation, she stayed with her, after all, she didn't think the matter would be serious.

But as soon as she got in the car, she was stunned by something sprayed by Zhou Meijun, and she became like this when she woke up.

About three meters in front of her, Zhou Meijun was lying on the ground, surrounded by blood, her eyes were wide open, as if she was dying, and there were forensic doctors around to investigate the situation.

"Student, do you still remember what happened?" A policeman asked her again.

"I, I don't know..." said confusedly.

At this time, the man was panicking and explaining to the police: "I am Meijun's boyfriend, and I have a good relationship. Meijun was originally a student at University A, but was expelled because of a female student named Jing Yunzhao. I was not very happy, so I wanted to talk to Jing Yunzhao with this classmate named Tao Ge. I acted as the driver to send them here, but after all, the three of them are little girls, and it is not good for me to be a big man. , so just wait there..."

The man pointed in one direction, and after the policeman recorded it, he continued to speak: "They chatted for about ten minutes, and then they quarreled over something. Good photo, they are getting louder and louder, when I thought about it and was about to take Meijun away, I saw Jing Yunzhao holding a knife to Meijun's neck..."

"Meijun collapsed on the spot, and the woman named Tao Ge fainted from fright. I was startled when I saw it, and I didn't know what to do. I subconsciously ran away from here, but I heard the sound of sirens nearby. I found it." you……"

The man lied very smoothly, Jing Yunzhao sneered even more after hearing it in the space.

When Tao Ge heard it, she was also startled, she just felt that her whole body was cold and without warmth, especially when she saw Zhou Meijun's eyes that were dying, she trembled unceasingly, because the truth...isn't it like this?

She was dizzy from the very beginning, she didn't quarrel with Jing Yunzhao at all, she didn't even see Jing Yunzhao, she didn't know anything.

"Student, is what he said true? What did you talk about?" the policeman asked again.

Tao Ge panicked, in front of her was Zhou Meijun's body, she was the closest, if she said she didn't see Jing Yunzhao, what would happen?
Suddenly meeting the man's eyes, he shuddered and nodded subconsciously: "Yes, yes..."

(End of this chapter)

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