Chapter 932

Shen Xi's mind was spinning a thousand times, but he thought about a lot of things in a few seconds, and after a while, his eyes suddenly became very gentle and kind, as if he really loved Jing Yunzhao.

"Husband, I just thought about it. Yun Zhao's birthday is coming soon, right? Why don't you hold a banquet and invite her friends and classmates to gather together? What do you think?" Shen Xi asked.

No one knows the exact date of Jing Yunzhao's birthday, but the certificate shows that there is less than one month left before Jing Yunzhao's birthday, and it was during the winter vacation.

"Zhaoer, I think your aunt Shen's opinion is good, what do you think?" Xu Yuanze nodded in agreement and asked Jing Yunzhao.

Jing Yunzhao was a little suspicious, Shen Xi seemed to have changed suddenly, and he didn't know why.

"I think it's settled like this, girl, when the time comes, invite your friends and classmates over to make it more lively." Before Jing Yunzhao could speak, the old man had already finalized the matter.

Jing Yunzhao thought for a while and nodded.

Acknowledging relatives is a festive event after all, so it's best if everyone knows about it.

"But Dad, once the birthday party is held, I'm afraid the Li family will know about it..." Xu Yuanze reminded.

Whether Jing Yunzhao has Li Tianyi's blood on his body is still unknown, but it must be nine out of ten. Once the Li family knows that she exists, it may not be a good attitude, especially since Jing Yunzhao's surname is Jing by chance. It will make the Li family unhappy.

"So what if they know? The girl is my granddaughter! Even if it's Li Wenbo's granddaughter, Li Wenbo can't control her just because of this surname! Hmph, that old thing has slept peacefully for so many years, so he should do it now It's a bit of a nightmare." The old man snorted coldly, and his temper suddenly came up.

"By the way, Xiao Zhao, did your adoptive parents choose your name?" Xu Yuancheng asked at the side.

"I heard that my adoptive mother asked a fortune-teller to pick it up, and I got my surname from the jade plaque on my body." Jing Yunzhao replied truthfully.

The jade plaque looked very old and dull back then, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a fake. Therefore, the Qiao family did not shift their attention to the jade plaque, otherwise it would have been sold long ago.

"Where's the jade badge? This is the one you wear around your neck?" The old man asked, pointing to her collar.

He had seen Jing Yunzhao wearing something around his neck a long time ago, but he never paid much attention to it, and he couldn't see it even if he was covered by clothes.

Jing Yunzhao took the jade card out of his clothes, the old man looked at it, and suddenly smiled: "This is destined! Girl, take a good look at this jade card."

"Grandpa?" Jing Yunzhao was a little puzzled by the old man's attitude.

"There were originally two jade plaques, one for the Xu family and one for the Jing family. They were not a pair, but they were symbols handed down from generation to generation, with the surnames of each family engraved on them, but the one from our Xu family was broken hundreds of years ago. Yes, it is said that after the jade was broken, the successive generations of the Xu family did not live long, and their descendants were not prosperous, so the Jing family attaches great importance to jade plaques."

"The previous generations have mentioned that this jade card will only recognize the Xu and Jing families as the main ones. Even if outsiders get it, it will not last long. It has been passed down from the ancestors that people with extremely good luck who wear this jade card will definitely get it. Turning into a dragon when meeting water, has the fate of revitalizing the family, revitalizing medical skills and pharmacology, but no one can understand this luck over the years, and it is just a rumor. Now it seems..." The old man glanced at Jing Yunzhao and smiled. without speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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