Chapter 432
Simply ridiculous!

It was simply that old man Cen got the potion from somewhere and planted it on him.

Rong Gaoge was so angry that he was spinning around in the room.

If Elder Cen was in front of him at this time, he would definitely pounce on him and tear Elder Cen to pieces!

To frame him like this!



It's really hateful!
Even if Rong Gaoge, who was far away in the capital, jumped in anger, the people in the town here would not know about it.

Yun Hao returned to the courtyard, listened to Jian Derun talking about what happened when he was away, and nodded lightly: "It's a good start."

"Yes, thanks to Zixuan." Jian Derun said with emotion.

If Zixuan hadn't been an elementalist, the heads of these associations and warriors would certainly not have shown such kindness to them.

With so many choices, their situation in Xuanhui will not be as difficult as they first thought, it will be much better.

When Zixuan was mentioned, Yunhao had a doting smile in his eyes, nodded heavily, and hummed.

Jian Derun glanced at Yunhao speechlessly: "I praise Zixuan, what are you doing?"

"My daughter-in-law!" Yun Hao said proudly, taking it for granted.

This terrified appearance was completely different from his viciousness in the prison cell, and the little bird who watched the whole process was so shocked that he almost fell off the back of the chair.

"It seems that you have it, and I have it too." Jian Derun snorted disdainfully, stretched out his hand, and rubbed the kitten on his lap.

Then, unsurprisingly, I was scratched again...

Jian Derun lowered his head speechlessly, looking at his wife with "tearful eyes", can you show him some face?
The kitten's reaction was to open its mouth wide, yawn, lazily shake the tip of its furry tail, and lick its own lips with its pink tongue...

Then, the little depression in Jian Derun's heart disappeared in an instant, and he hugged the kitten and rubbed it vigorously.

His daughter-in-law is so cute, if you don't want to save face, then you just don't want it.

The kitten squinted its eyes depressedly, full of disgust.

Fortunately, Jian Derun knew enough was enough, rubbed it twice, stopped before the kitten went mad, raised his head, pointed in the direction of the kitten with his resolute chin, and asked, "Are you scaring Xiaohong again?"

"No." Yun Hao said casually, "It's just to deal with some things."

Xiaohong's slender bird legs swayed, so she didn't fall off.

It really wants to know, why Yun Hao can say so confidently that he didn't scare it?

Have you been frightened, shouldn't it have the final say?
The little bird chirped twice in protest.

The kitten in Jian Derun's arms glanced at the bird and meowed.

Then, I saw the little bird's head drooping, listless, as if it had been hit by a big blow.

This kind of interaction fell into Jian Derun's eyes and made him very curious. He pinched the kitten's soft pad and shook it gently: "Heizi, what is Xiaohong talking about?"

"Xiaohong asked if she was scared, why didn't she ask her opinion." The kitten said lazily.

"Well, indeed." Jian Derun felt that Xiaoniao's question made sense, "Then what did you say?"

Why did he feel that once Heizi finished speaking, Xiaoniao felt unloved?
"It can't talk, and you can't understand it." The kitten's words are concise, but they definitely hit the little bird's pain.

Absolute crit!
(End of this chapter)

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