Rebirth in Space

Chapter 905 Who Are You

Chapter 905 Who Are You

From the outside, Shen Xi is a woman worthy of Xu Yuanze. She is beautiful and has some similarities with Shen Tong. The noble lady who has been there for so many years naturally exudes an admirable temperament.

"You are Mr. Qin? Nice to meet you." Xu Yuanze met Qin Shui, took the other's business card, and said proactively.

The rise of Yunling Medicine was very sudden. He sent someone to investigate, but only Qin Shui, the general manager of Yunling Medicine, was found. As for the real person in charge, he was listed as a protection target by the military. He was a little surprised that there were not many cases of permission checking.

It's just that it is a pharmaceutical company that has just started up after all, so he hasn't shifted all his attention to it.

"Mayor Xu, madam, I offer you a toast, and I hope you will take care of me in the future..." Qin Shui was also not polite, treating people and things neither humble nor overbearing.

"President Qin, you are being polite. Yunling Medicine of yours is rather mysterious. I have always wanted to meet with the person in charge, but the military advised me not to intervene for the time being. It made me more curious..." Xu Yuanze smiled dryly, There was a flash in his eyes, and it was difficult to distinguish between emotions and anger.

"Didn't you see it? Our Director Jing specially asked for leave today. I heard that her idol is you, and she came here just to meet you." Qin Shui laughed.

He knew Jing Yunzhao's purpose.

"Oh? The chairman of your company is here too?" Xu Yuanze was indeed surprised. He thought that this mysterious old director was not going to show up at all, otherwise he wouldn't let the military keep it a secret.

But, what does this leave mean?Could it be that that person is still working elsewhere?
Qin Shui smiled, looking a little weird.

Raising his finger to point in the direction of Jing Yunzhao, Xu Yuanze looked over and saw a particularly beautiful figure from the back.

"It's still a woman." Xu Yuanze was surprised for a moment, but a strange feeling suddenly emerged in his heart, and he always felt that this moment seemed very important...

"Shen Xi, you go shopping by yourself first." Xu Yuanze said, and walked over.

Shen Xi glanced at it and didn't care. After all, although the other party was a woman, Xu Yuanze was not a lustful person at all, otherwise she wouldn't have been alone in the empty room for so many years.

Immediately, she smiled at Qin Shui, said a few words, and then Shen Xi walked towards her acquaintance.

At this time, the closer Xu Yuanze got, the more nervous he felt.

For so many years, this has never happened.

Sensing someone approaching from behind, Jing Yunzhao put down his wine glass and turned around.

Immediately, Xu Yuanze stopped, and he was stunned on the spot. He took a step in the next second, and immediately arrived in front of Jing Yunzhao, holding her arm with both hands: "Xianlan?"

"Mayor Xu, hello, my name is Jing Yunzhao."

Xu Yuanze's gaze changed from joy to coldness, and he settled down instantly, before sending his hands away: "Who are you?"

"Mayor Xu, I've already said it." Jing Yunzhao said with a smile.

Xu Yuanze's eyes were deep, this girl is not his sister, but she looks a lot like her, but how could such a similar person suddenly appear in front of him?It seems to be done on purpose, could it be specially arranged by his opponent?

However, she is the person in charge of Yunling Pharmaceutical and is protected by the military, so she should have nothing to do with his opponent.

"Jing Dong, it's a pleasure to meet you." The voice almost came out of his throat.

Jing Yunzhao smiled, and shook hands with his extended hand.

(End of this chapter)

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