Chapter 174
Captain Lu was immediately satisfied when he thought that Lin Haoran had been classified as a mess by his daughter-in-law.

He hooked the corners of his mouth, took his wife's little hand, and continued to look at plum blossoms.

But as I walked, the wind picked up, and some petals fell gently.

The winter wind is still very bitter, and it hurts when it blows on the face.

Lu Ye himself had rough skin and thick flesh, so he didn't feel much, but when he saw Gu Yan's nose turned red.

Covering it with his big hand, he felt the slightest bit of coolness.

"It's windy, it's too cold, let's find a place to shelter from the wind."

"Fortunately, I'm not very cold."

"But I feel distressed." In some matters, Lu Ye was still very persistent and domineering.

Gu Yan smiled, but what she didn't tell Lu Ye was that when she was in the country, she had to wash and dry clothes in winter, feed pigs and chickens, and the wind in the mountains and forests in winter was colder and harsher.

A hundred times colder than it is now.

But she knew that Lu Ye cared about her very much, that's why she said that. This feeling of being cared for made Gu Yan's heart warm.

She smiled and nodded, "Okay."

The two found a small pavilion. Although the surrounding area was not completely closed, it also blocked a lot of wind.

There were so many people looking at plum blossoms just now, and some people took shelter here, but they left after not staying for a while.

The temperature dropped dramatically.

In the parks in the northern star region, there are really not many scenery to see in winter, and now the north wind is blowing again, and after a while, there were many people who had gone away.

Gu Yan and Lu Ye stood there without the wind blowing, and the two of them were talking in a low voice.

"Next, I may have a mission, and you have to prepare for the exam." Lu Ye put one hand on the young daughter-in-law's shoulder, protecting her with his body, trying not to let the cold wind blow to her.

"About how long?" Gu Yan raised his eyes and almost bumped into Lu Ye's chin, which caused Lu Ye to purse his lips into a bared smile. He even raised his head deliberately, and stroked Gu Yan's soft hair with his chin.

"Two months, maybe after the end, it's probably the Chinese New Year." Lu Ye couldn't help but leaned towards the little wife again, anyway, there were only the two of them left at the pavilion, so there was no need to worry. "At that time, you probably also went home."

Mentioning this made Captain Lu feel melancholy.

That proves that the next two months will not see the little daughter-in-law.

This is the first Spring Festival since Gu Yan was reborn.

She slightly opened her red lips, just as she was about to say something, it was Lu Ye who realized it first, and he asked in a low voice, "Will they make things difficult for you when you go home during the Chinese New Year?"

"If I don't go home during Chinese New Year, I'll just stay in the special training team."

Fortunately, because he joined the special training team, Gu Yan's account is now in the collective account of the special training team. After he is admitted to the Imperial First Academy, he can transfer his account to the school.

Gu Yan is a little worried about his honest and honest adoptive father Gu Dagang, and his stupid brother Gu Qiang who has no heart.

But she also knew that at such a juncture, she could not go back for the time being.

Don't worry, take everything slowly, she will remember every account and calculate it slowly.

Gu Yan was thinking about how to deal with Zhang Lan, but Lu Ye felt a little distressed seeing the little daughter-in-law's silence.

He grew up in wealth and wealth. Although the old man didn't pamper him, he really didn't lack for anything in life, and even had much more than many of his peers.

And Gu Yan...

For some reason, Lu Ye suddenly asked, "Yan, do you know where your biological parents are? Or, if you have any clues, I'll ask someone to help you find them."

 This chapter hurts my face a little, come, come, sprinkle some sugar in the next chapter.Well, so I decided to publish these two chapters together.Don't love wine too much bro.

(End of this chapter)

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