Chapter 2517
"No." After Cang Lan answered blankly, she turned around and continued to cut vines.

Guo Rou was a little depressed.

This Cang Lan even said that she was here to help Gu Yan, but in the end, did she not care about Gu Yan's safety at all?
What will happen if you say a few more words!

But Guo Rou is also a little concerned and confused.

At this moment, Guo Rou's ankle was entangled by a vine again, which made her stagger and lose her balance.

Fortunately, Gongsun Yu came over in time and cut off the vine.

Gongsun Yu's forehead was a little sweaty, his physical strength was exhausted, and he hadn't recovered well before.

Even so, he remained quite composed.

Gongsun Yu frowned and looked at Guo Rou, "Don't be distracted! Gu Yan must have her thoughts, all we have to do is trust her! Also, don't hold her back!"

Guo Rou hadn't seen her husband look so serious for a long time, she nodded silently.

The husband and wife fought side by side, and there was no critical situation again, and the effect of the two fighting together was reflected.

Soon, everyone began to form groups in pairs, not only to guard against the sneak attack of the vines, but also to allow them to have a break.

Not too tiring.

However, this only delays the current stalemate, and does not cure the root cause!

At this time, Gu Yan had jumped to the top of the canopy, and she looked down at the vine that looked like a green snake.

"It turned out to be waiting for us all to go in before we acted. No wonder the sister-in-law who walked in the last found out." Gu Yan muttered to herself.

This vine may have also evolved an IQ!

Following in the sea, the sea creatures that Gu Yan and the others have encountered before also have the same effect.

Do not……

Maybe more serious.

Gu Yan naturally knows that some plants also have the habit of predators, such as pitcher plants, etc., but there is no plant that is as arrogant as this vine!

Moreover, this vine seems to have grown for a long time, otherwise, it would not have such a wide range!

Ah Ye and the others probably haven't encountered this thing before, right?
Gu Yan took the time to worry about Lu Ye, and then immediately forced herself to quickly determine the location of the main body of the vine.

This vine is a shade-loving plant, so its body will not be in a particularly sunny place.

And now it is attacking the place where everyone is attacking, because there are tall trees above the head, and the huge leaves block most of the sunlight, which allows the vines, such a shade-loving plant, to run rampant during the period.

Body, body...

Because she stands tall and can see far, and Gu Yan's eyesight has been enhanced by Xiao Yupei.

So standing on the branch of the tree, she saw a panicked wild boar running wildly to avoid the vine.

The boar's body was also much larger than Gu Yan's impression, and its ferocious fangs shone coldly.

Gu Yan firmly believed that the fighting power of wild boars like this must be much stronger than those of ordinary wild boars.

But unfortunately, although this wild boar is very strong, when its limbs are entangled, it bumps and struggles randomly, but it doesn't help.

Softness overcomes rigidity.

The vines were already quite strong, and there were a lot of them. After the wild boar's weapon and fangs were entangled, they couldn't use it.

After struggling for a while, more and more vines entangled this huge wild boar into a green cocoon!

Then, the vine dragged the boar in one direction!
Gu Yan's eyes lit up!
She seems to know where the body of the giant vine is!

(End of this chapter)

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