Fengsha Jiangshan

Chapter 986 Infiltrating in disguise [4]

Chapter 986 Infiltrating in disguise [4]

Song Linfeng's brows relaxed, and he bowed towards the entrance of the cave and said, "Linfeng has been taught what the senior taught, and Linfeng resigned. If there is anything senior needs, just order Linfeng to do it."

"Well, let's go..."

Song Linfeng left quickly. As soon as he left, Zhuge Canglan wanted to go into the cave. She wanted to see who this mysterious person was.

But as soon as he moved, he was stopped by the Demon Monarch of Green Nightmare, with a disdainful face, he said: "Don't go in, there is no one inside."

Zhuge Canglan was shocked, and looked at the dark cave in disbelief: "No one, what is that? Then how can you answer Song Linfeng's words?"

The Green Nightmare Demon Lord smiled: "It's just a trick to deceive people. There is a sophisticated sound transmission circle inside. When Song Linfeng speaks outside, the sound can be quickly transmitted to the ears of the people who set up the formation. Then he can Then use magic to answer Song Linfeng's words through this formation, creating the illusion that there are people inside."

Zhuge Canglan sighed, this...don't you really want to call?Shit, mana is high and strong, you can get whatever you want.

"Who set up the sound transmission array? Just now I heard the meaning of what he said. It seems that he was behind the scenes to instigate what Song Linfeng did?"

The Green Nightmare Demon Lord stroked his chin and thought for a while: "This is not too difficult. According to this sound transmission array, we can find clues about the person who set up the array."

Everyone has their own habits. When doing various things, those habits will be left behind without their knowledge, thus becoming a person's imprint.

The Green Nightmare Demon Lord is relatively good at tracking, so it is not difficult for him to find the mark left by the formation...

The Green Nightmare Demon Lord did not enter the cave, but just stood outside the cave and checked the sound transmission formation calmly with his own consciousness. He was not unfamiliar with this small formation, but... he felt a little familiar, but it happened I can't remember where I am familiar with...

The Green Nightmare Demon Lord thought for a while, but he really didn't think about it, so he said to Zhuge Canglan: "To control this formation, you can't be too far away. I think others should be in the Six Paths Sect..."

When he said this, a flash of light flashed through Zhuge Canglan's mind: "I think of a bastard, let's go and find him."

How did she forget about Han Weiyang? She always thought that Song Linfeng and Han Weiyang were clearly colluding together, but Han Weiyang, that dead scum, always likes to keep a hand in things. Maybe he changed his identity and secretly colluded with Song Linfeng, not letting him know his identity .

If this is the case, it can be easily explained that the sound transmission array in the cave was set up by Han Weiyang...

The two left quickly, and soon caught up with Song Linfeng in front of him. Zhuge Canglan felt disgusted from the bottom of his heart when he saw his high-spirited appearance...

Hmph... This guy is just a little guy, keeping him alive is disgusting enough.

She can not kill him for the time being, but she must not let him live so easily.

So, soon a drop of transparent and bright liquid fell on a thin branch, like the morning dew, mixed among so many branches, it was inconspicuous. .

Song Linfeng didn't pay attention to the Taiji walking, and was inadvertently scratched by the branch on his neck, and the dew from the branch also stained his skin.

The scratched place was a little painful, and he didn't see any bleeding when he touched it casually, so he ignored it and continued walking quickly. .

(End of this chapter)

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