Fengsha Jiangshan

Chapter 190 Birth of the Demon Emperor [22]

Chapter 190 Birth of the Demon Emperor [22]

"I wanted to kick you a long time ago. Don't think that you are stronger than me now and can do whatever you want. Let me tell you, this girl is not a sick cat. If you dare to treat me next time, I will chop off your finger! "

Zhuge Canglan's tone was ruthless, and his eyes were even more powerful than the Sky Sword.

The Demon Emperor lowered his head and saw the small footprints on his lower abdomen, he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "You little girl is really loud, no one in my life has dared to talk to me like this, it's interesting, indeed interesting!"

Zhuge Canglan gritted her teeth, she figured it out, no matter how angry you are, this guy is always at ease, like punching cotton with no response.

Zhuge Canglan glanced at the top of his head, the sun was shining brightly at the moment, it was almost noon, she couldn't continue to entangle with the guy, she had to leave quickly.

Gouging the Demon Emperor hard, Zhuge Canglan said coldly: "Hmph, I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you!"

After Zhuge Canglan identified the direction, he immediately summoned the Tianqiong Sword and left quickly with the sword.

After this time has passed, my mother must be dying of anxiety.

The Demon Emperor sat on the cloud, propped his chin with one hand, frowned slightly, and looked slightly sad, making the sunlight dim for a moment.

He murmured: "Leaving in such a hurry, without even saying goodbye, what a careless little girl."

Just as he was talking, the little girl he was talking about suddenly turned around and said, "Hey, you were the last owner of the Sky Sword!"


"It's mine and I won't give it to you."

The Demon Emperor laughed, does he look like someone who would snatch things from little girls?
"It has been separated from me for more than [-] years. The sea has changed, and the fate between me and it is over. Since it recognizes the master with your blood, it is your thing."

Does the majestic Demon Emperor need the help of a divine sword?

With his words, Zhuge Canglan felt relieved, and turned around to leave again.

The petite figure turned around and disappeared into the boundless world.

The Demon Emperor stood up slowly, with his wide robe fluttering behind him. He walked on the clouds, and a bewitching red lotus grew under his feet. It was a pity that Zhuge Canglan didn't see such a wonderful place like a lotus every step of the way.

"Since I've come out, I have to do something... Otherwise, wouldn't a long life be too boring."

Zhuge Canglan originally planned to go straight to the inn, but...she seems to have a magnetic field that causes trouble from birth!
Because he was flying too fast while driving Tianqiong Sword, there was no reason why a goshawk suddenly flew in front of him. This goshawk was a bit big and looked very fierce. Up and down.

Fortunately, Tianqiong Sword was smart enough to catch her before she landed.

However, this also allowed Zhuge Canglan to see clearly the situation below!
A clear and meandering stream, and at the moment there is a demon girl with a human head and a snake body lying beside the stream. The long snake tail is at least ten meters long, most of which are soaked in the stream water. The snake body is black, thick and long , it looks really scary!

During Zhuge Canglan's observation, the Sky Sword had already brought her down to the ground...

Standing on the ground, she realized that there seemed to be many cuts on the snake's lower body, because there were strands of red dyed evenly in the water, and the stream around the snake was dyed red!


(End of this chapter)

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