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Chapter 570 Immediate Execution

Chapter 570 Immediate Execution
After exiting Xuantian Hall, Su Yun took a deep breath, she heard the interrogator's footsteps and chatter.

Sure enough, 3 minutes later, with a bang, the iron door was opened, and several familiar faces appeared in front of Su Yun.

"I didn't expect the princess of Jun's family to come to this kind of place!" She asked sarcastically.

Jun Yingge said with a smile: "The Jun family has a rule that all members of the Jun family who are enrolled in the Cangmang Academy must enter the Discipline Academy to help maintain the discipline of the academy in the first year, so as to make up for Jun Wuyao's crime of rioting in the Discipline Academy."

"If I remember correctly, Jun Wuyao is your grandfather, how can you call him by his name!" Su Yun asked back.

"Who would—" Jun Yanwu instinctively wanted to refute, but Jun Yingge stopped her: "Don't fall for her tricks! She's trying to provoke us on purpose!"

Even if he was expelled by his ancestors and became a traitor of the Jun family, Jun Wuyao is still the unparalleled genius of the Jun family, and his twin brother Jun Wuya is still the God of War of the Jun family!If Jun Yanwu was caught by Su Yun's provocative method, and if she insulted Jun Wuyao, if it reached Jun Wuya's ears, she would definitely be punished by the family law!

What's more, this is Cangmang Academy!
Here, Jun Wuyao's name is spread as a myth, and he is an immortal legend in the hearts of most people in Cangmang Academy!
"You're amazing!" Jun Yanwu snorted, and pulled Su Yun out, "Stop pretending to be delicate, the elder is going to interrogate you!"

"I have feet, I can walk by myself!" Su Yun said coldly, the cold light in her eyes made Jun's dogs who wanted to trip her on purpose couldn't help but tremble in their hearts, shivering for no reason!

Connecting the black prison and the trial ground is a black stone passage with a length of more than 500 meters.The channel is completely made of boulders, no matter in spring or summer, cold air flows in through the cracks in the stone, and the moist water vapor on the rock wall condenses into beads.

The passage is very dark, and a pair of oil lamps are lit every 30 meters. When footsteps sound, the lights will shake continuously.

These are all deliberate arrangements.

A pharmacist was born noble and enjoys a life of fine clothes and fine food. When passing through this gloomy passage, it is inevitable that his heart would tremble.If you are so restless, you will not call yourself when you are interrogated.

It's a pity that Su Yun has already experienced a world more hopeless than hell, and her heart is already rock-solid.On the contrary, it was the sisters of the Jun family who saw the gloomy shadows in the Black Stone Passage, hugged their arms tightly and said, "It's so cold! It's so eerie!"

"This place is nice, suitable for enjoying the cool air in summer!" Su Yun said slowly, and walked into the hall along the stairs.

Different from the gloomy and narrow black passage, the court of justice is set in a large domed building with a height of 30 meters. The floor is paved with pure white marble, and the pillars are all white and gilded.Accustomed to the darkness of the Blackstone Corridor, suddenly walking into such a solemn and solemn building usually makes people feel awe.

But this kind of trick still doesn't work on Su Yun at all.

She glanced around casually and said, "Aren't you going to judge me? Why is there no one?"

"Who do you think you are!" Jun Yingge snorted dissatisfiedly, "Don't think that you can be a beauty after removing the dark spots on your face! The beauties of Cangmang Academy are not just for looks!"

"It's a pity that no matter what you look at, you sisters are not considered beautiful." Su Yun replied, "Your face is very ordinary, and your family background is nothing more than that."

"You—" Jun Yanwu felt that she was going to be blown up, she took two deep breaths, and told herself to calm down and not fall into the tricks of the bitch.

"You can be brave with your mouth! After we are a famous family, we should have the generosity of a famous family!" Jun Yingge said sarcastically, pushed Su Yun to the center of the hall, and said to a high place: "Elder, the prisoner Su Yun Bring it!"

"Get back!" The elder's cold and majestic voice came from the depths of the white light.

The Jun family sisters took a step back, and a barrier descended from the air, covering Su Yun inside.

From a high place, a shout came down: "Su Yun, you can plead guilty to the murder of Yu Anqi!"

Su Yun raised her head and looked at the elders in the depths of the light, her eyes were full of disdain: "Confess? What I did not do, why do I have to plead guilty! Besides, even if I accidentally killed Yu Anqi, it would be for the people!"

"Killing is killing, and you won't be allowed to argue!" The elder scolded sharply.

"Okay, since you all insist that I killed someone, let me ask you, do you have evidence? Has anyone seen me kill Yu Anqi with their own eyes!" Su Yun asked back, "I have witnesses to prove that when Yu Anqi died, I'm still in the jungle!"

The elder didn't expect her to be so sharp-tongued, choking and even a little short of breath. He patted the table and said, "Meng Xin is with you, his testimony cannot be trusted!"

"Meng Xin and I are friends, so his testimony cannot be trusted! What about the people who testified against me as a murderer? They have been taught by me and hold a grudge against me! Could it be that their words can be used as evidence!" Su Yun asked sharply.

The elder was furious, and said, "I'm interrogating you now, not you! If you don't want to add to the crime, just listen to me obediently!"

"Sure enough!" Su Yun sneered, "It's no wonder that Jun Wuyao made a big fuss in the Discipline Academy, because anyone who still has justice in his heart cannot accept this kind of blatant partiality, and—confuse right and wrong! I am really the biggest in the world!" You idiot, wanting to find justice in the Discipline Academy!"

"Shut up!", "Shut her up immediately!", "Put it off immediately!"... At the judgment seat, everyone shouted and cursed.

Facing Potian's anger, Su Yun just raised her head and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will go on without your orders! Breathing the air of a room with you makes me feel insulted!"

"Damn it!" Elder Discipline couldn't bear it any longer, and ordered, "Pour water! Pour ice water into the barrier! I want to see how long she can keep her mouth shut!"

As soon as the words fell, buckets of ice water poured down from above, with ice cubes in the water, hitting the barrier, clanging!
Alchemists must have the dual attributes of fire and wood, so most of them can't avoid the elements of ice and water.The elders deliberately lowered the ice water, thinking that it would make Su Yun submit, or at least make her nose bruised and face swollen. Unfortunately, they didn't know that Su Yun had just experienced the cold poison of Xuanbing, and she didn't care about this coldness at all!
What's more, there are balls hidden in her space that can freely shuttle through any enchantment.

It really drove her into a hurry, and she didn't mind following Jun Wuyao's example and smashing the Discipline Academy to pieces!


Buckets of ice water poured down one after another, but Su Yun, who was trapped in the barrier, was not affected at all, and she still breathed smoothly. Even because she was in the middle of the water, her hair spread out, swaying naturally like water plants, and her clothes became Fluffy, fluttering slightly, quite a bit of a celestial flavor.

"Is that all you guys are capable of?" Su Yun asked provocatively, her bright smile made the elders feel like a kid was about to crawl out of their throats, and their sharp claws were constantly scratching.

"...Damn witch!" Elder Discipline said angrily, "I will never repent! Immediately execute!"

(End of this chapter)

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