Fengsha Jiangshan

Chapter 343 Red Dragon Guard [1]

Chapter 343 Red Dragon Guard [1]

Zhuge Canglan glanced at the ground, his face gradually became serious, and he suddenly opened his mouth and shouted: "Here we come..."

As soon as Zhuge Canglan finished speaking, Zhuge Canglan's body suddenly flew up and jumped on the Tianqiong Sword, and the Tianqiong Sword quickly took her flying high with a whistling sound.

Just as Zhuge Canglan jumped up, the horse that had just been on the horse suddenly let out a tragic neigh, smoke began to be emitted from its mouth, and its body burned quickly from the inside within two seconds.

But in just a few breaths, a tall war horse was burnt to ashes in an instant, the speed was jaw-dropping.

Zhuge Canglan opened his eyes to the charred horse that had been burned to nothing but a pile of ashes: "There is still such a thing for fun..."

It seems that they should have known that those cavalry were not their opponents, and they also calculated that she might snatch the army horses.

So the war horse had been fed poison a long time ago, and when the time for the poison was up, it started to burn. . . . .

If she hadn't acted badly just now, once she was touched by sparks, she would burn quickly, and she couldn't be extinguished unless she was burned to ashes and there was nothing to burn...

Han Weiyang had already come to her side, and whispered: "We are surrounded..."

As soon as he finished speaking, at the same time, hundreds of flying dragons suddenly appeared from all directions, breathing fire from their mouths. A soldier was sitting on the back of the flying dragon, all of them were wearing the same red armor as the fire dragon. spear...

A flying dragon is about twice the size of a war horse. It flies up in the air, with its red wings spread out, it is not a small behemoth. . .

Hundreds of them spread across the sky, and the sun immediately dimmed.

Zhuge Canglan took a quick look. There seemed to be no leader in this team. They all had the same armor and weapons, and even the flying dragons were exactly the same.

Another strange thing for Zhuge Canglan was that they didn't start attacking immediately, but surrounded the two of them, forming two encircling circles, one inside and one outside, spinning rapidly. . . .

After a while, Zhuge Canglan felt waves of heat coming fiercely,

Han Weiyang said coldly: "This is the Flying Dragon Formation, a specialty of Guanshan Wanli. This is the first level. If we can't pass it, we'll just wait for them to be roasted into suckling pigs."

Zhuge Canglan scolded coldly: "Get out, you've just been roasted into a suckling pig..."

After only a while, the heat wave was getting bigger and bigger, and Zhuge Canglan was sweating all over his body as if he had crawled out of the water, and his clothes were soaked.

Even if you die, you can't die here, so what about a group of fire dragons, what about the invincible general of Cheyue Kingdom, they will be wiped out today.

Zhuge Canglan yelled at Han Weiyang: "What are you doing standing still, fight! I don't believe that if all his dragon energy is cut off, what kind of battle is he still doing?"

Zhuge Canglan clenched the Tianqiong sword in his hand, and swung a sharp sword energy horizontally. The sword energy swept across, and immediately slashed on three or four flying dragons, making a clear impact sound.

The few flying dragons that were cut down screamed, their huge bodies struggled in the air, their long necks shook, and they raised their heads, spitting out a ball of fire.

The huge body fell to the ground like a kite with broken strings. The ground trembled a few times, and then there were several bangs like dynamite being ignited, and there were several consecutive bang bang bangs, making a huge explosion sound.



(End of this chapter)

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