My Bamboo Horse is jealous again

Chapter 493 Does She Like Him Too?

Chapter 493 Does She Like Him Too?

After a little hesitation, Viscount Li asked tentatively, "What if I said... because I like you?"

"Ah?" Tong Mo couldn't help exclaiming.

How could he like her?

Seeing that the little girl seemed to be frightened, Viscount Li suddenly realized that he might have acted too hastily, so he calmly restrained the emotions in his eyes, and while touching the steering wheel, he said lightly, "I was just joking with you That’s all, don’t take it seriously.”

"So that's how it is..." Tong Mo breathed a sigh of relief, but felt a little lost in her heart.

But Tong Mo didn't know exactly what was lost.

"En." Viscount Li nodded lightly.

After the word he fell, Tong Mo stopped talking.

The atmosphere in the carriage gradually froze.

Tong Mo felt inexplicably restless.

So she licked her lips and started to find a topic, "That... Uncle, do you know that I lied today."

"Why did you lie?" Viscount Li, who was driving ahead, suddenly became interested.

Tong Mo snickered and said, "My dad originally didn't allow me to go to school, and then I lied to my dad that the young man who was engaged to me promised to wait for me to finish college before considering our marriage."

"Finish college?" Hearing this, Viscount Li frowned instantly, and couldn't help asking, "Will it be too long?"

He is 25 or [-] years old now, if he waits for another four years, won't he be [-]?
At that time, wouldn't the children of his younger brothers be able to make soy sauce?

Absolutely not.

He just wanted to establish a relationship with her immediately!
"Isn't it just four years? Is it a long time? Besides, I don't plan to marry him at all. When I go to college, if I meet someone I like, I will marry him immediately." Tong Mo has made up her mind She made up her mind, she would never obey Tong Aiguo's wishes no matter what.

If he was really doing it for her good, then she would definitely think about this marriage, but he wasn't, he just wanted to marry her and treat her as a pawn in exchange for money!

She will never allow it!

Hearing this, Viscount Li suddenly braked on the brakes.

She can only be his, how can she get a certificate with another man!

As soon as he thought about it, Viscount Li felt the blood in his body surging, and the hostility suddenly appeared all over his body.

"Why are you so excited?" Seeing his sudden reaction, Tong Mo couldn't help asking, "Could it be that you really like me?"

When she asked, Tong Mo didn't even realize that there was a hint of expectation in her voice.


After hesitating for a while, Viscount Li finally admitted his intention.

"No way! You really like me?" Tong Mo couldn't help covering her mouth, her eyes widened in shock.

Although he had long guessed that he might be really interested in him, otherwise how could he care about her so much.

But it's one thing to guess and quite another to say it himself.

"That's right, I like you! Tong Mo, I like you!" Viscount Li repeated his thoughts again.

And asked her, "What about you, do you like me?"

When he asked, a pair of deep and energetic eyes stared at her closely, his eyes were tense and hot, like a young boy who fell in love for the first time.

"I..." Tong Mo moved her lips, but found that she couldn't say the word "dislike"!

are you crazy!
Does she also like Uncle Duck?

(End of this chapter)

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