Chapter 324
In the turmoil of the Nine Kingdoms, the army was the first to move.

The royal family of Nai has withered. Jimo Lian has been dealing with South Vietnam, Lan Kingdom and Jiuluo Three Kingdoms these years. As a royal family with withered heirs, it is undoubtedly a whimsical thing to want to prosper.

With raging hatred, Starry Night galloped back to his home country. The first thing he did was to summon all the generals who could lead the troops in command, and ordered to transfer one-third of the country's elite soldiers to the border, and firmly guard the road leading to the capital of Nai. fortress.

A total of 30 cavalry elite soldiers, commanded by two senior generals from the court and the central government, set up camp at the border as if protected by iron barrels. It seems that they are ready to start a long-term battle plan to compete in the world, but most of the generals already know it in their hearts. Her Royal Highness, who has always been strong, has already begun to feel uneasy.

The purpose of the army's dispatch is not simply to compete for the world's beautiful country, but also to temporarily calm a panicked heart.

The defense of the frontier fortress can be described as impenetrable, and the next step is to integrate the remaining soldiers and horses. However, the imperial court still has 15 black-armored imperial guards hidden in the dark, which are directly transferred by His Majesty the Emperor. , Without His Majesty's order, he has no right to mobilize these secret guards guarding the imperial city.

For the military power of the Black Armored Army, Jimo Lian finally confronted her father who had been estranged for ten years.

And as generals who are devoted to Jimolian but can't blatantly oppose His Majesty the Emperor, none of them expected that when Jimolian and the emperor officially launched a silent war, their most sophisticated 30 cavalry formed at the border. The most sophisticated military deployment is completely useless in the eyes of others. It is as clear at a glance as the wildness of no one, and there is no security at all.

It took less than half a day for Su Mo and Qi Lang to set off from Hucheng to Nai's border camp.I have seen the detailed military defense map before, and I know the frontier defense with 30 people well.

The two generals who were stationed at the border are Hushi General Feng Yan and Zhen Guo General Ming Yuan. Both of them are veterans who have led troops for many years. In the past, they had equal status in the army. As a supplement, they cooperated tacitly, and there was no disagreement over power, which led to suspicion or suspicion. Obviously, not all generals can do this.

"No matter how tacitly they cooperate, even if they are golden partners, I will still send them to the Western Bliss tonight." Qi Lang said so, his lazy tone full of conceit.

Since the first mission, he has never tasted the taste of failure, and partnering with the young master, there is no doubt that there is no chance of failure at [-]——

Nayi's old general Feng Yan and the 30-year-old major general Yao Mingyuan are doomed to die tonight-although these two can be regarded as two outstanding talents among generals who are good at fighting.But in the vast Nine Kingdoms, there are many generals who are good at fighting, and there are not a few with good character. If you follow the wrong master, death is always the best destination.

"Taking the lives of those two people, no matter how many crooked ways Jimo Lian will do, I'm afraid she will immediately fall into the predicament of being attacked from both sides."

Su Mo lazily played with her chestnut-brown hair under the sun, and the smile on her lips was charming and intimidating, but with a hint of coldness.

Jimo Lian...

If it's a man, it doesn't really matter whether Su Mo intervenes or not. Anyway, Cang Hao won't suffer from anyone.

But this is a woman, and a sinister woman who is full of evil spirits, enchanting, and full of intrigues.

If left alone, there will be endless disasters, and it can only be destroyed.But if Cang Hao did it himself, it would be too much of a fuss—how can such a woman who can't see the light deserve Cang Hao to do it himself?

Just thinking about this in Su Mo's heart, she couldn't help but feel warm tenderness in her heart again, almost flooding her.

In the past 20 years of his life, Su Mo has always believed that gods are just nonsense of superstitious people, and they are the spiritual sustenance of weak people when they are helpless.

She has always been so strong that she only believes that fate is in her own hands.

However, during this period of time, no one knew how inexplicably grateful she felt in her heart. She would rather believe in the existence of gods in the dark, and even more would rather believe that her encounter with Cang Hao was deliberately arranged by heaven.

When people are alone in the dead of night, she will even have some absurd thoughts uncontrollably, imagining whether they have established an indelible fate with each other in the previous life or earlier, no matter how the years turn, how time and space change However, as long as the love between them is not extinguished, they will surely be able to cross the thousand-year long river, and all difficulties will not be able to stop them from coming together.

These fantasies that once only existed in the minds of sixteen or seventeen-year-old high school girls have actually surfaced in Su Mo's heart in the past month. Every time she came to her senses, she couldn't help but sigh melancholy. Cang Hao was stunned.

Every time I think of it, every time I miss it, it gets deeper and deeper, and every time I feel more grateful.

