Chapter 3068 The Last Game 22
At this moment, Huang Yuan couldn't remain indifferent.

This Gu Ye has the ability to kill Rodriguez, but at this moment, she is more like a cat teasing a mouse.

Seeing Rodriguez's embarrassed appearance, Huang Yuan couldn't stand it anymore.

He also knew what those big figures meant when they called.

Huang Yuan didn't rush to answer the phone, but asked Cisco beside him, "How long will it be over?"

"Four more minutes," Cisco said.

4 minutes, 4 minutes soon... soon...

Huang Yuan comforted himself, and then calmed himself down before answering the call.

The phone was the big guy who bet on Rodriguez, fat.

He said to Huang Yuan, "Huang, how did you do things? How could you injure Luo so badly! The person who hurt him must be killed!"

At this time, another call came in, it was the big man with white hair.

"Luo was just injured in the game, and it shouldn't be a big problem in reality. Don't kill that young man, just give it to me."

Huang Yuan was speechless for a while.

Is this killing or not?

And it seems that there are some important people who appreciate Gu Ye more?
But it's true, this kid is too fierce, and he likes to do things independently, if the other party really doesn't hide himself, Huang Yuan himself would miss Zhao An.

3 minutes left.

Huang Yuan started talking to each other, "My lords, it's true. Mr. Luo seems to be injured, but those injuries don't affect him at all. When he comes out of the game, he just doesn't feel well. Rest." Just rest."

There is a loophole in Huang Yuan's words.

Because Rodriguez suffered multiple injuries, it depends on Gu Ye's mood at the moment!
The opponent played too unreasonably.

What if Luo Ke is really killed? !

And Lu Ye here has quietly approached Brother Jiang at the console...

1 minutes left.

Gu Yan had already approached Rodriguez, and said in a very soft voice, "Do you want to know who I am?"

Rodriguez was frightened, he raised his head and looked at the man named Gu Ye.

Obviously the other party is smiling.

But Rodriguez felt an inexplicable chill on his back!

The corners of Gu Yan's mouth raised, and his voice was very low, but Rodriguez could definitely hear it.

She said, "I'm Angel's brother."

"What?!!!!" Rodriguez's pupils shrank suddenly, and his body seemed to be frozen.

But Jessica in the distance still fell to the ground because she shed too much blood.

There are still ten seconds!
At the same time, Lu Ye rushed to Brother Jiang's side suddenly, kicked Brother Jiang away, and then directly pressed the red button!

Brother Jiang's reaction was also very fast. He quickly stood up and rushed towards Lu Ye, trying to stop him.

But the next moment, Brother Jiang found someone standing in front of him.

It's Greedy Wolf!
And here Lu Ye has already pressed the red button, and then, very neatly pressed a few black buttons over there.

Huang Yuan and Cisco immediately understood what happened, but they were still a little far away from the operating panel, and it was too late!
"Don't!" Huang Yuan only had time to shout, and then an electric current filled the control room in an instant.

Lu Ye, Tanlang, Brother Jiang, Si Ke, Huang Yuan, and five men in black were instantly hit by the electric current, and then they all fell to the ground softly.

(End of this chapter)

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