My Bamboo Horse is jealous again

Chapter 530 Change the script

Chapter 530 Change the script

"Change!" Viscount Li squeezed out the word from his teeth, and the hostility around him almost seemed to kill people.

The director kept breaking out in cold sweat, and hurriedly called the screenwriter to revise the script.

As soon as the script was revised, Lu Zichen and Tong Mo also came out of the dressing room.

Viscount Li immediately turned his head to look at the little girl.

She is wearing an ancient wedding dress at the moment, the fiery red color makes her skin as white as jade, her facial features are exquisite and noble, her charming red phoenix eyes are shining brightly, her nose bridge is straight, her lips are bright red, and she wears a phoenix crown and Xiapei on her head , like a beautiful girl who traveled from ancient times.

Viscount Li's sexy Adam's apple twitched immediately.

His girl is so beautiful.

"Director, let's start." Lu Zichen was also amazed by Tong Mo's ancient style attire, and he couldn't wait to make an intimate scene with her.

Although they are not lovers in reality, it is satisfying to be able to do it once in the play.

The director nodded, "Okay, let's start!"

After everyone took their positions, the camera immediately focused on Tong Mo and Lu Zichen.

In this scene, the heroine marries the hero.

After worshiping, Tong Mo went into the bridal chamber.

Lu Zishen, who played the leading role, finished entertaining the guests in the front hall, and hurriedly walked towards the bridal chamber.

He picked up the pole and lifted the big red veil off her head, his eyes were extremely affectionate, and he murmured like intoxicated, "You are so beautiful today..."

Tong Mo looked at him.

When she saw the undisguised affection in the man's eyes, she couldn't help frowning, and a strange feeling appeared in her heart, and what Viscount Li said to herself this morning also rang in her mind——

【You regard him as a classmate and friend, but he may not necessarily regard you as a classmate and friend too】

Does he really like himself?
But when she thought that he liked Mengmeng since childhood, she immediately threw this idea behind her.

Then she attributed all his affection to his good acting skills.

It's also fortunate that Lu Zichen didn't know, otherwise, he would definitely be unable to resist finding a piece of tofu to crash him to death.

After choosing the hipa, Lu Zichen is ready to press the "beautiful wife" into the bridal chamber...

Who knew, at this critical moment, the director called to stop.

"Ka Ka Ka! This is the end of the scene."

"Isn't there some intimacy in the script?" Lu Zishen frowned suddenly and asked displeasedly.

The director said with an apologetic smile, "I'm really sorry, Young Master Lu, because we are worried that we won't pass the trial, so we plan to cut the intimate scenes!"

Lu Zishen would not believe such nonsense, he would directly look at Viscount Li.

Needless to say, he also knew that the script must have been changed by him.

Viscount Li curled his lips calmly, and did not deny it.

The only one who breathed a sigh of relief was Tong Mo, "Actually, it's fine if you don't need to shoot, otherwise, it would be so embarrassing."

Although it was acting, when she thought of lying with Lu Zishen, she immediately felt that everything was wrong.

Especially, Viscount Li was still watching her from the sidelines.

She felt even more embarrassed.

Tong Mo is filming in full swing here, while Mengmeng is busy studying.

Today, Mengmeng and the others are going to study intravenous infusion.

To put it simply, it is a drip.

In the public classroom, the professor first showed how to find veins, and then used the dummy beside him to demonstrate.

When the course was about to end, the professor knocked on the podium and said, "Intravenous infusion is very simple and easy to learn. Let's try it with the dummy and needle next to us first."

(End of this chapter)

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