Chapter 715

She was already very irritable by the Nanfang Weekly incident, and she wanted to go back to the South, but she couldn't buy a ticket.

This time, after finally buying a sleeper berth, she even met Gu Yan? !
New hatred and old hatred.

It may be that Song Yaqin was too angry, the universe exploded, her strength increased greatly, she even broke away from the strong female flight attendant, and rushed towards Gu Yan directly.

Gu Yan had been prepared for a long time, so naturally Song Yaqin didn't let Song Yaqin pounce on her. While dodging deftly, she also stretched her feet quietly.

Then with a chirp, Song Yaqin fell to the ground.

His head hit the ground directly.

Because Song Yaqin tried her best to rush over to hit Gu Yan, so the inertia was too great, and the fall was serious.

His face fell to the ground... and he passed out immediately.

Song Yaqin's nose was bleeding.

The high-heeled shoes broke off, and the newly combed hair also fell into a mess.

What a mess.

Gu Yan immediately squatted down, checked Song Yaqin, and then said to the slightly confused conductor, "Go and call other conductors to come over, this lesbian fell unconscious."

"Okay, okay!"

The conductor quickly called many other people, and everyone hurriedly decided to lift Song Yaqin first.

Gu Yan said seriously, "I've seen this lesbian on TV before. I don't know if you have heard of it. She is the youngest singer Song Yaqin. Her state today is really abnormal!"

At the beginning, the female flight attendant nodded hurriedly, "I remember, I saw her in the newspaper before, saying that her works were plagiarized by others, and now it has been exposed, no wonder her mental state is not right."

After Gu Yan reminded her, everyone recognized Song Yaqin, and her sympathy disappeared in an instant.

"It turned out to be her, hey, I used to like listening to her sing very much, I really didn't expect her to be that kind of person!"

"Yeah, those songs were not written by her, it's really too much."

"The unknown author whose work was robbed by her is even more pitiful."

"Know the face, but not the heart."

While carrying Song Yaqin away, everyone talked about it. Of course, they all looked down on Song Yaqin.

As for Gu Yan here, after accepting the thanks from the flight attendants, she turned around and returned to her own compartment after she finished using the bathroom.

Guo Rou looked at her curiously, "Gu Yan, why did you go to the bathroom for so long, I saw a lot of people over there just now, what happened?"

Gu Yan told about meeting Song Yaqin.

After hearing this, Guo Rou slapped her thigh, "Damn! I didn't see this scene, what a loss! Why didn't you call me!"

"Okay, in that situation, I didn't have time to call you, and the sound transmission from thousands of miles was not enough." Gu Yan smiled and said, "Don't pay attention to her, you should take a rest, after we arrive at the destination tomorrow, we may not How much time to rest."

"Success, the two of us rest alternately." Guo Rou rubbed her chin and said with infinite regret, "Hey, it's a pity to miss the annual drama. If I were here, it would definitely be more than just tripping Song Yaqin's leg .”

Gu Yan shook her head and smiled helplessly.

Song Yaqin is actually much stupider than Bai Weiyang, she threatened Xiao Mosheng this time, it was actually a bad move, because a reversal immediately made Song Yaqin completely defeated and it was difficult to turn over.

Pig opponents are not worth caring about, what Gu Yan is thinking about is, how has Bai Weiyang been so peaceful recently?

In fact, Bai Weiyang is not peaceful, she has been in the dark, ready to move.

(End of this chapter)

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