Chapter 916 No regrets

Ye Shushu nodded, her heart was still a little sour, but she didn't shed tears.

She shed tears all night last night, and now she has no tears left.

She stood up with the quilt in her arms, bent down and took the bag in Xia Yinian's hands.

"Things happened if they didn't happen, not to mention he didn't do it on purpose. Let's talk about it when we go back to the dormitory. Everyone is about to get up at dawn."

Seeing the figure turning and leaving, Xia Yinian immediately stood up.

"need my help?"

"I can't even change clothes, do you think I'm too weak?" Ye Shushu didn't look back, and disappeared around the corner of the corridor.

Xia Yinian regained his composure and sat down on the sofa again.

It's not that I think of her as weak, but that I have experienced this kind of thing before.

Shu Shu has never even been in love, it must be her first time yesterday.

Yes, things happened if they didn't happen, and now no one can change anything, she just worried about when this guy couldn't hold on and fell down.

Fei Mo is as strong as senior, and his body size is about the same as that of my uncle, and it is the first time that Shu Shu weighs less than a hundred catties while being drugged.

No need to look, Xia Yinian knew how weak her body was now.

Who on earth drugged Senior Fei Mo?What is the other party's purpose?
Xia Yinian was also to blame for what happened to his friend.

If I hadn't invited her to my uncle's party last night, nothing would have happened.

Xia Yinian sat on the sofa and waited for about 10 minutes before the people inside slowly moved out.

"Are you really okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Xia Yinian immediately greeted her.

"It's not that exaggerated, just give me a hand." Ye Shushu whispered.

Xia Yinian grabbed her arm, let it rest on his shoulder, and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Go to the hospital to have a look, you look ugly."

"It's okay, go back to the dormitory first." Ye Shushu's hoarse voice sounded, "I don't want people to know about this, Nian Nian, do you understand what I mean?"

Xia Yinian froze for a moment, then nodded.

"Okay, let's go back to the dormitory first."

Before pushing open the door, Xia Yinian's voice sounded again: "Shu Shu, do you like Senior Fei Mo?"

Ye Shushu blinked and let out a breath.

"Maybe, but, so what? He couldn't possibly like me, and he left without even saying a word when this happened."

"He shouldn't be feeling well, after all, he can't have sex with the person he likes."

Ye Shushu reluctantly curled her lips, but the pain in her heart was heavier than her body.

How can it be possible to say that you don't care?Which girl would not mind this kind of thing?

"Yesterday, the old lady of the Gu family vomited blood and was sent to the hospital. Senior Fei Mo should have been notified after waking up and rushed over immediately."

"He arrived at about four o'clock in the morning, and I was also in the hospital at that time." Xia Yinian pursed his lips and sighed.

"Shu Shu, I'm sorry! If I hadn't brought you there yesterday, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened."

I'm sorry if it's useful, then there won't be so many unpleasant things in this world.

But, besides being sorry, Xia Yinian didn't know what to say.

"What's our relationship? You still say such things to me, and I'm already an adult, this kind of thing will happen sooner or later, won't it?"

"If this calamity is destined to happen in my life, I don't regret that the person I met was Senior Fei Mo." Ye Shushu pursed her lips and said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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