Chapter 1648 Get acquainted like this (first update)
After Jin Yuena finished speaking, Luo Xia couldn't help but spit out all the water.

Fortunately, Jin Yuena got up from her original seat just now, otherwise, Luo Xia might have sprayed on her just now.

Thinking about it now, maybe she had known for a long time that the two of them would talk about this topic, and Luo Xia would have this kind of reaction when talking about this topic, so she got up from her seat.

Luo Xia hastily wiped his mouth with a tissue, and managed to gather his composure.

He naturally knew who the swallow Jin Yuena was talking about was Ling Yan.

It's just that Ling Yan went to... Yue Ji's selection?
"Yao Ji, you mean, Ling Yan also participated in the selection of Yue Ji?" Luo Xia couldn't help but ask.

Jin Yuena giggled, "Giggle, of course, otherwise, are there other possibilities~"

Getting confirmation from Jin Yuena, Luo Xia felt speechless for a while.

He didn't know if there were any standards for the selection of Xingji and Yueji, and if anyone could go, but if Ling Yan went to select Yueji...

Even if you choose Xingji, it is better than choosing Yueji!
After all, Jin Yuena told Luo Xia just now that the candidate for Xingji should be the one with the best appearance and temperament, and the candidate for Yueji should be the one with the best figure and wisdom.

Although Ling Yan's appearance is not as good as Su Chunyu's and the others, she is still a rare beauty, at least at the level of Zhong Xiaodie and Mu Xueyi.

It makes sense for her to choose Xing Ji.

And if she chooses Yue Ji...

Leaving aside the point of wisdom, the point of figure is completely inappropriate!

Just like what Jin Yuena said, it's a bit inaccurate to describe it as having no breasts and no butt, but Ling Yan is indeed breastless...

Seemingly seeing Luo Xia's thoughts, Jin Yuena giggled and said, "Giggle, it seems that the bad brother also understands that it is really inappropriate for Yanzi to select this Yue Ji~"

"Actually, at that time, she just retired and was in a bad mood to play, and she didn't really want to select this Yue Ji~"

Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Xia couldn't help being stunned.

Afterwards, he also realized something, that's right, the selection of Xingji and Yueji was seven years ago.

Ling Yan started playing professionally in S1, and she only played that year. This year, League of Legends is already S8. The year seven years ago was really the year she just retired.

"Fairy, did you guys know each other like this?" Luo Xia asked.

Jin Yuena's lips were slightly raised, and she said lazily: "That's right, speaking of it, the first time we met, it wasn't very pleasant~"

"At that time, my sister used her figure a lot to talk about things. With her temperament, she naturally didn't show any weakness, and responded to my sister a few words."

"I didn't expect that after coming and going, and some other things happened during the period, our relationship became so good. Fate is really amazing~"

Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Xia also nodded.

He knew Jin Yuena's temperament, and she would never let herself suffer. With her goblin character, sometimes she would appear to have a little poisonous tongue.

And Ling Yan's temper is not the one that will make her suffer. In addition, she had just retired at that time, and she must not be in a better mood. She must have responded to Jin Yuena without showing any weakness.

The two of them didn't know each other at all.

As she said that, Jin Yuena's beautiful eyes flickered, and she said with anger and resentment: "Speaking of which, at the beginning, there was too little information about professional players."

"When my sister knew the identity of Yanzi, the former professional player Yanque, we were already close friends. When I saw her for the first time, I didn't recognize her at all~"

Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Xia also knew that she was telling the truth.

Not only Jin Yuena, Lu Shiyan also told him before that when she met Ling Yan before, she didn't recognize him at all.

The main reason is that at the very beginning, e-sports were not taken seriously at all, and e-sports competitions were naturally even less taken seriously. There are really too few materials about professional players in that period.

Even if you want to find a decent photo from the Internet, it is difficult to find.

It is estimated that if Li Hongwei had not continued to play professionally for two years and then transformed into a coach, he would have been forgotten.

But that's good too, at least Jin Yuena and Ling Yan's acquaintance is not mixed with any utilitarianism.

Seven years ago, at that time, Jin Yuena was far from being the president of Jincheng Group. At that time, she was only 16 years old and hadn't gone to Huaxia University yet.

It must not be because of her money that Ling Yan became such a close friend with her.

And Jin Yuena didn't know the identity of Ling Yan's former professional player Yanque at that time, and Ling Yan had just retired at that time, so it can be said that she had nothing.

Jin Yuena is certainly not coveting other things about her.

The relationship between the two, to be precise, is their best friend relationship, it is really pure without any impurities.

Such a relationship is really not easy.

A question in Luo Xia's mind a long time ago was finally completely solved.

Before that, he always felt very puzzled in his heart, wondering why Jin Yuena and Ling Yan had such a good relationship.

Because the difference between the two is too much in terms of personality and other aspects, and they don't look like they will become good girlfriends.

Now he finally understands that the two of them met so early in the selection of Yue Ji.

Moreover, the acquaintance between the two is not mixed with any utilitarianism, and neither of them covets anything from the other. All of this is really rare.

Looking at Luo Xia, Jin Yuena suddenly hooked her lips into a smile, and said, "Speaking of which, if it weren't for Yanzi, I wouldn't gradually become interested in the game League of Legends~"

"Afterwards, I won't be able to meet my bad brother, have so many entanglements with my bad brother, and become the little girl of my bad brother~"

Hearing Jin Yuena's words, Luo Xia couldn't help laughing, and said: "In that case, I really have to thank her."

He knew that what Jin Yuena said must be true, and he had also thought about why Jin Yuena was interested in the League of Legends game before.

After all, as Jin Yuena, she would be interested in a game, which is indeed a bit surprising.

And she knew Ling Yan before she was interested in this game, then everything made sense.

As a professional player, especially the top professional player who was famous in the world in the earliest period, even if Ling Yan retires, it is impossible to give up the game completely.

It can also be seen from her joining the team that her condition has been maintained very well, and she must have had little contact with her in normal times.

Ling Yan and Jin Yuena are close friends, even Luo Xia can be sure that Ling Yan is definitely the only friend Jin Yuena has a sincere friendship with.

Under the influence of her ears and eyes, it is completely impossible for Jin Yuena not to pay attention to the League of Legends at all.


(End of this chapter)

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