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Chapter 527 Ghost Face Army

Chapter 527 Ghost Face Army

The knights galloping forward in the darkness were all riding nearly two meters tall, covered in thick heavy armor, and their faces were covered with bronze masks engraved with ghostly patterns.Running all the way, like a fully armed chariot rumbling, unstoppable!It is impossible not to think of the incomparable power of these flesh and blood chariots galloping on the plains!
What shocked Su Yun even more was that these monsters charged extremely fast. It took only an instant to run from hundreds of meters away to the front, but they all stopped three meters away from the carriage!No further step, no splash of dirt!
So neatly organized and so well trained!Breathtaking!

The leader of the team was a blood-red horse. When it was running, it was as crazy as a flowing flame, but when it stopped, it was as delicate as a girl.He is the king of the whole herd, because when he stops, the rest of the horses stop and dare not pass the king's body.

Riding on the back of a red horse was a man with silver hair and black clothes. He was tall and tall with profound features. Most of his face was covered by a silver mask.

Seeing that Ye Junran was safe and sound, the man nearly two meters tall immediately jumped off his horse, and the knights behind him also jumped off and knelt down on one knee.

The man raised his head and said loudly: "Seeing that His Majesty and His Highness are safe and sound, Chu Yu can finally rest assured!"

"You all get up." Ye Junran said indifferently, the man stood up and said to Su Yun: "My name is Chu Yu, and I have an audience with Your Highness the Queen!"

"Hello." Su Yun said kindly, just looking at the man's elegant and polite appearance at the moment, who would believe that he cut off the head of the crying face just now!
Chu Yu saw that although Su Yun's cultivation level was not high, she still stood indifferently in the Shura field, and she immediately admired her a little more, saying: "It is an honor for the Ghost Face Army to be able to serve Your Highness!"

"Ghost Face Army?" Su Yun looked at Ye Junran.

Ye Junran explained in a low voice: "The Ghost Face Army is the oldest organization in the Western Continent, and it is composed entirely of Longma people. Because only Longma people can control Longma and form a contract with Longma."

"What is a half-length contract?" Su Yun didn't understand.

Ye Jun said: "The half-body contract means that the horse is with the man, and the horse is dead with the man. For the ghost-faced army, the dragon and horse are not only fighting companions, but also the other half of sharing life."

When Su Yun heard this, she couldn't help being awed.

On the contrary, Chu Yu was a little embarrassed and said, "Your Majesty is absurd. Without Your Majesty, our Longma clan would have been extinct long ago. How could we gallop on the battlefield again under the name of Ghost Face Army?"

Ye Jun said: "But what you gave me is also the most precious thing in the world!"

Chu Yu stopped talking about modesty. He raised his head and looked at Su Yun with burning eyes: "Is this the new master chosen by His Majesty for me?"

Ye Jun said: "Yes."

Su Yun was puzzled, but before she could speak, Chu Yu took off half of the mask!
The half of the face hidden under the mask is covered with tattoos, and the mysterious words make people's hearts flutter. Su Yun looked at it subconsciously, and suddenly felt a sting in her eyes, as if something had penetrated into it!
"What's going on!" she asked.

Chu Yu raised his head and said, "I have given my life to His Highness! I am willing to fight for His Highness to the death!"

His tone of voice was very flat, but every word he uttered from his mouth would shock people from the bottom of their hearts!

Su Yun touched her eyes, she didn't feel anything strange, but she clearly knew that she had accepted everything about the Ghost Mask Army, and the names and weaknesses of each of them were in her mind!

This feeling of completely controlling others surprised her and shocked her even more!


After accepting the allegiance of the Ghost Face Army, the rest of the mysterious organization has also been suppressed by the reinforcements.Although most of them would rather die than be captured, not everyone can regard death as an insignificant matter. When the results of the battle were finally sorted out, there were a total of five survivors, including an old acquaintance.

Duan Qingnu.

Su Yun has long known from Ye Junran that Duan Qingnu is the eyeliner planted in the Su family by a mysterious organization, and also the main force in the massacre case of the Su family, so she was not surprised when she saw her, and she cut her coldly. The woman: "Long time no see, Aunt Duan!"

Duan Qingnu spit out a mouthful of blood, and replied: "Long time no see, Miss San!"

Seeing that Su Yun knew this prisoner, Wang Xian ordered the rest of the prisoners to be taken down first, and asked at the same time, "Do you need to release her?"

"Aunt Duan is an old acquaintance of mine, so she needs to be given some special care." Su Yun said coldly, "Tell me, who are you, and what is the purpose of changing your name and entering the Su family? Why did you kill so many people?" People! Where are you... grandpa and elder brother locked up now!"

Duan Qingnu did not speak.

Seeing that Su Yun didn't like her, Wang Xian pinched her face boldly and threatened, "Your Highness asked you something! Why didn't you answer!"

"Winner and loser, what is there to say! I was arrested today, and I was already ready to die!" Duan Qingnu said with a snort, "You don't want to take a word out of my mouth!"

"Really?" Su Yun glanced at Wang Xian, who understood, and said with a smile: "There is an old saying, you can't kill a chicken with a bull's knife. But if the chicken is really disobedient, the miscellaneous family is willing to use a bull's knife. Don't say it For such a delicate person as Mrs. Duan, even if an iron-clad man falls under the hands of the miscellaneous family, he will not be able to hold back!"

Duan Qingnu had heard Wang Xian's name a long time ago, and knew how vicious this old eunuch was. Seeing that Su Yun wanted the old eunuch to interrogate her, she knew that she probably couldn't resist it!
"Then I—" Before I finished speaking, my whole body was suppressed by a terrifying force, not to mention biting my tongue or exploding myself, even breathing became extremely difficult!
"Do you want to commit suicide?" Wang Xian asked back with a smile, "If it falls into my hands, it's not easy to die!"

Su Yun said: "I will leave it to you for the time being. You should be very clear about what I want to know."

Wang Xian smiled and said: "Your Highness, just don't worry, what Your Highness wants to know, Miscellaneous will come out of her mouth without saying a word."

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Su Yun glanced at Duan Qingnu, "Goodbye, Aunt Duan!"

Wang Xian even urged: "Hurry up and drag people down, be careful! You can't see blood in front of Your Highness!"

Su Yun heard the words and said: "It doesn't matter if you see blood, I just want to know the result. As long as you can give me a complete answer, it doesn't matter even if you tear her into a pile of bones!"

"The servant understands that the servant must satisfy His Highness!" Wang Xian said flatteringly!

Duan Qingnu was completely stunned. When she was being dragged down, she kept staring at Su Yun with wide eyes. She couldn't believe that Su Yun, who was soft and easy to bully back then, had really become ruthless!
But she forgot that Su Yun's tenderness is only given to those who are worthy of cherishing.She couldn't sympathize with Duan Qingnu, no matter in the past or now, for a guy like Duan Qingnu who helps others and abuses others!

"Give me the result as soon as possible!" Looking at Duan Qingnu's unwilling eyes, Su Yun added, "No matter what method you use, I only want the result!"

(End of this chapter)

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