People who are cold-hearted have always sneered at love, but once they fall in love, they are out of control... Su Mo used to disagree with this sentence, but now it turns out that it's not that you are cold-hearted, but that you haven't met the right one People, so the heart is cold.Once met, it is an obsession that is unwilling to let go.

Su Mo remembered the unwillingness and self-consolation in her heart when she first met Cang Hao and was forced to label her as a woman who belonged to someone from now on—she once thought that if she spent her whole life with such a magnificent man, even if she lost 20 years of her life... Everything in exchange for the price is worth it.

At that time, the thought in my heart was probably a rare and rational one, but I just thought it was worth it.

It's worth it, that's all--

It's like, you pay a little price, but you get far more than what you paid, and you are satisfied with it.

However, what about now?The love is deeply rooted and cannot extricate itself.

Just looking at and thinking about it, I feel a sense of satisfaction in my heart, and I feel that there will be no regrets in my future life, no matter how ordinary and quiet it is.

The fall in love came so fast that she was caught off guard, but she was also happy with it.

Not to mention everything gained in exchange for 20 years of life, even if the mountains and rivers are picturesque, she would never consider it in exchange for her at this moment.

Cang Hao is now to her, already integrated into the existence of blood and veins, unless she digs out her bones and cramps, otherwise it will be difficult to separate from him in this life.

Only this time, she told herself countless times in her heart, whether it is self-willed or angry, only this time, she let her own temper.After meeting again, she vowed that she would never have a second chance to enjoy the pain of lovesickness separated from Cang Hao again in this life.

Missing is the most debilitating thing.

Thinking like this, Su Mo couldn't help wondering whether Cang Hao missed her as deeply as she missed him at this time... Maybe not?
That person's feelings are too pure, so pure that there is no trace of impurities, just like his person, like the purest ice and snow in winter, his affection permeates his heart bit by bit, but it is never possible to imagine his fiery intensity emotion.

Perhaps, even when the love is deep, he can still maintain the ultimate rationality and principles. Su Mo can't help but sigh every time he thinks of this—I don't know whether it's because his charm is too shallow, or whether it's Cang Hao who is so different from the mortal world. I have been isolated from the secular world for too long. In this life, is there a chance for him to lose control of his emotions once?
The big camp where the 30 troops were stationed was right in front of them. Su Mo put aside the heavy thoughts in his heart for a while, and spent two hours brazenly wandering around the big camp with Qi Lang to appreciate the scenery. The military defense map in front of them and that has been firmly memorized in their hearts is accurate, and then they reached a tacit agreement-go to have a cup of tea to pass the time, and if they want to kill people, come back at night.

Although it is not difficult for them to kill people in the daytime, occasionally, they still have to adapt to the situation - as the saying goes, the night is dark and the wind is high, and the atmosphere is particularly satisfying to people's senses.

At night, the two sneaked into the barracks without a sound. They were figures that could not be captured like lightning and ghosts. Entering the barracks was like entering a land of no one. It took less than a cup of tea, and at that time several major generals were gathering in the main account to discuss the military situation.

However, Mingyuan was not there at the moment.

Su Mo and Qi Lang exchanged glances, Qi Lang smiled slightly, and his figure shot away in another direction like a shooting star.

"One day the emperor's 15 black-armored imperial guards are in his hands, and Her Royal Highness the Princess can't feel at ease for a day, and she can't fully focus on fighting against foreign enemies after dealing with the emperor for a day."

Judging from the voice, the person who spoke was a man in his 50s, with a deep and majestic voice, full of aura, with a kind of iron-blooded aura formed by years of killing.

This man is a real man, Su Mo thought to himself standing in the corner outside the camp.

Zhu lips curled up slightly, since she was discussing the military situation, why not just listen to the corner?

"The most urgent task is to obtain the 15 troops in His Majesty's hands, and find out these black armored troops hidden in the imperial city. Otherwise, not only will Her Royal Highness be at ease, but even the last generals will not be able to concentrate on fighting for a day."

The voice of another man seemed a little hesitant: "The general finds it difficult. The 15 black armored army is the emperor's last bargaining chip. If it is so easy to get, the emperor will not have you for so many years..."

Before this person finished speaking, another voice interrupted: "The emperor and His Highness the princess are father and daughter after all, maybe it's because they have been separated for many years that there has been a gap. When it comes to a critical moment, the emperor should think about the overall situation, right?"

For the bigger picture?
Su Mo raised her eyebrows in surprise, who is this speaker?Can you stop being so childish and brainless?Does the big picture refer to the Nai Jimo royal family, or just Jimo Lian?

(End of this chapter)

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