But it's Mengmeng who makes him fall in love

Chapter 740 Brother, I miss the Zhang family

Chapter 740 Brother, I want to go home (two more, three thousand)
"The old man Bai and old brother Bai, I will go to work first. If there is a need, the secretary of the bureau chief outside will call me."

The little policeman left the chief's office.

Only then did Bai Zhengxiang ask the old man,
"You just said...do you believe what Shi Haiyan said?"

"There's no reason not to believe it."

"Dad, do you think Yin Shiqing's wife still has kindness?"

"It's not whether there is any kindness at all, but that she has to find a way."


"That woman is ignorant, but no matter how ignorant she is, when it comes to life and death, everyone has the instinct to survive. She knows what to do to survive and what to do to seek death."

"Dad, sometimes I really feel... Your thinking is very strange."

Bai Fengmao looked sideways at his eldest son, and unconsciously smiled.

"What are you laughing at? Is there something on my face?"

"I just saw that your hair was half white, and I thought it was quite funny."


"Boss, among the four children, you seem to be the most calm, but in fact... impatient."

"You always say that, I'm already changing it!"

"I don't always say that, can you change it?"

"Cough cough..."

"You are impatient, but you are more capable than the second child, more tactful than the third child, and smarter than the fourth child."

"It's rare to hear my father praise me so much."

"What? How about I take it back?"

"Don't...you should praise me more!"

Bai Zhengxiang said hurriedly.

Bai Fengmao sighed,
"You have countless advantages, but you have one big disadvantage."

"You say……"

"Impersonal. Dirty."


"No matter how big a person's business is, and how well he can perform at the negotiating table, he may not be able to see through the little things in life."

"Then...how can you be humane?"

Bai Zhengxiang asked.

"Yin Shixiu."

Bai Fengmao replied.


Bai Zhengxiang didn't understand.

"Learn from him. No matter how big your business is, you won't ignore people and things at home."

"He can see clearly?"

"At least I can see better than you."

Bai Zhengxiang touched his chin, but he didn't deny it.

Shi Xiaohai didn't expect that the tone of Panasonic in the first second would be brought up again in the next second.

The moment the door was opened, the sharp dagger was already on his neck.

The hands holding the meals and snacks suddenly clenched into fists.

It's just that there was no chance for this fist to hit at all, and the big-eyed strong man dragged him in!

The door closed again.

Shi Xiaohai looked at the twin brothers and sisters who were tied up, and then at his younger brother with a pale face and cold sweat dripping down his forehead...

As soon as he let go, the meals in his hand and the snacks bought from the supermarket fell to the ground.

"Tie up!"

The strong man with big eyes asked his brother to tie up Shi Xiaohai.

Shi Xiaohai and Shi Xiaoyang were separated by a long distance.

Both Shi Xiaoyang and Shuangshuang Huanghuang's mouths were sealed and they couldn't open their mouths.

I saw that the squinting gangster searched Shi Xiaohai's whole body.

"Brother, he only has a few hundred yuan in cash with him. But he does have a few cards."

"Say the password one by one."

The big-eyed man didn't explain the situation to Shi Xiaohai, but just put the knife on his neck, and the sharp blade cut a little bit of his skin.

Shi Xiaohai was sweating, his skin was broken, and it hurt from pickling.

He glanced at his brother...

Shi Xiaoyang nodded at him, meaning to tell Shi Xiaohai not to play tricks, these two people are serious.

Seeing Shi Xiaoyang's pale appearance, Shi Xiaohai thought that Shi Xiaoyang might have suffered a lot.

Thinking of this level, Shi Xiaohai naturally didn't resist, and told the card password one by one.

As soon as I finished speaking here, the strong man with squinting eyes took the card and went out.

Shi Xiaohai looked at the gangster with fixed eyes,

"If you just want money, you have already searched all the money on us, including the money in the card, can you let us go?"

"First look at how much money you have in your card. We also take a lot of risks in doing this business."

The cold dagger slapped Shi Xiaohai's face, full of contempt and contempt.

Shi Xiaohai closed his eyes, turned his head slightly, and saw Ke Liang's two children cuddling tightly.

The little girl's hair was messed up, and her whole face was weeping.

And that little boy... had a straight face, and there was a hint of fear in those big eyes.

Where is my brother?
Also scared.

What about him?

When their family was rich, they never encountered such a thing. Now their family has no money, but they encountered such a thing in a daze.

The two gangsters, just by looking at their faces, are extremely vicious.

Shi Xiaohai frowned, at this moment he just wanted to scold his mother!

"A lot of money or a little money, there is only so much, and you also said that you are taking risks. If you tie us here, the longer the time is delayed, the greater the risk, isn't it?"

Although I wanted to scold my mother in my heart, my words were still rational.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, Shi Xiaohai was severely punched by the gangster.

"You two brothers are really brothers, why? Who is the one who is being tied up now? Do you still want to teach us how to do it?"

Shi Xiaohai's viscera hurt from this punch.

bent over.

Both mouths curled up, those big elf-like eyes, pearl-like teardrops rolled down one by one.

Shi Xiaohai was originally facing Shuangshuang's face, but when he saw the little girl's frightened expression, he immediately turned his painful face to the other side.

He cursed in his heart, but the reality was in front of him, he was so powerless.

The little girl didn't dare to cry out loud when she cried, and the little hands of the brother and sister were tightly held together.

The strong man was not idle at this time, he opened the meal that Shi Xiaohai bought and started to eat, grinning at them while eating.

Shi Xiaohai and Shi Xiaoyang were fine, but Shuangshuang and Huanghuang were really frightened too much.

Although these two little guys have seen bigger scenes, but...

During the terrorist attack in London, Su Xiaomeng was by their side, and brother Shan Mingxu was with them at that time.

Now, Shi Xiaohai and Shi Xiaoyang are really not acquaintances of Shuangshuang and Huanghuang.

The gangster looks too scary.

Every second seems to be stretched unconsciously...

Shi Xiaohai and Shi Xiaoyang really regretted it at this time... regretted blindly listening to their aunt, regretted the momentary fever.

After about a quarter of an hour, the man with the small eyes came back!

He carried a bag in his hand and threw it on the bed,
"Damn it, with several cards combined, it's less than [-] yuan! This guy's card is still locked, and he can't withdraw money at all!"

Shi Xiaoyang swallowed.

Sure enough, the big-eyed man walked up to Shi Xiaoyang, grabbed his hair, and tore off the cloth strip from his mouth,

"Are you playing with us?"

"I didn't say there was money in that card."

Shi Xiaoyang said hurriedly.

The big-eyed burly man stared at him, wrapped his hands around behind him, grabbed his second finger, and snapped it off without saying a word!
Only this time, Shi Xiaoyang learned his lesson, his painful eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, but he didn't make a sound, fearing that he would scare the two children again.

But the sound of bones being broken suddenly resounded in the air, which really made Shi Xiaohai's back feel cold.

He stared in astonishment at Shi Xiaoyang who was biting his lips to bleed and didn't make a sound...

"Come at me! Don't touch my brother!"

"Damn it, you're the only one with the guts!"

That small-eyed man didn't say a word, he went up and kicked Shi Xiaohai to the ground!
"elder brother……"

Both of them held Prince Huang's hand tightly.Sucking his nose, with a cloth strip on his mouth, he could only make a whining sound...

But only with the sound of "Woooo", Prince Huang could understand what Shuang Shuang said.

"I, I want to go home... woo...I want to go home..."


Suddenly, Prince Huang also struggled to make a sound.

 Dear friends, there is one more update, before eight o'clock~
(End of this chapter)

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