Fengsha Jiangshan

Chapter 2295 Extra Story: The Phoenix Is Flying 【395】

Chapter 2295 The Fanwai Phoenix Yufei [395]

At [-] o'clock, the bell rang. Although Shiwu was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes, he still dragged his sore legs, closed his eyes, got up from the bed, staggered open the door and walked to the well. After struggling to get half a bucket of water out, he gritted his teeth and plunged his dazed head into it.

The cold well water instantly cleared the mind, Shiwu raised his head from the well water, shivered violently, protruding the exhaust gas in his chest.

Thinking of the twenty-mile morning run that he was about to face again, he felt a little timid in his heart, but this timidity could not make him flinch.

He didn't intend to let others change his idea that he was close to the academy. He did this to be responsible for himself, to compete with the old man at home, to make himself stronger, and then he would not have to be afraid of anyone.

Shiwu clenched his fists to cheer himself up, then picked up the water and rubbed his face vigorously.

After washing up, he was about to go back to the house, when he turned around, he saw Xin Ci standing at the door of his room looking at him, with a little confusion on his face.

Fifteen shrugged, ignored him, and went into the room to get his books.

Xin Ci was still standing there when he went out, Fifteen wondered, is this kid stupid?Why don't you go?
Fifteen walked towards the playground for his morning run with his painful legs.

Xin Ci stood at the entrance where he left, and stood for a while before raising his left foot in the direction he left.

On the playground for the morning jog, all the classes had already assembled, only the Huang class suddenly had a gap, and there were only fifteen people standing.

The people around looked this way at the same time, whispering in low voices.

Few people know what happened last night, but the speed of gossip spread is beyond people's imagination.

It's just such a one-time effort, one pass ten, ten pass one hundred, everyone knows that the students in the yellow class stopped yesterday and asked the dean Jiang Shiwu to be kicked out, but no one thought that last night the dean asked ten Wuyi has actually driven away all the other students in class Huang...

And ordered that they must all leave at the hour of today.

Now everyone's eyes on Fifteen are not as presumptuous as before, although they still have contempt and disdain, but now there is more fear.

He didn't even dare to speak loudly anymore, he spoke in the lowest volume, and he was no longer as bitter as before.

Of course they were afraid. Since the dean could drive away all the students in the yellow class for him, if they offended him, wouldn't they... be driven away too.

I finally came to the perverted Hanjiang Academy. Although it was very hard, but... this is the place where I can really learn something. Few of the people who come here are idiots and have good brains.

Therefore, no one wanted to leave, and no one dared to be presumptuous to Shiwu again, which made Shiwu a lot happier.

The morning run started, the orange shift was in front of Fifteen, and the green shift was behind, all of them were far away from him, fearing that if they got closer, they would be unlucky.

No one was stepping on his heels behind, no one was hitting his arms on both sides, so Fifteen was naturally happy. Although running twenty miles was painful, he could make it through by gritting his teeth.

I hope that I will never see those people again...

Fifteen thought domineeringly, it would be best if he was the only one in the Huang class in the future.


(End of this chapter)

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