Fengsha Jiangshan

Chapter 2574 Fanwai: Green Nightmare Chapter [287]

Chapter 2574 Extra Story: Green Nightmare [287]

While they were still discussing, the door next door was finally knocked open.

All six rushed in at once, and quickly closed the door again.

Seeing them, the little fox immediately stood up on his head, and immediately jumped off the bed regardless of fear, "What are you doing in my room, get out, get out, all out."

"Get out? We've had a hard time, how can we be willing to get out after we get in?" The person in charge is the one who took the lead in molesting Fifteen in the morning jog last time. His name is Zhao Jintong, and his family is also somewhat powerful. A person who is ignorant, on the contrary, his grades are good, and he can be ranked in the middle of the orange class.

But he is extremely despicable, gathering a few students to form a small gang and usually doing all kinds of bad things in the class.

Zhao Jintong rubbed his hands and came to the little fox: "Is it lonely and sleepless? Don't be afraid, the brothers are here to accompany you."

He looked at the little fox with a lewd look on his face, and it was very frightened.

Zhao Jintong is different from those who beat the little fox deliberately by telling him that Fifteen would not come back. Those people can only say a few mean words, but this Zhao Jintong can do really evil things.

Zhao Jintong's family is in chaos, his father eats all men and women, and the family raises more boys and concubines than a class in Hanjiang Academy.

In such a family, Zhao Jintong knew about the relationship between men and women very early, and had already had sex two years ago, breaking his boyhood.

He even saw pictures of his own father having fun with the child molester.

Therefore, he has been fascinated by men since he was a child.

In the entire Hanjiang Academy, Little Fox's appearance is undoubtedly the most outstanding. Of course, Fifteen is also very handsome, but, Fifteen is so powerful and beautiful, who would dare to trouble him.

But now it's different and Shiwu is gone, so Zhao Jintong is determined to get the little fox.

Today he played a trick to get Xin Ci to be punished by his master, to copy Buddhist scriptures a hundred times, and he couldn't come back until he finished copying. That's why they dared to barge in so arrogantly.

The little fox gritted his teeth, it wanted to run out and find the master.

Zhao Jintong said triumphantly: "You take off your clothes obediently today and let me finish the work. From now on, I, Zhao Jintong, will cover you in Hanjiang Academy. If you refuse to cooperate obediently, then don't blame me. Brothers are ruthless."

Another person also echoed: "Look at your skinny skin and tender flesh, your hands are getting stronger, don't cry and cry about the pain."

Zhao Jintong laughed and walked over, "Don't worry, brothers won't make you hurt, they'll just make you cry."

He came to the little fox and reached out to grab its clothes, but unexpectedly, with a whoosh, the little fox's claws scratched the back of his hand fiercely.

At that moment just now, the little fox's hand turned into a fox's claw, and the hard fox grabbed the back of Zhao Jintong's hand, leaving three ruthless and deep bloodstains.

Zhao Jintong screamed in pain, and he was puzzled when he saw the blood on the back of his hand. It looked like he was injured by an extremely sharp thing, and it was not a human fingernail at all.

Zhao Jintong held his bleeding hand and said bitterly: "You little bastard, I want to see what kind of thing you are, grab me and see if I don't skin you."

Suddenly, "Hey, who is so arrogant, come on, let me see, whose skin is this trying to pick off."

(End of this chapter)

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