Chapter 926
"We believe that she will be fine one day."

Qiao Zhaoran smiled sourly, nodded, and said, "I believe it too."

Qin's mother smiled wider, "Go home quickly, your parents have to wait!"

Hearing this, the forced smile on Qiao Zhaoran's face disappeared instantly.

"My parents are not at home." Qiao Zhaoran said.

Not at home?

"Your parents both work outside?" Mother Qin asked speculatively.

Qiao Zhaoran nodded.

Qin's mother choked for breath, and couldn't help thinking of Qin Huanhuan who was left at home by her and Qin's father.

When she looked up at Qiao Zhaoran again, there was a little more love in her eyes.

"Otherwise, you can come to our house for dinner tonight!" Mother Qin said.

Qiao Zhaoran hastily refused.

However, Qin's mother had already dragged him into the community.

Seeing Qin's mother being so enthusiastic, Qiao Zhaoran followed Qin's mother's strength and went back to Qin Huanhuan's home with them.

In the next few days, Qiao Zhaoran would always be taken back to their home for dinner by Qin's mother.

Qiao Zhaoran felt that he had a greater responsibility.

Qin's mother is so kind to him, he must protect Qin Huanhuan for Qin's mother, and not let her suffer any harm.

In fact, these years, his academic performance has not been good, and he likes to skip classes or gather crowds to make troubles. In fact, he is quite unpleasant. Many people even don't want their children to have contact with him. When they see him, they will use a kind of contempt. Eyes on him.

But no one knew that the reason he used to do this was only because the school would find his parents only when he made a mistake.

He wants to see his parents who are away from home, that's all.

But slowly, he got used to it.

I am used to the life without parents, and I am also used to flirting, fighting and enjoying with his group of buddies.

Now, Qin's mother will not only not look down on him, but will also pamper him as her child. He has forgotten how long he has not experienced this feeling of being pampered.

It's been so long that he thinks of Mother Qin's loving eyes, and he has the urge to cry.

Even for Qin's mother, he will definitely protect Qin Huanhuan well.


These few days, Qin Huanhuan clearly felt Qiao Zhaoran's silence.

He would make noises in her ears during class on weekdays, but these days, he was very quiet, writing and drawing on the table every day, not knowing what he was doing.

Today, just after Qiao Zhaoran came back from playing, he suddenly turned his head and said to Qin Huanhuan:
"Accompany me to meet someone this afternoon, and I'll take you home again, how about it?"

Qin Huanhuan turned to him, a little puzzled.

Knowing what she meant, Qiao Zhaoran replied, "It's my uncle. My parents entrusted him to see how I'm doing."

His uncle?
Qin Huanhuan always felt that this was weird. If he went to see someone on weekdays, wouldn't he usually send her home first, and then go back alone?

If there is something urgent, I will call Qin's father and Qin's mother first to ask Qin's father and mother to pick Qin Huanhuan back.

Seeing that Qiao Zhaoran was still looking at her, Qin Huanhuan nodded slightly, then put the matter behind her and went back to painting.

Seeing Qin Huanhuan's response, Qiao Zhaoran relaxed the tension in his heart.

These days, Qin Huanhuan has been able to express her thoughts normally in front of him. Although she still hasn't spoken to him, she will communicate with him with her eyes, or nod and shake her head to express her opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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