Fengsha Jiangshan

Chapter 2795 Fanwai: Green Nightmare Chapter [507]

Chapter 2795 Extra Story: Green Nightmare [507]

The happiest thing out of this sumptuous breakfast, of course, is Fourteen, who is so happy that he wants to roll in any plate of food.

Fifteen saw it so happy, and felt somewhat unhappy, no, it should be said, very unhappy!
This heartless little guy is really annoying sometimes!

But Dong Wushangxie was very happy watching from the sidelines.

Fifteen glared at him: "You came here early in the morning, don't you have a lot of leisure?"

Dong Wushangxie didn't take his eyes off the little fox, "Although I'm not free, I still have some time to watch the little fox eat."

"You don't need to watch it eat!" Fifteen picked up an empty plate and blocked Dong Wushangxie's eyes.

Dong Wushangxie spread out his hands: "Hey, don't do this! I'm just watching, besides, don't you want it to eat better? Look, how happy it is!"

Fifteen was depressed because the little fox ate too happily, so he was unhappy.

What made Shiwu even more unhappy was that this situation continued for many days.

Half a month passed, Fifteen did nothing else, and devoted all his time and energy to fattening up the little fox.

The results of the hard work are obvious. In just ten days, the color of the little fox's fur has taken on a new look.

The eyes are getting brighter and rounder, just looking at them can make people fall into their hearts!

Although Fifteen seldom goes out these days, at most he takes Fourteen for a stroll in the garden to digest food, but... the "good name" of the little fox is still spread by those maidservants who serve her.

Even Dong Wushangxie's father, Dong Wu City Lord, came over to take a look.

When he saw Shishi, the owner of Dongwu City was particularly shocked. Later, he even offered a sky-high price to buy Shishi away.

Fifteen, of course, flatly rejected it, bought it?What a joke, Fourteen is his family, where can he sell it.

As a result, Fifteen's direct impression of Dong Wu's city lord was reduced to negative.

If it weren't for Dong Wushangxie's good words and power later on, Fifteen would have left with Fourteen a long time ago.

Half a month later, the little fox has recovered, but he still can't change back into a human form.

Fifteen couldn't figure out this question. He guessed that there was something suppressing Fourteen here.

Seeing the little fox getting better day by day, Shiwu began to think about how to get out of here!

It rained heavily in Yangcheng that day, and this was the first rain that he had experienced since he arrived at this place on the fifteenth day.

He and Dong Wushangxie sat on the soft couch in front of the bed and played chess, the little fox snuggled up in his arms and dozed off.

The sound of splashing rain outside made people feel uneasy.

Dong Wushangxie asked Fifteen: "Fourteen has been found, what are your plans next?"

Shiwuzhi dropped a sunspot, "Of course I want to leave here. I'm not from here, so I can't stay here forever."

When a sunspot fell, the previous situation on the chessboard, which was still at loggerheads, was instantly reversed.

Dong Wushangxie was so beaten by this blow that he was powerless.

The outcome was already decided, and he had no intention of continuing, so he simply threw away the white piece in his hand, and asked Fifteen: "Remember, you promised me one thing?"

Fifteen raised his head: "Remember, what did you think of asking me to help you?"

Dong Wushang smiled evilly: "Yes, I thought of it."


(End of this chapter)

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