Fengsha Jiangshan

Chapter 2366 Fanwai: Green Nightmare Chapter [70]

Chapter 2366 Extra Story: Green Nightmare [70]

After settling the little fox, Fifteen returned to Orange Class. This was the first day for the little fox to go to school. Fifteen was not at ease, and frequently wandered off during class. He was called several times by the teacher, and finally stayed until noon when school was over. .
Fifteen didn't even pack the textbooks, and ran out as soon as the master went out.
Several students in the orange class gathered together and discussed in a low voice.

"What's going on with him today?"

"I don't know. No matter what he does, no matter how absent-minded he is, the dean likes it. No matter how hard we try, it's useless."

"Don't say these useless sour words, let's go to eat."

Before Shiwu came to Moban, he saw from a distance that the little fox was standing obediently at the door. His solitary body looked very pitiful. He hurried over and grabbed its hand: "Are you hungry? Let me take it with you." You go to eat."

On the way, Shiwu asked a lot of questions: "How is the class? Can you understand? Is there anyone who is difficult for you?"

The little foxes answered one by one, "It's easy to learn in class, some understand and some are confused. They dare to make things difficult for me, and no one talks to me."

Fifteen thought about it several times, and hurriedly vaccinated the little fox in advance, "That's good, I'll review today's content for you when I go back tonight, as for those people in your class, you don't need to pay attention to them, no one should pay attention to them, They didn't follow any good ideas, they were all thinking about how to plot against you."

Fifteen really doesn't want to see a day when little fox has a good relationship with a certain student in the Mo class. That feeling will make him feel that his beloved toy has been snatched away.

Fifteen instinctively believed that the little fox should belong to his family, and no one else could play with it, only he could.

After the two entered the dining hall hand in hand, all the students who were eating were stunned.

Only the people in Moban whispered.

But soon, everyone knew that the dean opened the back door again and let in a good friend of Shiwu, letting him stay in Moban.

So everyone looked at the two of them from surprise to all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred.

How good is it to have a background?The back door was opened as soon as it was said, and one after another was let in, and they could only climb up little by little by their own hard work.

Fifteen ignored those strange gazes and took the little fox to eat, and then sat in the seat that was already his exclusive seat.

"Eat quickly, there are classes in the afternoon, you can't be picky eaters here, otherwise, what will you do in 20 miles tomorrow?"

The little fox poked a big radish with chopsticks, "But I really don't want to eat radishes, I'm not a rabbit."

It is a fox. It likes to eat meat, especially chicken. It really has no feeling for vegetarian food.

Fifteen picked up a radish with chopsticks and quickly stuffed it into the little fox's mouth, "Eat it if you don't eat it. If you're picky eater, you won't be able to stay in the hospital, you know?"

The little fox's face wrinkled into a ball: "Woooo..."

That expression seemed to be more painful than taking heartbroken poison.

Fifteen felt distressed when he saw it, but he still said: "Swallow it, don't spit it out, the school is not allowed to waste this, or you will be punished and end badly."

The little fox patted his chest and swallowed a piece of radish whole, and then gulped a few mouthfuls of water before he felt better...

(End of this chapter)

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