My Bamboo Horse is jealous again

Chapter 883 Could it be that she was kidnapped

Chapter 883 Could it be that she was kidnapped

Ever since, Chenchen who came to look for her put on a dark face, and carried the little girl who was still in her pajamas onto the plane.

When she woke up, Beloved was dumbfounded.

What the hell!

Who can tell her why she is suddenly in a strange room?
Could it be that she was kidnapped?
But why is there no rope on the feet and hands, and no tape on the mouth?

Even her mobile phone was placed by her bedside, as if she was afraid that she would not be able to call the police.

"Hey, why are the robbers these days so bad..." Professional

Before the last two words could be said, Beloved saw the legendary robber Da Yin!

"Brother Chenchen!?"

Her eyes widened suddenly.

"Otherwise who do you think it would be? A robber?" Chenchen couldn't help snorting.

The robbers... Kidnapped...

Thanks to her for thinking it out!
"Hey, misunderstanding, misunderstanding!" Beloved laughed dryly, then looked at the surrounding environment, and asked suspiciously, "So where are we now?"

"Country A, Capital Hotel." Chenchen replied.

Beloved suddenly couldn't help taking a deep breath, "How fast! I just closed my eyes and ended up going directly to country A?"

"Quick?" Chenchen couldn't help but snorted coldly, "You've been locked up for ten hours!"

When Beloved looked at the time, he immediately became embarrassed...

It's already three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Okay, get up, eat and change clothes, someone will come to pick us up to meet the queen in the palace in the evening." Chenchen urged.


Beloved got up from the bed.


At the beginning of the night, there is a lot of traffic, and the neon lights of the city make the starlight very dim.

Beloved is sitting in front of the mirror at the moment, letting the makeup artist do her makeup.

Chenchen is in front of another makeup mirror.

This time, besides the two of them, there were makeup artists, assistants and bodyguards.

But the only ones who can enter the palace later are the two of them.

Beloved is wearing a white dress.

It is warm winter here, so even in the deep winter, the temperature is above 25 degrees, so there is no problem at all in wearing skirts.

The one-shoulder style reveals a slender neck, delicate collarbone, and long soft hair casually falling on the shoulders.

Below the slender and tender calf is a pair of crystal shoes.

The cheeks without makeup are delicate and delicate, as if they have top-level beauty effects.

Chenchen was wearing a neat black suit, with broad shoulders and long legs, a handsome face with an indifferent look, and a dignified temperament. He looked like a prince who came out of the Middle Ages.

Beloved watched him.

I don't know if it's her delusion, she always feels that his facial features seem to be biased towards people from country A...

Three-dimensional, deep.


The tips of Chenchen's ears were stared red by her.

"I'm a nymphomaniac, but it's not because you're handsome!" Beloved said confidently.

Chenchen speechless
This guy is always so pretentious!


royal palace.

Half an hour ago, a guard from the palace came to the hotel to pick them up in person.

The palace is gorgeous and winding, spectacular and shocking.

Praetorians are everywhere.

Along the way, the statues, fountains, flower beds, lawns, and colonnades are full of luxury and delicacy.

The limited-edition Koenigsegg drove them through gardens the size of a football field to a quiet palace.

This is the queen's private suite.

"Please get off."

The driver in uniform got out of the car, opened the door with a hand in white gloves, and made a "please" gesture to them.

After Beloved and Chenchen got off the car, another maid came and led them into the palace with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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