My Bamboo Horse is jealous again

Chapter 937 Big Marriage Threat 15

Chapter 937 Big Marriage Threat 15
Soon, a small island isolated from the rest of the world appeared in public.

This small island was originally given to the queen by the ex-husband for vacation, so only some basic security measures were set up, and there was no anti-intrusion system.

So Chenchen and his party easily reached the island quietly.

The night is hazy, the starry sky is brilliant, the moonlight is reflected in the azure sea water, reflecting gem-like waves, and the soft sand is like fine silk, which does not prick your feet at all.

At this moment, there is a petite figure on the beach.

She slowly approached the motorboat parked on the shore, and just when she was about to get on, she was grabbed by a big hand.

"Gu Chong'er! Am I treating you badly? Why do you have to run away from me?"

Mo Ting roared in disappointment and pain.

These days with her, he has almost forgotten the hatred, and he doesn't want to take any revenge anymore. He just wants to live with her on this small island for the rest of his life.

"I..." Beloved didn't dare meet his gaze.

To be honest, except for that night when he almost raped her, he was really good to her and impeccable at other times.


She always felt that something was missing in her heart, and she desperately wanted to go to the outside world to find the missing part.

"Can't speak anymore?" Mo Ting stared at her viciously, and threatened, "I tell you, forget it this time, if you dare to run again, I will...!"

"What about you?" Beloved glared back at him.

"Slap your ass!"



Beloved couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"Let's go, the sea wind is strong at night."

Mo Ting put the little girl on the ground, held her limp little hand in his big hand and walked towards the castle.

"Mo Ting! Don't touch me!"

Beloved desperately wanted to shake off his hand, but his hand was like a pincer, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break free.


Beloved couldn't help roaring, but the other party still didn't respond.


"To shut up!"


"Do not talk!"

"There are..." Beloved was about to remind him that there were people around, but he was ruthlessly interrupted again.

"If you talk again, I'm going to kiss you!"

Hearing this, Beloved immediately closed his mouth, and stared curiously at the people who came out of the surroundings.

They were wearing camouflage uniforms.

Holding a cold gun in his hand.


It looked like he was clearly trying to kill Mo Ting.

Beloved silently lit the wax for him, he didn't let her talk, so even if he died later, she wouldn't feel guilty.

"Mo Ting!"

In the night wind, Chenchen's voice was like Shura's.

Mo Ting was startled for a moment, then instinctively clenched the little girl tightly, and looked around vigilantly.


When exactly was he actually surrounded by people?

And, how did they find it here?
"Wondering how I found you?"

Chenchen seemed to guess what he was thinking, and said with a sneer.

Hearing his voice, Beloved involuntarily raised his eyes to look at the source of the voice.

The man was dressed in a king's uniform, cold and majestic, with broad shoulders and long legs, handsome and handsome, his facial features were somewhat similar to Mo Ting's.

He walked slowly with long legs, looking at Mo Ting like he was looking at a mouse.


It's a heartwarming feeling!

Beloved suddenly felt that the missing part of his heart had already been made up!
So, did she fall in love with him at first sight?
Just as the beloved girl was pregnant with spring, her waist suddenly tightened.

???The fourth update is over~ good night~ (Don't worry, Beloved still loves Chenchen as always, and the memory will be restored soon.)
(End of this chapter)

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