Chapter 883
Qiao Zhaoran: ...

Why does he always feel that the teacher runs so fast because of him?
But he didn't seem to do anything out of the ordinary in this class, right?
Qiao Zhaoran didn't know that it was his soft face in this class that almost scared the teacher so much that he couldn't finish the class.


The expression on Qiao Zhaoran's face will be soft only when Qiao Zhaoran wants to punish him...

"What are you doing?" Qiao Zhaoran clicked his lips boredly, and then leaned over to see what Qin Huanhuan, who had been lying there writing and drawing for a class, was doing.

And Qin Huanhuan seemed to have sensed Qiao Zhaoran's purpose. Seeing Qiao Zhaoran approaching, she immediately closed her drawing book, and then sat there blankly and stared blankly.

Qiao Zhaoran: ...

"You said what are you thinking about every day when you are in a daze." Qiao Zhaoran didn't expect Qin Huanhuan to talk to him, he just didn't speak for a class and was a little bored.

What else can she think about, how can she attack him!Qin Huanhuan still sat there dumbfounded, but he slandered in his heart because of Qiao Zhaoran's words.

Qiao Zhaoran had no one to talk now, so he took out his mobile phone and wanted to play two games to pass the time.

"Trough! Push the tower!"

"I go!"

"Trough! Take Lao Tzu's head!"

Qiao Zhaoran looked at the empty tower, and at the teammates who were circling outside the tower but refused to come in to fight the tower, and couldn't help but swear.

Then, after the hero on the opposite side ran over and was hit with residual blood by him, before he could make another move, the hero on the opposite side was crushed to death by the circling man in their team. Qiao Zhaoran was furious cursed.

"Look at this mentally handicapped guy! He didn't care about the little soldier pushing the tower, but went to the front to find the opponent to die! Can you play?" Seeing that the teammate was very upset, Qiao Zhaoran gave half of the phone and put it between him and Qin Huanhuan. the middle of people.

At this time, Qiao Zhaoran, who was completely absorbed in the game, had long forgotten that his deskmate was no longer Lin Cheng's business.

When Qin Huanhuan heard Qiao Zhaoran's words, his heart moved, and his eyes slowly moved to his mobile phone screen.

Qiao Zhaoran vaguely saw a figure approaching, and deliberately put the phone next to him, and then concentrated on playing again.

Although their team had a mental retardation, the other four had no major technical problems. Therefore, after more than 20 minutes of the game, they finally won.

"Phew!" Qiao Zhaoran breathed a sigh of relief, and then reported that person casually. As for the reason... of course it was maliciously giving away the head!

After he exited the game, when he raised his head, he bumped into a pair of rippling eyes.

Qiao Zhaoran was stunned for a moment, for Qin Huanhuan's sudden approach, he said that he had no idea what was going on.

However, when he saw the direction of Qin Huanhuan's eyes, he understood.

Just now he seemed to treat her as Lin Cheng and let her watch him play games?

So, she was attracted by the game?
He wouldn't narcissistically think that it was Qin Huanhuan who suddenly wanted to pay attention to him, so...

Qiao Zhaoran looked at Qin Huanhuan, and moved the phone in his hand to the left.

Sure enough, Qin Huanhuan's gaze followed the phone to the left.

Qiao Zhaoran moved the phone to the right again.

Qin Huanhuan's eyes followed suit.

For some reason, seeing Qin Huanhuan's wooden eyes, Qiao Zhaoran suddenly felt a little funny.

Qiao Zhaoran kept looking at Qin Huanhuan from the corner of his eye, and then tentatively opened the game on the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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