Fengsha Jiangshan

Chapter 1036 Ancient Forbidden Technique [1]

Chapter 1036 Ancient Forbidden Technique [1]

Human beings who have become low-level demons are already equivalent to zombies. They have no consciousness, can't feel pain and can't speak.

All actions are mindless killings, completely obeying Feng Baiwan who turned his fellow disciple into a demon.

Feng Baiwan's move turned dozens of miles into a no-man's land almost overnight. In his eyes, human lives are just like ants and rats and cockroaches, which can't be counted.

The demon rushed into the sea of ​​flames, covered in flames, stepped on the bodies of smaller animals and roared to surround Yutian Xuanhuang...

The air is filled with the strong smell of blood and smoke and the smell of charred animals, which can suffocate people after a long time.

All of Yutian Xuanhuang's escape routes were tightly blocked, there was nothing within his protective barrier extending two meters away from him as the center, the space other than the others was completely filled, and the air flow began to flow. Not very smooth. .

Feng Baiwan's insolent voice sounded again: "Yutian Xuanhuang, at this stage of the field, don't you agree to die?"

Yutian Xuanhuang ignored him, he remained still, but after a while, his feet slowly left the ground, and his body slowly rose...

The transparent protective barrier was like a bubble, and he stood in the bubble and rose to a place more than ten meters above the ground and stopped.

Flying into the air, all kinds of birds seem to have found the target to attack, and they flapped their wings and rammed towards each other...

The protective barrier trembled and trembled after being hit, and it wouldn't last long if it went on like this.

Yu Tian Xuanhuang closed his eyes, opened his arms and slowly raised them up, spreading his hands flat, with the palm of his left hand facing up and the palm of his right hand facing down.

Shining purple light began to radiate from his body, covering him from head to toe...

The light was very gentle, seemingly harmless, but Feng Baiwan saw another sneer in his eyes, hmph, it's just a dying struggle, let's see what other tricks he can use.

Feng Baiwan was really right this time. Yutian Xuanhuang really had a back move. He is currently using a Taoist secret skill that he learned by accident 10,000+ years ago. It is very forbidden and taboo. What he got It has been included in the ranks of the ancient forbidden arts since then, and the ranking is still relatively high.

As for the name of the exercise, he has long forgotten, but he is very clear about the result of the exercise...

The reason why it is listed as a forbidden technique is because to perform this technique, one needs to absorb the soul, bone marrow and blood essence of thousands of living beings around, and turn it into one's own use, so that one can obtain a steady stream of strength in a disadvantaged situation . . . . .

It's just that this method is too cruel, using it once is equivalent to a killing against the sky, it is too bloody, no matter the devil or the Tao, it is not advocated, and Yutian Xuanhuang has always been invincible in the past, and there is no need for this method to win. So he doesn't need it at all.

At that time, after Yutian Xuanhuang got it by chance, he just glanced at it and learned it unexpectedly. After he learned it, he destroyed it. He didn't plan to use it at the time, thinking that since it was banned, it didn't exist. It's necessary.

But at this moment, he has no choice. Only by this method can he win Feng Baiwan.

What's more, Feng Baiwan has already turned the surrounding area into no man's land, these creatures are corrupted by the devil energy, so let them become sharp weapons in Feng Baiwan's hands, it is better to use them for him...

(End of this chapter)

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